
Gelum's Drill Programme Targeting High-Grade Gold Near Completion on Eldorado Gold Project

Gelum's Drill Programme Targeting High-Grade Gold Near Completion on Eldorado Gold Project

Gelum 針對高品位黃金的鑽探計劃即將完工 Eldorado 黃金項目已接近尾聲
newsfile ·  2023/10/16 20:00

Highly Encouraging Initial Visual Results, Including Visible Gold


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 16, 2023) - Gelum Resources Ltd. (CSE: GMR) (OTCQB: GMRCF) (the "Company" or "Gelum"), through its recently announced option agreement with Wealth Minerals Ltd. (CSE: WML) ("Wealth", or the "Optionee") is completing an approximately 1300-metre drill programme on the Eldorado Gold Property. Wealth mobilized both skid-mounted and helicopter-portable drill rigs to the Eldorado Gold property in late September to resume exploring high-grade gold mineralization. The property was last drilled in September 2022 (see news release dated November 1, 2022). In addition, Dias Geophysical of Saskatchewan is completing a 3D pole-dipole DCIP survey over approximately 1.5 square kilometres of the main mineralized trend.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年10月16日)-Gelum Resources Ltd.(CSE:GMR)(OTCQB:GMRCF)(“公司“或”口香糖“),通過最近宣佈的與Wealth Minerals Ltd.(CSE:WML)(“Wealth”,或“optionee”)正在完成Eldorado Gold Property約1300米的鑽探計劃。財富於9月下旬調集滑板式和直升機攜帶式鑽機前往Eldorado金礦,恢復勘探高品位金礦化。該油田最後一次鑽探是在2022年9月(見2022年11月1日的新聞稿)。此外,薩斯喀徹溫省的Dias地球物理公司正在完成一項關於主要礦化趨勢約1.5平方公里的3D極-偶極DCIP調查。

The Eldorado Gold Property is located 22 kilometres north of the Bralorne mine, and 17 kilometres north of the community of Gold Bridge in the south Cariboo (Map 1). The 9028-hectare property covers multiple Minfile listings and two past-producing (1930s & 40s), small-scale gold mines that form the northern extent of the Bridge River-Bralorne/Pioneer orogenic gold system. Gold occurs in polymetallic sulphide veins and vein-stockworks within broad quartz-carbonate alteration in the Eldorado granodiorite stock and surrounding rocks. These units are complexly juxtaposed by numerous faults associated with regional-scale structures linked to gold mineralization. For detailed maps and project photos, please view and download our presentation on our website.

Eldorado金礦位於Bralorne礦以北22公里處,Cariboo南部Gold Bridge社區以北17公里處(地圖1)。這處9028公頃的金礦包括多個明菲爾金礦和兩個過去生產(20世紀30年代和40年代)的小規模金礦,形成了布裡奇河-布拉洛恩/先鋒造山金礦系統的北部。金賦存於Eldorado花崗閃長巖存量及圍巖中廣泛的石英-碳酸鹽蝕變中的多金屬硫化物礦脈和脈網中。這些單元錯綜複雜地並列著許多斷層,這些斷層與與金礦成礦有關的區域尺度構造有關。有關詳細地圖和項目照片,請在我們的網站上查看和下載我們的演示文稿。

Encouraging Visual Results


To date, five holes have been completed and the sixth is underway (Map 1). The first two holes, ELD23-01 (182m) and ELD23-02 (263m), were drilled in opposite directions from the same drill pad and targeted additional northeast-dipping, sulphide-bearing, siliceous ankerite vein/breccia panels structurally below the approximately 40-metre thick panel intersected last year in hole ELD22-03 (see news release dated March 6, 2023). The extension of this horizon is interpreted to crop out at the south end as gossanous ankerite alteration with anomalous gold on the ridge col east of Nea Peak, over 800 metres south of ELD22-03, for a total potential strike length of 1300 metres. Both holes collared in the main panel of ankerite-silica-sulphide and intersected several additional mineralized vein breccias across their lengths.

到目前為止,已經完成了五個洞,第六個洞正在進行中(圖1)。前兩個孔ELD23-01(182米)和ELD23-02(263米)是從同一鑽頭朝相反方向鑽進的,目標是在結構上低於去年在ELD22-03孔相交的約40米厚的面板(見日期為2023年3月6日的新聞稿)的另外幾個東北傾斜的含硫化物硅質鐵角石脈/角礫巖板。這一地平線的延伸被解釋為在南端露頭,在Nea Peak以東的山脊上,在ELD22-03以南800多米處,露出具有異常金色的鐵白雲母蝕變,潛在總走向長度為1300米。這兩個洞都套在鐵角閃石-二氧化矽-硫化物主板上,並在其長度上與另外幾個礦化角礫巖相交。

The third drill hole, ELD23-03, targeted the north end of a highly gossanous, gold-mineralized feldspar-porphyry dike on the Robson claim, which lies at the centre of historical ground sluicing and the gold-in-talus anomaly and may be a source of the mineralization in the northeast-dipping panels. At approximately six (6) metres depth, the hole intersected a 4-centimetre vein of massive arsenopyrite-stibnite-galena with visible gold grains (both on outer core and on cut surface; see Photo 1).


Photo 1: ELD23-03 at 6.1m: arsenopyrite-quartz vein with visible gold.


The vein is hosted within a broad zone of iron carbonate alteration with numerous semi-continuous sulphide-rich breccia and vein breccia structures, with the strongest mineralization from approximately 86 - 205 metres down hole (Photo 2). The hole was ended at 258 metres.


The fourth drill hole, ELD23-04 (188m), targeted the western extension of the east-west trending, shallowly north-dipping Robson vein (with minor historical gold production) and the subparallel, and higher grade, Robson shear. The Robson vein and shear zone were last drilled in 1986 with five short holes. Hole CR86-3 intersected 0.8 metres of 37.4 g/t gold and 388 g/t silver at 7.6 metres down-hole. Channel sampling of the trench in 2006 by one of the property owners returned 1.0 metre of 48.7 g/t gold and >200 g/t silver. A weak VTEM anomaly 400 metres west of the historical workings was Maxwell modeled and the conductor plate closely matched the Robson vein orientation.


ELD23-04 was collared to intersect the centre of the modeled VTEM conductor, 400 metres west and along strike of the vein in the Robson trench. The hole intersected a polymetallic sulphide-quartz vein mineralogically identical to the Robson shear zone, with 9 cm true width at 82.7 metres down hole (Photo 3). The current drill hole, ELD23-06, is collared northwest and below this hole to intersect the vein approximately 150m down-dip.


Readers are cautioned that historical drilling and surface sampling results reported here should be viewed primarily as a guidance for future exploration drilling. Surface sampling is prone to sampling bias and is not necessarily a reliable indicator of mineralization at depth. The qualified person for this release has not done sufficient work to independently verify the historical sampling results described above.


Hand-held XRF analyses of this vein, using a SciAps X-505 Mining Analyzer, indicates highly elevated silver, antimony, lead and zinc, in levels matching the Robson shear vein. This vein is therefore expected to also have a significant gold grade.

使用SciAps X-505礦業分析儀對該礦脈進行的手持式XRF分析表明,銀、銻、鉛和鋅的含量與Robson剪切礦脈的水準相當。因此,該礦脈預計也將擁有重要的黃金品位。

The fifth hole, ELD23-05 (239m), targeted a series of moderately southeast to northeast-dipping arsenopyrite-silver veins in silicified siltstone/sandstone exposed in a newly discovered outcrop below the main logging road, along Hughes Creek. The new showing is below the Robson showing and on strike with the regional north-northwest mineralized trend (see Map 2). At least three arsenopyrite veins from 1 to 10 cm thick are exposed for several metres along strike. Hand-held XRF analysis indicates they have silver content in the 100 to 700 ppm range, which is similar to gold-bearing veins elsewhere on the property. The geochemical database indicates that gold correlates most closely with silver than all the other most common metals/metalloids (i.e., arsenic, antimony, lead, zinc, copper).


All mineralized intervals in the drill core are currently being cut and sampled with samples to be shipped for assay to MSA Labs in Langley, B.C..


Readers should note that geochemical results from a hand-held XRF analyzer are given herein only for exploration guidance and to determine mineralogy and relative metal content; the analysis significance is limited by the narrow (1cm) sampling window, inhomogeneity of mineralization, and limited depth penetration. All XRF results are subject to confirmation by chemical analysis from an independent laboratory when the samples are submitted.


References to other nearby mines and deposits made in this news release provide context for the Eldorado Project, which occurs in a similar geologic setting, but this is not necessarily indicative that the property hosts similar grades and tonnages of mineralization.


3D IP Survey Near Completion

3D IP調查即將完成

Dias Geophysical Ltd. of Saskatchewan is about three-quarters through completing a 3D pole-dipole DCIP survey over approximately 1.5 square kilometres. The 3D IP survey underway will provide continuous 3D coverage across this area, both below and adjacent to the drilling, to support a robust 3D inversion model with a near-surface resolution of approximately 12.5 by 25 metres and a depth search of approximately 400 metres. Preliminary data covering about half the area shows that low resistivity and high chargeability are present at depth in the western portion of the survey area and become shallower towards the west, approaching the main ridge. Under the main ridge, close to the center of the survey area, both low resistivity and high chargeability are closest to the surface.


Qualified Person


John Drobe, P.Geo., a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101, has reviewed the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for this news release and has approved the disclosure herein. Mr. Drobe is not independent of the Company as he is a consultant of the Company.

John Drobe,P.Geo是NI 43-101定義的合格人員,他已經審查了構成本新聞稿基礎的科學和技術資訊,並批准了本新聞稿的披露。Drobe先生並非獨立於本公司,因為他是本公司的顧問。

About Gelum Resources Ltd.

關於Gelum Resources Ltd.

Gelum Resources is a Company led by seasoned management and advisors in the mining and financial sectors. The Company's objective is to define a multi-million-ounce economic gold deposit on the 9028-hectare Eldorado Gold Project, located within the Bralorne-Bridge River gold district, only 190 kilometres north of Vancouver and 74 km northwest of the town of Lillooet, B.C. The Bralorne mines historically exploited the largest, highest-grade, longest-producing lode-gold deposit in B.C. Management is proud to have developed an excellent working relationship with the Bridge River Indian Band (Xwísten) the project is within the traditional territory within the St'at'imc territory (Traditional Territory) in which Xwísten and its members assert, hold and exercise constitutionally protected Aboriginal Title and Rights ("Indigenous Title and Rights").

Gelum Resources是一家由採礦和金融領域經驗豐富的管理層和顧問領導的公司。該公司的目標是在9,028公頃的Eldorado金礦專案上確定一個數百萬盎司的經濟金礦,該專案位於不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華以北僅190公里,Lilloet鎮西北74公里處的Bralorne-Bridge河金礦區內。Bralorne礦歷史上曾開採過不列顛哥倫比亞省最大、品位最高、生產時間最長的礦脈金礦。管理層很自豪地與布裡奇河印度帶(Xwí斯滕)發展了良好的工作關係。該專案位於Xwí及其成員聲稱的St‘at’IMC領土(傳統領土)內的傳統領土內,持有和行使受憲法保護的土著產權和權利(“土著產權和權利”)。

For further information about the Company and its exploration portfolio, please refer to Gelum Resources latest Corporate Presentation.

有關該公司及其勘探組合的更多資訊,請參閱Gelum Resources最新的公司演示文稿。

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On Behalf of the Board of Directors


Hendrik van Alphen, Director


For further information about Gelum, please contact:


Hendrik van Alphen ( or Marla Ritchie (
Phone: 604 484-1228


Neither the CSE nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE- Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-Looking Information:


This presentation contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "forward- looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and US securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein including, without limitation, statements regarding any potential increase in shareholder value through the acquisition of undervalued precious metal deposits for development, joint venture or later disposition, the potential to partner with mine developers to achieve production at any of the Company's properties (existing or future); the potential for the capital costs associated with any of the Company's existing or future properties to be low; the potential for the Company to outline resources at any of its existing or future properties, or to be able to increase any such resources in the future; concerning the economic outlook for the mining industry and the Company's expectations regarding metal prices and production and the appropriate time to acquire precious metal projects, the liquidity and capital resources and planned expenditures by the Company, the anticipated content, commencement, timing and cost of exploration programs, anticipated exploration program results and the anticipated business plans and timing of future activities of the Company, are forward looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions which may prove incorrect, including, but not limited to, assumptions about the level and volatility of the price of gold; the timing of the receipt of regulatory and governmental approvals; permits and authorizations necessary to implement and carry on the Company's planned exploration programs at its properties; future economic and market conditions; the Company's ability to attract and retain key staff; and the ongoing relations of the Company with its underlying lessors, local communities and applicable regulatory agencies.


Accordingly, the Company cautions that any forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ, and such differences may be material, from those set out in the forward-looking statements as a result of, among other factors, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located, the Company's inability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its activities, material adverse changes in economic and market conditions, changes in the regulatory environment and other government actions, fluctuations in commodity prices and exchange rates, the inability of the Company to raise the necessary capital for its ongoing operations, and business and operational risks normal in the mineral exploration, development and mining industries, as well as the risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company's most recent management discussion and analysis filed with various provincial securities commissions in Canada, available at . The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this presentation or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events except as required by law. All subsequent written or oral forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or any person acting on its behalf are qualified by the cautionary statements herein.


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