
Michael McCaul Calls To Rush Vote For New Speaker To Focus On Israel-Hamas Conflict: 'Not A Time To Be Playing Games Anymore'

Michael McCaul Calls To Rush Vote For New Speaker To Focus On Israel-Hamas Conflict: 'Not A Time To Be Playing Games Anymore'

Benzinga ·  2023/10/12 17:30

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) is calling on his Republican colleagues to expedite the vote for a new House Speaker, with the intent of turning attention towards crucial legislation such as the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.

衆議員。 邁克爾·麥考爾 (R-Texas)呼籲他的共和黨同事加快對衆議院新議長的投票,目的是將注意力轉向關鍵立法,例如持續的以色列-哈馬斯衝突。

As reported by The Hill on Tuesday, McCaul stressed the importance of achieving the required 217 votes prior to moving to the floor, to avoid the drawn-out process seen in previous rounds.


Earlier that day, Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) secured a narrow victory in the GOP caucus Speaker vote against Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). Scalise now faces the task of persuading remaining holdouts to back him before the vote can pass the floor.

當天早些時候,多數黨領袖 史蒂夫·斯卡利斯 (R-La.)在共和黨核心小組議長對衆議員的投票中以微弱優勢獲勝 吉姆·喬丹 (俄亥俄州)。斯卡利斯現在面臨的任務是在投票通過之前說服剩餘的抵制者支持他。

See Also: Marjorie Taylor Greene Slams House GOP For 'Throwing The Gavel On the Floor' — Laments 'Serious Weakened

另見:瑪喬麗·泰勒·格林抨擊衆議院共和黨 “把木槌扔在地板上” —— 哀嘆 “嚴重削弱”

Jordan has pledged his support for Scalise, despite some Republicans indicating they will not back Scalise and would prefer to support Jordan.


Once a Speaker is in place, McCaul stated the priority will be his bill pledging U.S. support for Israel. McCaul and Representative Greg Meeks (D-N.Y.) have introduced a resolution condemning Hamas and supporting Israel, which has already gained 416 bipartisan co-sponsors.

議長上任後,麥考爾表示,當務之急將是他的法案,承諾美國支持以色列。麥考爾和代表 格雷格·米克斯 (D-N.Y.)提出了一項譴責哈馬斯和支持以色列的決議,該決議已經獲得了416個兩黨共同提案國。

"It's not a time to be playing games anymore. And we need all the adults in the room [to] step forward," McCaul emphasized.

“現在不是玩遊戲的時候。而且我們需要房間裏的所有成年人挺身而出,” 麥考爾強調說。

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繼續閱讀:“唐納德·特朗普很難從監獄裏競選總統,” 前白宮工作人員說

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