
Hullmark and BGO Reveal Master Plan for Beltline Yards, A New Landmark in Toronto

Hullmark and BGO Reveal Master Plan for Beltline Yards, A New Landmark in Toronto

Hullmark 和 BGO 公佈了多倫多新地標 Beltline Yards 的總體規劃
PR Newswire ·  2023/10/12 23:07

Design-led, one-of-a-kind neighbourhood will create a new, city-defining destination connecting the Beltline to the city while supporting vibrant community life


TORONTO, Oct. 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ - World-class Toronto real estate investment and development firm Hullmark in partnership with their long-standing partner, BGO, a leading global real estate investment manager, is unveiling its master plan for Beltline Yards - a unique mixed-use, community-driven neighbourhood set to become a landmark destination in Toronto. This new project will showcase transit-oriented urban planning, a variety of housing tenures including purpose-built rental housing, employment space for innovative retail and light industry, high-quality public space and parkland connecting to the city's most expansive linear park system, and varied and unique architectural design inspired by Toronto's historical vernacular. Built around the core idea of creating a place for making of all kinds, Beltline Yards will be a design-led neighbourhood that will reframe the mental map of Toronto and the greater region. This new addition to the neighbourhood will define a new standard for master-planned, mixed-use communities in Toronto and is planned to be fully approved with phase 1 shovel-ready in 2026.

多倫多2023年10月12日/美通社/--世界級多倫多房地產投資和開發公司Hullmark與他們的長期合作夥伴、領先的全球房地產投資管理公司BGO共同公佈了其對Beltline Yards的總體規劃-一個獨特的綜合用途、社區驅動的社區,將成為北京的一個地標性目的地多倫多。這個新專案將展示以交通為導向的城市規劃,各種住房使用權,包括專門建造的租賃住房,創新零售和輕工業的就業空間,連接城市最廣闊的線性公園系統的優質公共空間和公園用地,以及多種多樣和獨特的建築設計多倫多的歷史白話。圍繞著創造一個各種製作場所的核心理念,Beltline Yards將成為一個以設計為主導的社區,將重新構建多倫多以及更大的區域。這個社區的新增加將定義一個新的標準,總體規劃,混合用途的社區在多倫多並計劃在2026年獲得全面批准,第一階段準備就緒。

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Hullmark and BGO Reveal Master Plan for Beltline Yards, A New Landmark in Toronto (CNW Group/Hullmark)
Hullmark和BGO公佈多倫多新地標Beltline Yards的總體規劃(CNW Group/Hullmark)
Hullmark and BGO Reveal Master Plan for Beltline Yards, A New Landmark in Toronto (CNW Group/Hullmark)
Hullmark和BGO公佈多倫多新地標Beltline Yards的總體規劃(CNW Group/Hullmark)
Hullmark and BGO Reveal Master Plan for Beltline Yards, A New Landmark in Toronto (CNW Group/Hullmark)
Hullmark和BGO公佈多倫多新地標Beltline Yards的總體規劃(CNW Group/Hullmark)
Augmenting its Community

Encompassing 7.3 acres (almost 320,000 square feet) of land in a part of Toronto that will benefit immensely from a landmark destination, the new neighbourhood is located at the intersection of Bowie Avenue and Caledonia Road, adjacent to the new transit hub at Caledonia Station, and is bounded by the York Beltline Trail along its northwest edge. To bring Beltline Yards to life, Hullmark and BGO have convened acclaimed international talent, including Britain's award-winning architecture and urban planning firm, Allies and Morrison. Hullmark and BGO will be drawing upon generations of expertise in designing and investing in both suburban communities and mixed-use neighbourhoods across the city to ensure that Beltline Yards reflects the spirit and values of Toronto. By combining global best practices in urban design with a demonstrated love for the communities where they work, Hullmark and BGO will ensure that Beltline Yards will show the potential and power of place.

包括7.3英畝(近32萬平方米英尺)的土地多倫多這將極大地受益於一個標誌性的目的地,新居民區位於鮑伊大道和喀裡多尼亞路的交叉口,毗鄰喀裡多尼亞站的新過境樞紐,並沿其西北邊緣與約克環線小徑為界。為了讓Beltline Yards栩栩如生,Hullmark和BGO召集了備受讚譽的國際人才,包括英國的獲獎建築和城市規劃公司,盟友和莫裡森。Hullmark和BGO將利用幾代人在郊區社區和全市混合用途社區的設計和投資方面的專業知識,以確保帶狀庭院反映出多倫多。通過將全球城市設計的最佳實踐與對其工作社區的熱愛相結合,Hullmark和BGO將確保Beltline庭院將展示場所的潛力和力量。

This project, conceived as a family of buildings and supportive green spaces, brings much-needed housing to Toronto, taking a layered approach with buildings at various heights and scales, ensuring visual and functional entry points for residents, the surrounding neighbourhood, and visitors. Hullmark and BGO are committed to using great design to positively impact the places where they invest, and Beltline Yards will be an active part of its neighbourhood, enhancing opportunities for the people who live nearby. The project promises abundant gathering spaces as part of its design, including a series of light-industrial yards within which makers, residents, and visitors can connect and access local shops, eateries and other spaces within the site as well as along the York Beltline Trail. Central to this is an acre (43,000 square feet) of publicly accessible park, an open-air covered yard, and over 10,000 square feet of community space, all centrally located in the heart of the site. In addition to bringing much needed and thoughtful intensification to a key transit intersection, Beltline Yards will boast almost four acres, or over 160,000 square feet of open space – almost 50% of its total land area, not even including the improvements proposed to the York Beltline Trail adjacent to the site.

這個專案被構思為一個由建築和支持性綠地組成的家庭,為多倫多對不同高度和規模的建築採取分層方法,確保居民、周圍社區和遊客的視覺和功能入口點。Hullmark和BGO致力於用偉大的設計來積極影響他們投資的地方,而Beltline造船廠將成為其社區的活躍部分,為居住在附近的人增加機會。作為其設計的一部分,該專案承諾提供豐富的聚集空間,包括一系列輕工業庭院,製造商、居民和遊客可以在這些庭院內連接和訪問當地的商店、餐館和其他空間,以及約克環線小徑沿線。中心是一英畝(43,000平方米英尺)的可供公眾進入的公園,一個露天覆蓋的庭院,以及超過10,000平方米英尺的社區空間,所有這些都位於場地的中心。除了為一個關鍵的交通交叉路口帶來急需和周到的強化外,Beltline庭院還將擁有近4英畝,即超過16萬平方米英尺的開放空間-幾乎佔其總土地面積的50%,這還不包括對毗鄰場地的York Beltline Trail提出的改善措施。

Connecting the City

Under Hullmark and BGO's joint vision, the goal for Beltline Yards is simple: to create a neighbourhood unlike any other in Canada with connection as part of its DNA. The York Beltline Trail was developed from the remnants of the 19th century Toronto Beltline Railway, with both railway and trail meaning to connect the city to itself. Beltline Yards continues that ambition. The site will be adjacent to a multi-modal transit mobility hub—the new Caledonia Station on the Eglinton Crosstown LRT and GO Transit's Barrie line—connecting directly to downtown Union Station in 12 minutes as well as to Pearson Airport in 30 minutes. Coupled with the direct connection to the York Beltline Trail and expansive cycling infrastructure built into its design, Beltline Yards is set to be one of the best-connected new communities in the country. The York Beltline Trail is an often overlooked, hidden gem in the city, making it the perfect site to elevate the neighbourhood, unite the community, and bring in visitors from across the city and around the world. Beltline Yards will highlight the area's natural greenery and parkland, while creating walkable space for families, professionals, creatives, and visitors as well as shopping, recreation, food, employment, and industry. This project will open up connections with parkland by improving the York Beltline Trail, attract retail and other light-industrial destinations that harness a maker spirit, and include world-class placemaking and public realm design.

在Hullmark和BGO的共同願景下,Beltline Yards的目標很簡單:創建一個不同於其他社區的社區加拿大將連接作為其DNA的一部分。約克腰線小徑是由19年的殘骸發展而來的這是世紀多倫多環線鐵路,既有鐵路又有步道的意義,將城市與自身連接起來。BeltLine Yards延續了這一雄心。該地點將毗鄰多式聯運交通樞紐--埃格林頓-克羅斯敦輕軌和Go運輸公司巴裡線上的新喀裡多尼亞站--12分鐘可直達聯合車站,30分鐘可直達皮爾遜機場。再加上與約克環線步道的直接連接,以及設計中內置的大型自行車基礎設施,環線庭院將成為美國連接最緊密的新社區之一。約克環線步道是城市中一顆經常被忽視的、隱藏的寶石,使它成為提升社區、團結社區、吸引來自城市和世界各地的遊客的完美地點。BeltLine庭院將突出該地區的自然綠色植物和公園,同時為家庭、專業人士、創意人士和遊客以及購物、娛樂、食品、就業和工業創造可步行的空間。該專案將通過改善約克環線步道打開與公園的聯繫,吸引零售和其他輕工業目的地,利用製造商精神,幷包括世界級的餐飲和公共領域設計。

"We have been inspired by the York Beltline Trail and the Toronto Beltline Railway, and the incredible opportunity we now have to complete the vision in a modern context. We will be using this existing infrastructure to enhance the area, making sure that not only will people—locals and visitors alike—know about it, but will include it in their daily lives," says Jeff Hull, President of Hullmark. "Beltline Yards will be unlike any other neighbourhood in Toronto, building upon the trail and the well-established maker spirit of the community, to energize and empower a sense of creativity within anyone who visits.'"


"Beltline Yards is a special project for us and is representative of our long-standing exploration of how to design great places with high density," says Alfredo Caraballo, Partner at Allies and Morrison. "As architects, we have been dealt with the very interesting specificities of this site: how it relates to the York Beltline Trail so the landscape connects to a wider network; how it relates to the industrial uses around it so a culture of making and light industry remains as an intrinsic part of the character; how it relates to the public transport transformation of the area so that it unlocks many opportunities to live and work here. All these result in a design response that could only be here – a place 'of its place'."

“Beltline Yards對我們來說是一個特別的專案,代表了我們長期以來對如何設計高密度的好地方的探索,”阿爾弗雷多·卡拉巴洛,盟友和莫裡森的合夥人。“作為建築師,我們處理過這個場地非常有趣的細節:它如何與約克環線步道相關聯,使景觀與更廣泛的網路相連;它如何與周圍的工業用途相關聯,從而使製造和輕工業文化保持為角色的內在組成部分;它如何與該地區的公共交通轉型相關聯,從而釋放出許多在這裡生活和工作的機會。所有這些都導致了一種只能在這裡的設計回應--一個‘它的地方’。”

"Through our partnership with Hullmark, we continue to shift the boundaries on innovative, thoughtful, and sustainability-driven development in Toronto. Beltline Yards is a large-scale, transformative masterplan that delivers much-needed housing with connectivity to public transit corridors and green space. Working with Allies and Morrison, we're thrilled to bring our collective vision to life," says Ross Strowger, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, BGO.

通過與Hullmark的合作,我們繼續改變創新、深思熟慮和可持續發展驅動的發展的界限多倫多。BeltLine Yards是一個大規模的、變革性的總體規劃,提供急需的住房,並連接公共交通走廊和綠地。與盟友和莫裡森合作,我們很高興能將我們的集體願景變成現實。“羅斯·斯特羅格,董事董事總經理兼貝寶投資組合經理

"Beltline Yards represents an opportunity for us to apply everything we have learned about design-focused neighbourhood development in a multi-phase master plan where we believe we will help establish a welcoming, lively community in the city," says Hull. "By connecting the city to the beltline with this master plan, we are creating a destination that will become a calling card for Toronto."

赫爾說:“Beltline Yards為我們提供了一個機會,讓我們能夠將所學到的一切以設計為重點的社區開發運用到一個分階段的總體規劃中,我們相信我們將幫助在城市中建立一個友好、充滿活力的社區。”通過這個總體規劃將這座城市與傳送帶連接起來,我們正在創造一個目的地,它將成為多倫多

About Beltline Yards

Beltline Yards is Hullmark's first master planned community and Toronto's newest landmark destination. This almost 1,700,000 total square foot development owned in partnership with Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, an institutional investor with BGO, will be designed by world-renowned architects, Allies and Morrison. Situated along Toronto's celebrated York Beltline Trail where it connects with two transit corridors, Beltline Yards sets a new standard for mixed-use developments in Canada, combining housing in a layered family of iconic buildings, dedicated rental housing, unique retail opportunities, extensive parkland, and maker-focused light industry. Beltline Yards will fulfil a need to enhance its community, and will connect Toronto to its natural spaces like never before.

BeltLine Yards是Hullmark的第一個總體規劃社區多倫多的最新的地標性目的地。這個總面積近170萬平方米英尺的開發專案是與永明人壽保險公司合作擁有的加拿大,BGO的機構投資者將由世界知名建築師、盟友和莫裡森設計。位於沿線多倫多的著名的約克環線小徑連接著兩條交通走廊,環線庭院為綜合用途開發設定了新的標準加拿大,結合了標誌性建築分層家庭中的住房、專用租賃住房、獨特的零售機會、廣闊的公園用地和以製造商為中心的輕工業。BeltLine Yards將滿足增強其社區的需求,並將連接多倫多前所未有的自然空間。

About Hullmark

Hullmark is a real estate investment and development firm in Toronto. Launched in 1950 by Murphy Hull, a Polish immigrant who started in the industry as a plasterer before moving into home building and real estate development, Hullmark built its name on investing in suburban communities and mixed-use neighbourhoods, as seen in projects like Yonge and Sheppard's Hullmark Centre. In 2008 Jeff Hull took over the business from his grandfather and helped transition the company from its strictly suburban and residential focus to become an influential urban developer with over $1.2 billion of real estate assets under management. Hullmark remains a family-run city-building company with a creative and community-driven vision that continues to shape iconic urban and residential neighbourhoods, like Ossington, throughout Toronto. Hullmark has a vision of creating lasting destinations that define the city and show the world the potential of well-designed places, and also has proven expertise in private equity and debt, asset management, development, and placemaking. With over 246 tenants, including some of Canada's most recognizable brands, Hullmark is seen as a leader in mixed-use development and tenant experience.

Hullmark是一家房地產投資和開發公司,多倫多。Hullmark由波蘭移民墨菲·赫爾於1950年創立,最初是一名泥瓦工,後來進入住宅建築和房地產開發行業。Hullmark因投資於郊區社區和綜合用途社區而聲名鵲起,比如Yonge和謝潑德的Hullmark Centre。2008年,Jeff·赫爾從祖父手中接過了公司的業務,並幫助公司從嚴格的郊區和住宅業務轉型為一家有影響力的城市開發商,擁有12億美元管理下的房地產資產。Hullmark仍然是一家家族經營的城市建設公司,擁有創意和社區驅動的願景,在整個過程中繼續塑造像奧斯辛頓這樣的標誌性城市和居民區多倫多。Hullmark的願景是創建持久的目的地,定義這座城市,向世界展示精心設計的地方的潛力,並且在私募股權和債務、資產管理、開發和佈局方面擁有成熟的專業知識。有超過246個租戶,包括一些加拿大的作為最知名的品牌,Hullmark被視為混合用途開發和租戶體驗方面的領導者。

About BGO

BGO is a leading, global real estate investment management advisor, real estate lender, and a globally recognized provider of real estate services. BGO serves the interests of more than 750 institutional clients with expertise in the asset management of office, industrial, multi-residential, retail and hospitality property across the globe. BGO has offices in 28 cities across fourteen countries with deep, local knowledge, experience, and extensive networks in the regions where we invest in and manage real estate assets on behalf of our clients in primary, secondary and co-investment markets. BGO is a part of SLC Management, which is the institutional alternatives and traditional asset management business of Sun Life.
For more information, please visit

BGO是全球領先的房地產投資管理顧問、房地產貸款機構和全球公認的房地產服務提供商。BGO為750多家機構客戶提供服務,這些客戶在全球範圍內擁有寫字樓、工業、多用途住宅、零售和酒店物業的資產管理專業知識。BGO在14個國家的28個城市設有辦事處,在這些地區擁有深厚的當地知識、經驗和廣泛的網路,我們代表客戶在一級、二級和聯合投資市場投資和管理房地產資產。BGO是SLC Management的一部分,SLC Management是永明人壽的機構選擇和傳統資產管理業務。

Hi-res renderings and master plan deck available upon request.


SOURCE Hullmark


