
Donald Trump The Focus Of One Cable Channel, Joe Biden The Focus Of Another, New Study Reveals

Donald Trump The Focus Of One Cable Channel, Joe Biden The Focus Of Another, New Study Reveals

Benzinga ·  2023/10/13 06:40

Coverage of political candidates and their families will likely be a hot topic by media networks and cable news stations ahead of the 2024 presidential election.


A new study showed coverage of candidates often varies depending on the network.


What Happened: Barring any changes in candidates announcing a run for the 2024 presidential election or anyone gaining steam in the polls, a rematch of the 2020 election between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump is likely to happen next November.

發生了什麼: 除非宣佈競選2024年總統大選的候選人發生任何變化,或者任何人在民意調查中獲得動力,否則2020年大選的複賽將介於兩者之間 喬·拜登總統 前總統唐納德·特朗普 很可能在明年十一月發生。

Those two candidates are heavily covered by the media, but a recent study shows that different networks spend more time on different people.


The president's son, Hunter Biden, who was indicted on weapons charges, saw more coverage by Fox Corporation (NASDAQ:FOX)(NASDAQ:FOXA) according to data from the Stanford Cable TV News Analyzer, shared by Axios.

總統的兒子, 亨特·拜登, 因武器指控被起訴的人看到了更多報道 福克斯公司 根據Axios分享的斯坦福有線電視新聞分析器的數據,納斯達克股票代碼:FOXA)(納斯達克股票代碼:FOXA)。

Hunter Biden saw an average of 38 minutes of coverage in the month of September for Fox, compared to 24 minutes of coverage by Warner Bros. Discovery (NASDAQ:WBD)-owned CNN and 21 minutes by Comcast Corporation (NASDAQ:CMCSA)-owned MSNBC.

亨特·拜登在9月份看到福克斯的平均報道時間爲38分鐘,而福克斯的報道時間爲24分鐘 華納兄弟探索號 納斯達克股票代碼:WBD)旗下的美國有線電視新聞網和 21 minutes by 康卡斯特公司 納斯達克股票代碼:CMCSA)旗下的MSNBC。

President Biden also received heavier coverage by Fox with an average of 77 minutes in the month of September, compared to 42 minutes by MSNBC and 31 minutes by CNN.


For comparison, Donald Trump was covered an average of 148 minutes in the month of September by MSNBC, 79 minutes by CNN and 35 minutes by Fox.


Related Link: Political Ad Spending In 2024 Election To Smash Records

相關鏈接:2024 年大選中的政治廣告支出將打破紀錄

Why It's Important: Those who follow cable news likely won't be surprised given the conservative hosts on Fox.

爲什麼它很重要: 考慮到福克斯的保守派主持人,那些關注有線電視新聞的人可能不會感到驚訝。

With multiple indictments and federal charges, Trump was heavily covered by mainstream media but saw less coverage by Fox.


The report also comes as Fox faced several defamation lawsuits over the way it handled the 2020 presidential election and claims made by hosts and guests on air.


Trump sat out the first two Republican primary debates, which may explain a drop in the viewership. The second primary debate that aired on Fox Business had 9.3 million viewers, a drop of 27% from the first debate.


The two Republican primary debates rank among the lowest-watched primary debates since Trump entered the 2016 election race.


Cable news stations are likely to cover the presidential candidates heavily as the election nears and different viewers may want different candidates covered either positively or negatively.


A report from AdImpact predicts the 2024 election cycle will hit a new record of $10.2 billion in advertising, which would be an increase of 13% from the 2020 election.


Media companies will be looking to grab extra viewers tuning into political content and grabbing higher advertising rates given the strong demand.


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Photos: Shutterstock


