
Intellipharmaceutics Announces Third Quarter 2023 Results

Intellipharmaceutics Announces Third Quarter 2023 Results

Accesswire ·  2023/10/17 05:23

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / October 16, 2023 / Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. (OTCQB:IPCIF)(TSX:IPCI) ("Intellipharmaceutics" or the "Company"), a pharmaceutical company specializing in the research, development and manufacture of novel and generic controlled-release and targeted-release oral solid dosage drugs, today reported the results of operations for the three and nine months ended August 31, 2023. All dollar amounts referenced herein are in United States dollars unless otherwise noted.

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2023年10月16日/Intellipharmacetics International Inc.(OTCQB: IPCIF)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:IPCI)(“Intellipharmacetics” 或 “公司”)是一家專門研究、開發和製造新型和仿製控釋口服固體劑量藥物的製藥公司,今天公佈了截至2023年8月31日的三個月和九個月的經營業績。除非另有說明,否則此處提及的所有美元金額均以美元爲單位。

  • We reported that the five nominees, each of whom was an incumbent director of the Company, identified in the Management Information Circular dated August 1, 2023 (the "Circular") were elected as directors of the Company at the annual meeting of shareholders of the Company held September 14, 2023. Other resolutions tabled for consideration at the Meeting, as set out in the Circular, were also approved by shareholders of the Company.
  • On June 5, 2023 the Company filed its annual audited financial statements for the year ended November 30, 2022 as well as the interim (Q1 2023) financial statements, MD&A and the required certifications. The Ontario Securities Commission (the "OSC") was satisfied that the Company had filed the continuous disclosure documents required within the time specified in the failure to file cease trade order (CTO), then in effect, and revoked the CTO June 7, 2023.
  • On March 7, 2023 the Company had announced that the "OSC" had issued a general "failure to file" cease trade order (CTO) pursuant to National Policy 11-103 - Failure to File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions dated March 6, 2023 in respect of the securities of the Company as a result of the Company's inability to file its annual audited financial statements and other required filings for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2022 by the filing deadline of February 28, 2023.
  • 我們報告稱,在2023年9月14日舉行的公司年度股東大會上,2023年8月1日的管理信息通告(“通函”)中確定的五名被提名人均爲公司現任董事。本公司股東也批准了《通告》中列出的其他提請會議審議的決議。
  • 2023年6月5日,公司提交了截至2022年11月30日的年度經審計的財務報表以及中期(2023年第一季度)財務報表、MD&A和所需的認證。安大略省證券委員會(“OSC”)確信公司已在當時生效的未提交停止交易令(CTO)規定的時間內提交了所需的持續披露文件,並於2023年6月7日撤銷了CTO。
  • 2023年3月7日,公司宣佈,“OSC” 已根據國家政策11-103發佈了一般的 “未提交” 停止交易令(CTO)——由於公司無法在2月的申報截止日期之前提交截至2022年11月30日的財年的年度經審計的財務報表和其他必要申報,因此未能在2023年3月6日就公司的證券提交停止交易令 2023 年 28 日。

The CTO prohibited the trading, whether direct or indirect, by any person of any securities of the Company in each jurisdiction in Canada in which the Company is a reporting issuer for as long as the CTO remains in effect; however, the CTO provides an exception for beneficial security holders of the Company who are not (and who were not as of March 6, 2023) insiders or control persons of the Company and who sell securities of the Company acquired before March 6, 2023 if both of the following criteria are met: (i) the sale is made through a "foreign organized regulated market", as defined in section 1.1 of the Universal Market Integrity Rules of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada and (ii) the sale is made through an investment dealer registered in a jurisdiction of Canada in accordance with applicable securities legislation. If the default is remedied within 90 days of the date of the CTO (March 6, 2023), including any annual or interim financial statements, MD&A and certifications that subsequently became due, the filing of the documents constitutes the application to revoke the CTO and no application fee would be required.

只要首席技術官仍然有效,首席技術官就禁止任何人在加拿大申報發行人的每個司法管轄區直接或間接交易公司的任何證券;但是,首席技術官爲不是(截至2023年3月6日也不是公司內部人士或控制人)且出售2023年3月6日之前收購的公司證券的公司受益證券持有人提供了例外情況。如果滿足以下兩個標準:(i) 銷售是通過 “外國有組織” 進行的受監管的市場”,定義見加拿大投資行業監管組織的《通用市場誠信規則》第1.1節,以及(ii)銷售是通過根據適用的證券立法在加拿大司法管轄區註冊的投資交易商進行的。如果違約行爲在首席技術官發佈之日(2023年3月6日)後的90天內得到糾正,包括隨後到期的任何年度或中期財務報表、MD&A和證書,則提交文件即構成撤銷首席技術官的申請,無需支付申請費。

  • On February 3, 2023 the Company had announced that its annual audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2022, related management's discussion and analysis and accompanying Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer certificates and annual information form for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2022 due February 28, 2023 will not be filed by the filing deadline.
  • In August 2022 the Company announced that it has entered into a license and supply agreement with Taro Pharmaceuticals Inc. ("Taro"), by which the Company has granted Taro an exclusive license to market, sell and distribute in Canada, Desvenlafaxine Extended-release Tablets in the 50 mg and 100 mg strengths (the "licensed product") approved for sale in the Canadian market by the Pharmaceutical Drugs Directory (PDD) of Health Canada.
  • In February 2022 the Company received marketing approval for the Canadian market from Health Canada (notice of compliance) for generic Pristiq (desvenlafaxine succinate extended-release tablets) in the 50 and 100 mg strengths.
  • 2023年2月3日,公司宣佈,截至2022年11月30日的財年經審計的年度財務報表、相關管理層的討論和分析以及隨附的2022年2月28日到期的截至2022年11月30日的財年的首席執行官和首席財務官證書以及年度信息表將不會在申報截止日期之前提交。
  • 2022年8月,公司宣佈已與太郎製藥公司(“太郎”)簽訂許可和供應協議,根據該協議,該公司已向太郎授予在加拿大銷售、銷售和分銷加拿大衛生部藥品目錄(PDD)批准在加拿大市場銷售的50 mg和100 mg強度的Desvenlafaxine緩釋片劑(“許可產品”)的獨家許可。
  • 2022年2月,該公司獲得加拿大衛生部批准的Pristiq(丁二酸地文拉法辛緩釋片劑)的50和100毫克的仿製藥Pristiq(丁二酸地文拉法辛緩釋片劑)在加拿大市場的上市許可(合規通知)。

Results of Operations


The Company recorded net loss for the three months ended August 31, 2023 of $1,889,227 or $0.06 per common share, compared with a net loss of $296,043 or $0.01 per common share for the three months ended August 31, 2022. For the three months ended August 31, 2023, the net loss is attributed to expenditures related to ongoing selling, general and administrative expenses related to professional and legal fees, as well as ongoing R&D expenses, as well as recording of $873,713 as a provision for potential clawback of royalty revenue from future sales of our generic Focalin XR under the Par agreement; it is connected with licensing revenue of the product during the three-months ended August 31, 2023. In the three months ended August 31, 2022, the net loss was attributed to the gain on sale of equipment, decreased administrative expense related to professional and legal fees and R&D expenses. In the three months ended August 31, 2021, the net loss is attributed to the increase in interest expenses related the accounting for convertible debenture as well as, expenditures related to ongoing selling, general and administrative expenses related to professional and legal fees, as well as ongoing R&D expenses. The Company recorded revenues of $68,718 for the three months ended August 31, 2023 versus $19,068 for the three months ended August 31, 2022. Such revenues consisted primarily of licensing revenues from commercial sales of our generic Focalin XR under the Par agreement, as well as a milestone payment from the Taro agreement during the three months ended August 31, 2023. Cost of revenue were $873,718 for the three months ended August 31, 2023 in comparison to $Nil the three months ended August 31, 2022. The cost of revenue relates to recording of $873,713 as a provision for potential clawback of royalty revenue from future sales of our generic Focalin XR under the Par agreement; it is in connection with licensing revenue of the product during the three-months ended August 31, 2023.

截至2023年8月31日的三個月,公司淨虧損爲1,889,227美元,合每股普通股虧損0.06美元,而截至2022年8月31日的三個月淨虧損爲296,043美元,合每股普通股虧損0.01美元。在截至2023年8月31日的三個月中,淨虧損歸因於與專業和法律費用相關的持續銷售、一般和管理費用以及持續的研發費用相關的支出,以及873,713美元,作爲根據票面協議可能從我們的仿製Focalin XR未來銷售中收回特許權使用費收入的準備金;這與截至8月31日的三個月內該產品的許可收入有關,2023。在截至2022年8月31日的三個月中,淨虧損歸因於設備銷售收益、與專業和法律費用相關的管理費用減少以及研發費用。在截至2021年8月31日的三個月中,淨虧損歸因於與可轉換債券會計相關的利息支出以及與持續銷售相關的支出、與專業和法律費用相關的一般和管理費用以及持續的研發費用的增加。截至2023年8月31日的三個月,該公司的收入爲68,718美元,而截至2022年8月31日的三個月中,該公司的收入爲19,068美元。此類收入主要包括我們的仿製藥Focalin XR的商業銷售的許可收入 根據面值協議,以及在截至2023年8月31日的三個月內從Taro協議中獲得的里程碑付款。截至2023年8月31日的三個月,收入成本爲873,718美元,而截至2022年8月31日的三個月中,收入成本爲零。收入成本涉及記錄873,713美元,作爲可能從未來銷售我們的仿製Focalin XR中收回特許權使用費收入的準備金 根據Par協議;它與截至2023年8月31日的三個月內該產品的許可收入有關。

Expenditures for R&D were $748,216 for the three months ended August 31, 2023 in comparison to $621,591 the three months ended August 31, 2022. The increase in the R&D expenses during the three months ended August 31, 2023 are attributed to the increase in on going R&D expenses.


Selling, general and administrative expenses were $193,528 for the three months ended August 31, 2023 in comparison to $(292,296) for the three months ended August 31, 2022, resulting in an increase of $485,824. The increase is due to an increase in administrative costs, and occupancy cost, offset by a decrease in wages.


As of August 31, 2023, our cash balance was $400,102. We currently expect to meet our short-term cash requirements from potential revenues for approved generic products or other collaborations, other available financing and by cost savings resulting from reduced R&D activities and staffing levels. Termination of the exclusive licensing agreements for the Company's FDA approved Desvenlafaxine ER, Venlafaxine ER and Quetiapine ER products may provide opportunity for the Company to explore options of supplying the products to multiple sources on non-exclusive bases. However, there can be no assurance that the products previously licensed and terminated will be successfully commercialized and produce significant revenues for us. We will need to obtain additional funding to, among other things, further product commercialization activities and development of our product candidates. The Company recently entered into a license and supply agreement with Taro Pharmaceuticals Inc. by which the Company has granted Taro an exclusive license to market, sell and distribute a product in Canada. There can be no assurance that the product will be successfully commercialized and produce significant revenues for us. Potential sources of capital may include, if conditions permit, equity and/or debt financing, payments from licensing and/or development agreements and/or new strategic partnership agreements. The Company has funded its business activities principally through the issuance of securities, loans from related parties (see "Related Party Transactions" for more information related to the terms of such loans and applicable maturities) and funds from development agreements. There is no certainty that such funding will be available going forward or, if it is, whether it will be sufficient to meet our needs. Our future operations are highly dependent upon our ability to source additional funding to support advancing our product candidate pipeline through continued R&D activities and to expand our operations. Our ultimate success will depend on whether our product candidates are approved by the FDA, Health Canada, or the regulatory authorities of other countries in which our products are proposed to be sold and whether we are able to successfully market our approved products. We cannot be certain that we will receive such regulatory approval for any of our current or future product candidates, that we will reach the level of revenues necessary to achieve and sustain profitability, or that we will secure other capital sources on terms or in amounts sufficient to meet our needs, or at all.

截至2023年8月31日,我們的現金餘額爲400,102美元。目前,我們希望通過批准的仿製藥或其他合作的潛在收入、其他可用資金以及減少研發活動和人員配備水平而節省的成本來滿足我們的短期現金需求。終止該公司經美國食品藥品管理局批准的Desvenlafaxine ER、Venlafaxine ER和喹硫平ER產品的獨家許可協議可能爲公司提供機會,探索在非排他性基礎上向多個來源供應產品的選擇。但是,無法保證先前獲得許可和終止的產品會成功商業化併爲我們帶來可觀的收入。除其他外,我們將需要獲得額外的資金,以進一步開展產品商業化活動和開發我們的候選產品。該公司最近與Taro Pharmicals Inc.簽訂了許可和供應協議,根據該協議,該公司向Taro授予了在加拿大營銷、銷售和分銷產品的獨家許可。無法保證該產品會成功商業化併爲我們帶來可觀的收入。如果條件允許,潛在的資本來源可能包括股權和/或債務融資、許可和/或開發協議和/或新的戰略伙伴關係協議的付款。公司主要通過發行證券、關聯方貸款(有關此類貸款條款和適用到期日的更多信息,請參閱 “關聯方交易”)以及開發協議中的資金爲其業務活動提供資金。目前尚不確定此類資金今後是否會到位,也不確定是否足以滿足我們的需求。我們未來的運營高度依賴於我們籌集額外資金的能力,以支持通過持續的研發活動推進我們的候選產品線並擴大我們的業務。我們的最終成功將取決於我們的候選產品是否獲得美國食品藥品管理局、加拿大衛生部或提議銷售我們產品的其他國家的監管機構的批准,以及我們是否能夠成功銷售我們的批准產品。我們無法確定我們當前或未來的任何候選產品是否會獲得監管部門的批准,我們能否達到實現和維持盈利所需的收入水平,也無法確定我們能否以足以滿足我們需求的條款或金額獲得其他資本來源,或者根本無法確定。

There can be no assurance that we will not be required to conduct further studies for our Aximris XR product candidate, that the FDA will approve any of our requested abuse-deterrence label claims, that the FDA will meet its deadline for review, or that the FDA will ultimately approve the NDA for the sale of the product candidate in the U.S. market, or that the product will ever be successfully commercialized and produce significant revenue for us. If the Aximris XR NDA is approved, there can be no assurance that the Company and Purdue will resolve any potential asserted patent infringement claims relating to the NDA within a thirty (30) day period following the final approval as provided in the stipulated dismissal agreement of the Purdue litigations. There can be no assurance that the Purdue parties will not pursue an infringement claim against the Company again. There can be no assurance that any of our products or product candidates can be successfully commercialized and produce significant revenues for the company.

無法保證我們不會被要求對Aximris XR候選產品進行進一步的研究,無法保證美國食品藥品管理局會批准我們申請的任何濫用威懾標籤索賠,FDA將在最後期限之前完成審查,也無法保證FDA最終會批准在美國市場銷售候選產品的保密協議,也無法保證該產品將成功商業化併爲我們帶來可觀的收入。如果Aximris XR NDA獲得批准,則無法保證公司和普渡大學將在普渡大學規定的解僱協議中規定的最終批准後的三十(30)天內解決與保密協議有關的任何潛在的專利侵權索賠。無法保證普渡大學雙方不會再次對該公司提起侵權索賠。無法保證我們的任何產品或候選產品都能成功商業化併爲公司帶來可觀的收入。

About Intellipharmaceutics


Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. is a pharmaceutical company specializing in the research, development and manufacture of novel and generic controlled-release and targeted-release oral solid dosage drugs. The Company's patented Hypermatrix technology is a multidimensional controlled-release drug delivery platform that can be applied to a wide range of existing and new pharmaceuticals. Intellipharmaceutics has developed several drug delivery systems based on this technology platform, with a pipeline of products (some of which have received FDA approval) in various stages of development. The Company has ANDA and NDA 505(b)(2) drug product candidates in its development pipeline. These include the Company's Oxycodone ER based on its proprietary nPODDDS novel Point Of Divergence Drug Delivery System (for which an NDA has been filed with the FDA), and Regabatin XR (pregabalin extended-release capsules).

Intellipharmacetics International Inc. 是一家制藥公司,專門研究、開發和製造新型和仿製控釋口服固體劑量藥物。該公司獲得專利的Hypermatrix技術是一種多維控釋藥物遞送平台,可以應用於各種現有和新藥物。Intellipharmacetics已經開發了幾種基於該技術平台的藥物輸送系統,其產品線(其中一些已獲得美國食品藥品管理局的批准)處於不同的開發階段。該公司正在研發ANDA和NDA 505(b)(2)候選藥物。其中包括該公司基於其專有的npOddds的新型分歧點藥物遞送系統的羥考酮ER(已向美國食品藥品管理局提交了保密協議),以及Regabatin XR(普瑞巴林緩釋膠囊)。

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


Certain statements in this document constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and/or "forward-looking information" under the Securities Act (Ontario). These statements include, without limitation, statements expressed or implied regarding our expectations , plans, goals and milestones, status of developments or expenditures relating to our business, plans to fund our current activities, and statements concerning our partnering activities, health regulatory submissions, strategy, future operations, future financial position, future sales, revenues and profitability, projected costs and market penetration and risks or uncertainties arising from the delisting of our shares from Nasdaq and our ability to comply with OTCQB and TSX requirements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as "appear", "unlikely", "target", "may", "will", "should", "expects", "plans", "plans to", "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "predicts", "confident", "prospects", "potential", "continue", "intends", "look forward", "could", "would", "projected", "goals" ,"set to", "seeking" or the negative of such terms or other comparable terminology. We made a number of assumptions in the preparation of our forward-looking statements. You should not place undue reliance on our forward-looking statements, which are subject to a multitude of known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, future circumstances or events to differ materially from those stated in or implied by the forward-looking statements. Risks, uncertainties and other factors that could affect our actual results include, but are not limited to, , the effects of general economic conditions, securing and maintaining corporate alliances, our estimates regarding our capital requirements, and the effect of capital market conditions and other factors, including the current status of our product development programs, capital availability, the estimated proceeds (and the expected use of any proceeds) we may receive from any offering of our securities, the potential dilutive effects of any future financing, potential liability from and costs of defending pending or future litigation, risks associated with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) including its impact on our business and operations , our programs regarding research, development and commercialization of our product candidates, the timing of such programs, the timing, costs and uncertainties regarding obtaining regulatory approvals to market our product candidates and the difficulty in predicting the timing and results of any product launches, the timing and amount of profit-share payments from our commercial partners, and the timing and amount of any available investment tax credits, the actual or perceived benefits to users of our drug delivery technologies, products and product candidates as compared to others, our ability to establish and maintain valid and enforceable intellectual property rights in our drug delivery technologies, products and product candidates, the scope of protection provided by intellectual property rights for our drug delivery technologies, products and product candidates, recent and future legal developments in the United States and elsewhere that could make it more difficult and costly for us to obtain regulatory approvals for our product candidates and negatively affect the prices we may charge, increased public awareness and government scrutiny of the problems associated with the potential for abuse of opioid based medications, pursuing growth through international operations could strain our resources, our limited manufacturing, sales, marketing and distribution capability and our reliance on third parties for such, the actual size of the potential markets for any of our products and product candidates compared to our market estimates, our selection and licensing of products and product candidates, our ability to attract distributors and/or commercial partners with the ability to fund patent litigation and with acceptable product development, regulatory and commercialization expertise and the benefits to be derived from such collaborative efforts, sources of revenues and anticipated revenues, including contributions from distributors and commercial partners, product sales, license agreements and other collaborative efforts for the development and commercialization of product candidates, our ability to create an effective direct sales and marketing infrastructure for products we elect to market and sell directly, the rate and degree of market acceptance of our products, delays in product approvals that may be caused by changing regulatory requirements, the difficulty in predicting the timing of regulatory approval and launch of competitive products, the difficulty in predicting the impact of competitive products on sales volume, pricing, rebates and other allowances, the number of competitive product entries, and the nature and extent of any aggressive pricing and rebate activities that may follow, the inability to forecast wholesaler demand and/or wholesaler buying patterns, seasonal fluctuations in the number of prescriptions written for our generic Focalin XR capsules which may produce substantial fluctuations in revenue, the timing and amount of insurance reimbursement regarding our products, changes in laws and regulations affecting the conditions required by the FDA for approval, testing and labeling of drugs including abuse or overdose deterrent properties, and changes affecting how opioids are regulated and prescribed by physicians, changes in laws and regulations, including Medicare and Medicaid, affecting among other things, pricing and reimbursement of pharmaceutical products, the effect of recent changes in U.S. federal income tax laws, including but not limited to, limitations on the deductibility of business interest, limitations on the use of net operating losses and application of the base erosion minimum tax, on our U.S. corporate income tax burden, the success and pricing of other competing therapies that may become available, our ability to retain and hire qualified employees, the availability and pricing of third-party sourced products and materials, challenges related to the development, commercialization, technology transfer, scale-up, and/or process validation of manufacturing processes for our products or product candidates, the manufacturing capacity of third-party manufacturers that we may use for our products, potential product liability risks, the recoverability of the cost of any pre-launch inventory, should a planned product launch encounter a denial or delay of approval by regulatory bodies, a delay in commercialization, or other potential issues, the successful compliance with FDA, Health Canada and other governmental regulations applicable to us and our third party manufacturers' facilities, products and/or businesses, our reliance on commercial partners, and any future commercial partners, to market and commercialize our products and, if approved, our product candidates, difficulties, delays or changes in the FDA approval process or test criteria for ANDAs and NDAs, challenges in securing final FDA approval for our product candidates, including our oxycodone hydrochloride extended release tablets product candidate, in particular, if a patent infringement suit is filed against us with respect to any particular product candidates (such as in the case of Oxycodone ER), which could delay the FDA's final approval of such product candidates, healthcare reform measures that could hinder or prevent the commercial success of our products and product candidates, the risk that the FDA may not approve requested product labeling for our product candidate(s) having abuse-deterrent properties and targeting common forms of abuse (oral, intra-nasal and intravenous), risks associated with cyber-security and the potential for vulnerability of our digital information or the digital information of a current and/or future drug development or commercialization partner of ours, and risks arising from the ability and willingness of our third-party commercialization partners to provide documentation that may be required to support information on revenues earned by us from those commercialization partners. Additional risks and uncertainties relating to us and our business can be found in the "Risk Factors" section of our latest annual information form, our latest Form 20-F, and our latest Form F-1 and F-3 registration statements (including any documents forming a part thereof or incorporated by reference therein), as amended, as well as in our reports, public disclosure documents and other filings with the securities commissions and other regulatory bodies in Canada and the U.S., which are available on and The forward-looking statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are based on what we believe are reasonable assumptions as of the date of this document and we disclaim any intention and have no obligation or responsibility, except as required by law, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

本文件中的某些陳述構成1995年《美國私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的 “前瞻性陳述” 和/或《證券法》(安大略省)下的 “前瞻性信息”。這些陳述包括但不限於有關我們的預期、計劃、目標和里程碑、與我們的業務相關的發展或支出狀況、爲我們當前活動提供資金的計劃的明示或暗示的陳述,以及與我們的合作活動、健康監管文件、戰略、未來運營、未來財務狀況、未來銷售、收入和盈利能力、預計成本和市場滲透率以及我們的股票從納斯達克退市以及我們的合規能力所產生的風險或不確定性的聲明OTCQB 和 TSX 要求。在某些情況下,您可以通過諸如 “出現”、“不太可能”、“目標”、“可能”、“應該”、“預期”、“計劃”、“預期”、“預期”、“相信”、“估計”、“預測”、“信心”、“前景”、“潛力”、“繼續”、“打算”、“展望”、“可能” 等術語來識別前瞻性陳述”、“將”、“預期”、“目標”、“設定”、“尋求” 或否定這些術語或其他類似術語。我們在準備前瞻性陳述時做出了許多假設。您不應過分依賴我們的前瞻性陳述,這些陳述存在許多已知和未知的風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性可能導致實際業績、未來情況或事件與前瞻性陳述中陳述或暗示的內容存在重大差異。可能影響我們實際業績的風險、不確定性和其他因素包括但不限於總體經濟狀況的影響、確保和維持公司聯盟、我們對資本需求的估計,以及資本市場狀況和其他因素的影響,包括我們產品開發計劃的現狀、資本可用性、我們可能從任何證券發行中獲得的估計收益(以及任何收益的預期用途)、任何未來的潛在攤薄效應融資、未決或未來訴訟的潛在責任和辯護費用、與新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)相關的風險,包括其對我們業務和運營的影響我們的計劃涉及候選產品的研究、開發和商業化,此類計劃的時機,獲得監管部門批准以推銷我們的候選產品的時間、成本和不確定性,預測任何產品發佈的時間和結果的困難,商業合作伙伴支付利潤分成的時間和金額,任何可用投資稅收抵免的時間和金額,我們的藥物輸送技術、產品和候選產品的用戶獲得的實際或預期利益與其他人相比,我們有能力在藥物遞送技術、產品和候選產品中建立和維護有效和可強制執行的知識產權,知識產權爲我們的藥物遞送技術、產品和候選產品提供的保護範圍,美國和其他地方最近和未來的法律發展,這些發展可能使我們的候選產品更難獲得監管部門的批准並對我們可能收取的價格產生負面影響,提高公衆意識以及政府對阿片類藥物濫用可能性的問題的審查,通過國際業務追求增長可能會給我們的資源、有限的製造、銷售、營銷和分銷能力以及我們對第三方的依賴、與市場估計相比任何產品和候選產品的潛在市場的實際規模、我們對產品和候選產品的選擇和許可、我們吸引有能力的分銷商和/或商業合作伙伴的能力造成壓力爲專利訴訟提供資金,提供可接受的產品開發、監管和商業化專業知識以及此類合作將帶來的收益、收入來源和預期收入,包括分銷商和商業合作伙伴的捐款、產品銷售、許可協議和其他爲開發和商業化產品而開展的合作努力,我們爲選擇營銷和直接銷售的產品創建有效的直銷和營銷基礎設施的能力,比率和程度市場對我們產品的接受度,可能由監管要求變化導致的產品批准延遲,難以預測監管部門批准和推出競爭產品的時間,難以預測競爭產品對銷售量、定價、回扣和其他補貼的影響,競爭性產品進入的數量,以及隨之而來的任何激進定價和回扣活動的性質和程度,無法預測批發商需求和/或批發商購買模式,季節性爲我們的仿製Focalin XR膠囊開出的處方數量的波動,這可能會導致收入大幅波動,產品保險報銷的時間和金額波動,影響美國食品和藥物管理局審批、測試和標籤所需條件(包括濫用或藥物過量威懾特性)的法律和法規的變化,影響阿片類藥物監管和處方方式的變化,包括醫療保險和醫療補助,除其他外,定價以及藥品的報銷,美國聯邦所得稅法最近變化的影響,包括但不限於對商業利益可扣除性的限制、對使用淨營業虧損和稅基侵蝕最低稅的限制、對我們美國企業所得稅負擔的影響、可能上市的其他競爭療法的成功和定價、我們留住和僱用合格員工的能力、第三方採購產品和材料的可用性和定價、相關的挑戰那個對我們的產品或候選產品的製造工藝進行開發、商業化、技術轉讓、擴大規模和/或過程驗證、我們可能用於產品的第三方製造商的製造能力、潛在的產品責任風險、任何上市前庫存的成本的可回收性,如果計劃中的產品發佈遇到監管機構拒絕或延遲批准、商業化延遲或其他潛在問題,成功遵守美國食品和藥物管理局、加拿大衛生部和其他政府機構的規定適用於我們和第三方製造商的設施、產品和/或業務的法規,我們依賴商業合作伙伴和任何未來商業合作伙伴來營銷和商業化我們的產品,如果獲得批准,我們的候選產品,FDA批准程序或Anda和NDA測試標準的困難、延遲或變化,在確保我們的候選產品(包括我們的鹽酸羥考酮緩釋片候選產品)獲得最終FDA批准方面面臨的挑戰,特別是在專利侵權的情況下已對之提起訴訟我們針對任何特定的候選產品(例如羥考酮 ER),這可能會延遲美國食品藥品管理局對此類候選產品的最終批准;可能阻礙或阻止我們的產品和候選產品商業成功的醫療改革措施;美國食品藥品管理局可能不批准具有抑制濫用特性且針對常見濫用形式(口服、鼻內和靜脈注射)的候選產品所申請的產品標籤的風險與網絡安全和我們的數字潛在漏洞有關我們當前和/或未來的藥物研發或商業化合作夥伴的信息或數字信息,以及由於我們的第三方商業化合作夥伴能夠和願意提供可能需要的文件來支持我們從這些商業化合作夥伴那裏獲得的收入信息而產生的風險。有關我們和我們的業務的其他風險和不確定性可以在我們最新的年度信息表的 “風險因素” 部分、最新的20-F表格、經修訂的最新F-1和F-3表格註冊聲明(包括構成其中一部分或以引用方式納入其中的任何文件)以及我們向加拿大和美國證券委員會和其他監管機構提交的報告、公開披露文件和其他文件中找到,這些文件可在以下網址查閱還有。前瞻性陳述反映了我們當前對未來事件的看法,並且基於我們認爲截至本文件發佈之日的合理假設,除非法律要求,否則我們不打算更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

Trademarks used herein are the property of their respective holders.


Unless the context otherwise requires, all references (i) to "we," "us," "our," "Intellipharmaceutics," and the "Company" refer to Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. and its subsidiaries and (ii) in this document to share amounts, per share data, share prices, exercise prices and conversion rates have been adjusted to reflect the effect of the 1-for-10 reverse split which became effective on each of Nasdaq and TSX at the open of market on September 14, 2018. The common shares of the Company are currently traded on the OTCQB and the TSX.

除非上下文另有要求,否則所有提及(i)“我們”、“我們的”、“Intellipharmacetics” 和 “公司” 的內容均指Intellipharmacetics International Inc.及其子公司;(ii)本文件中提及的股票金額、每股數據、股票價格、行使價和轉換率均已調整,以反映納斯達克和多倫多證券交易所開盤時生效的1比10反向拆分的影響已於 2018 年 9 月 14 日上市。 該公司的普通股目前在OTCQB和TSX上市。

Nothing contained in this document should be construed to imply that the results discussed herein will necessarily continue into the future or that any conclusion reached herein will necessarily be indicative of our actual operating results.


The consolidated financial statements, accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements, and Management Discussion and Analysis for the three and nine months ended August 31, 2023 will be accessible on Intellipharmaceutics' website at and will be available on SEDAR.


Summary financial tables are provided below.


Intellipharmaceutics International Inc.
Condensed unaudited interim consolidated balance sheets
As at
(Stated in U.S. dollars)
August 31, November 30,
2023 2022
$ $
400,102 83,722
Trade and other receivables, net
- 602
Investment tax credits
268,179 268,179
Prepaid expenses and other assets
193,616 140,008
861,897 492,511
Property and equipment, net
666,132 788,050
Right-of-use asset
37,801 151,471
1,565,830 1,432,032
Accounts payable
3,859,164 3,764,692
Accrued liabilities
3,517,922 2,821,506
Employee costs payable
3,729,776 3,067,578
Operating lease liability
43,058 165,441
Income tax payable
29,036 29,036
Promissory notes payable
375,252 360,514
Convertible debentures
1,800,000 1,800,000
Deferred revenue
213,730 -
Other Liabilities
873,713 -
14,441,651 12,008,767
Shareholders' deficiency
Capital stock
Unlimited common shares without par value
Unlimited preference shares
Issued and outstanding
33,092,665 common shares
49,175,630 49,175,630
(November 30, 2020 - 23,678,105)
Additional paid-in capital
45,097,313 45,097,313
Accumulated other comprehensive income
284,421 284,421
Accumulated deficit
(107,433,185) (105,134,099)
(12,875,821) (10,576,735)
1,565,830 1,432,032
8月31日 11月30日
2023 2022
$ $
400,102 83,722
- 602
268,179 268,179
193,616 140,008
861,897 492,511
666,132 788,050
37,801 151,471
1,565,830 1,432,032
3,859,164 3,764,692
3,517,922 2,821,506
3,729,776 3,067,578
43,058 165,441
29,036 29,036
375,252 360,514
1,800,000 1,800,000
213,730 -
873,713 -
14,441,651 12,008,767
33,092,665 股普通股
49,175,630 49,175,630
(2020 年 11 月 30 日——23,678,105)
45,097,313 45,097,313
284,421 284,421
(107,433,185) (105,134,099)
(12,875,821) (10,576,735)
1,565,830 1,432,032
Intellipharmaceutics International Inc.
Condensed unaudited interim consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss)
For the three and nine months ended August 31, 2023 and 2022
(Stated in U.S. dollars)
Three months ended Nine months ended
August 31, 2023 August 31, 2022 August 31, 2023 August 31, 2022
$ $ $ $
49,745 - 856,291 16,978
Up-front fees
18,973 19,068 18,973 19,068
Cost of revenue
(873,718 ) - (873,718 ) (397,831 )
(805,000 ) 19,068 1,546 (361,785 )
Research and development
748,216 626,069 1,573,889 1,662,646
Selling, general and administrative
193,528 (292,296 ) 425,867 212,063
40,628 51,478 121,917 154,435
982,372 385,251 2,121,673 2,029,144
Loss from operations
(1,787,372 ) (366,183 ) (2,120,127 ) (2,390,929 )
Net foreign exchange gain (loss)
(34,965 ) 123,171 (9,421 ) 100,320
Interest income
- - - -
Interest expense
(66,890 ) (53,031 ) (169,538 ) (227,060 )
Financing cost
- - - -
Other income
- - - -
Loss on disposal of asset
- - - 500,000
Net (loss) income and comprehensive (loss) income
(1,889,227 ) (296,043 ) (2,299,086 ) (2,017,669 )
Net (loss) income per common share, basic and diluted
(0.06 ) (0.01 ) (0.07 ) (0.07 )
Weighted average number of common
shares outstanding basic and diluted
33,092,665 33,092,665 33,092,665 28,213,586
三個月已結束 九個月已結束
2023年8月31日 2022年8月31日 2023年8月31日 2022年8月31日
$ $ $ $
49,745 - 856,291 16,978
18,973 19,068 18,973 19,068
(873,718) ) - (873,718) ) (397,831) )
(805,000 ) 19,068 1,546 (361,785) )
748,216 626,069 1,573,889 1,662,646
193,528 (292,296) ) 425,867 212,063
40,628 51,478 121,917 154,435
982,372 385,251 2,121,673 2,029,144
(1,787,372 ) (366,183 ) (2,120,127) ) (2,390,929) )
(34,965) ) 123,171 (9,421 ) 100,320
- - - -
(66,890) ) (53,031) ) (169,538) ) (227,060) )
- - - -
- - - -
- - - 50 萬
(1,889,227 ) (296,043) ) (2,299,086 ) (2,017,669 )
(0.06 ) (0.01 ) (0.07 ) (0.07 )
33,092,665 33,092,665 33,092,665 28,213,586
Intellipharmaceutics International Inc.
Condensed unaudited interim consolidated statements of cash flows
For the three and nine months ended August 31, 2023 and 2022
(Stated in U.S. dollars)
Three months ended Nine months ended
August 31, 2023 August 31, 2022 August 31, 2023 August 31, 2022
$ $ $ $
Net income (loss)
(1,889,227 ) (291,565 ) (2,299,086 ) (2,013,191 )
Items not affecting cash
40,628 51,478 121,917 154,435
Accreted interest on convertible debenture
- - - 69,351
Gain on disposal of asset
- - - (500,000 )
Non-cash lease expense
4,005 (167 ) 8,713 875
Unrealized foreign exchange (gain) loss
7,790 (5,690 ) (2,687 ) (3,878 )
Change in non-cash operating assets & liabilities
Trade and other receivables
333,582 - 602 -
Prepaid expenses, sundry and other assets
(1,205 ) 60,316 (53,608 ) (144,805 )
Accounts payable, accrued liabilities and employee costs payable
1,531,525 (107,518 ) 2,326,799 1,244,917
Deferred Revenue
213,730 - 213,730 -
Cash flows provided from (used in) operating activities
240,828 (293,146 ) 316,380 (1,192,296 )
Investing activity
Purchase of property and equipment
- - - -
Sale of property and equipment
- - - 500,000
Cash flows provided from investing activities
- - - 500,000
Increase (decrease) in cash
240,828 (293,146 ) 316,380 (692,296 )
Cash, beginning of period
159,274 372,795 83,722 771,945
Cash, end of period
400,102 79,649 400,102 79,649
Supplemental cash flow information
Interest paid
- - - -
Taxes paid
- - - -
三個月已結束 九個月已結束
2023年8月31日 2022年8月31日 2023年8月31日 2022年8月31日
$ $ $ $
(1,889,227 ) (291,565) ) (2,299,086 ) (2,013,191 )
40,628 51,478 121,917 154,435
- - - 69,351
- - - (500,000 )
4,005 (167) ) 8,713 875
7,790 (5,690) ) (2,687) ) (3,878) )
333,582 - 602 -
(1,205) ) 60,316 (53,608) ) (144,805) )
1,531,525 (107,518) ) 2,326,799 1,244,917
213,730 - 213,730 -
240,828 (293,146) ) 316,380 (1,192,296) )
- - - -
- - - 50 萬
- - - 50 萬
240,828 (293,146) ) 316,380 (692,296) )
159,274 372,795 83,722 771,945
400,102 79,649 400,102 79,649
- - - -
- - - -



Company Contact:
Intellipharmaceutics International Inc.
Isa Odidi
Chief Executive Officer
416.798.3001 ext. 102

416.798.3001 分機 102

SOURCE: Intellipharmaceutics International Inc.


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