
Quadro's Cancelled Long Lake Claims To Be Reinstated

Quadro's Cancelled Long Lake Claims To Be Reinstated

Quadro 取消的 Long Lake 聲稱將恢復
newsfile ·  2023/10/12 02:56

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 11, 2023) - Quadro Resources Ltd. (TSXV: QRO) (OTC Pink: QDROF) (FSE: G4O) ("Quadro" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that four of its nine claim blocks comprising its Long Lake property ("Long Lake") that were cancelled on September 22, 2022, and for which Quadro filed a grievance on October 13, 2022, with the Newfoundland Mineral Rights Adjudication Board (the "Board"), shall be reinstated as of their original issuance dates, as per the Order of the Board dated October 10, 2023 (the "Order").

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年10月11日)-Quadro Resources Ltd.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:QRO)(場外交易代碼:QDROF)(證券交易所代碼:G4O)(“Quadro”或“公司”)Quadro很高興地宣佈,Quadro於2022年10月13日向紐芬蘭礦業權裁決委員會(“委員會”)提出申訴的九個索賠區塊中的四個(包括其Long Lake物業(“Long Lake”)於2022年9月22日被取消)將按照委員會於2023年10月10日的命令(“命令”)恢復其原來的簽發日期。

Within two weeks of the date of the Order, Quadro is required to pay $40,540.56 to cover deficiencies for two of the four licenses to bring them back into good standing. The remaining two licenses have no deficiencies. In addition, Quadro has paid costs to the Mineral Claims Recorder.


Barry Coughlan (CEO & President) commented: "We are extremely pleased with the Board's decision, subject to the conditions above, to reinstate these claims. This puts to rest a year-long halt to our operations in Newfoundland and we are now reviewing the previous exploration program and planning future programs for Long Lake, because we continue to strongly believe in the mineral potential of Long Lake. We thank the Board, the Solicitor for the Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology, and the Mineral Rights Recorder for their time and consideration, and we look forward to continuing our work in Newfoundland."


In a subsequent event note in the Company's financial statements for the year ended July 31, 2022, an impairment charge of $865,707 was recorded against Long Lake due to the cancelled claims. The impairment charge resulted in a $1 nominal value on Long Lake. As the cancelled claims will be reinstated this impairment will be written back up.

在本公司截至2022年7月31日止年度的財務報表中隨後的事項說明中,由於已註銷的債權,Long Lake計入了865,707美元的減值費用。減值費用導致Long Lake的名義價值為1美元。由於被取消的索賠將被恢復,這一減值將被重新計入。

About the Long Lake property


Quadro owns a 100% interest in Long Lake, located proximal to Marathon Gold's Valentine Lake deposits. The property is located within an under-explored belt of mineralized volcano-sedimentary and intrusive rocks. Highlights from the property include two areas of strong gold in soil and tills. The property provides an opportunity for new gold discoveries in the emerging Cape Ray Gold district and is complimentary to Quadro's Staghorn claims located 35 km southeast.

Quadro擁有Long Lake的100%權益,Long Lake位於馬拉松黃金情人節湖礦藏附近。該地產位於一個未被勘探的火山沉積和侵入岩礦化帶內。該地產的亮點包括土壤和地磚中兩個區域的黃金儲量很高。該礦藏為在新興的雷角金礦區發現新的金礦提供了機會,並與位於東南35公里處的Quadro的Staghorn主張相得益彰。

Previous work on the property dates back to 2005 when soil sampling outlined a number of gold anomalies. The historic geochemical survey was part of an on-going volcanogenic massive sulphide (base metal) program which kept the ground tied up until recently. No follow-up was carried out during that time and the area came open for staking in early 2019. The claims were staked by the underlying vendors who took two till samples in the area of the higher gold-in soil anomaly.


Drilling to date includes the discovery of a new gold zone intersected from the inaugural exploration drill program. The drill program consisted of five holes (757 meters) designed to test the Ricky Gold Target. Intersections included 3.68 g/t Au over 5.4 m from hole R-021-01on the eastern end of the target and 31.7 g/t Au over 0.5 m from hole R-021-04 located 500m to the west.

到目前為止,鑽探包括髮現了與第一次勘探鑽探計劃相交的新金礦帶。演習計劃包括五個洞(757米),旨在測試裡奇·黃金目標。交叉點包括距靶區東端R-021-01孔5.4米的3.68克/噸Au和距西500米的R-021-04孔0.5米以上的31.7 g/t Au。

Qualified Person


Wayne Reid, P. Geo., VP Exploration for Quadro and a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101, is responsible for this release and supervised the preparation of the information forming the basis for this release.

Quadro勘探副總裁Wayne Reid是美國國家儀器43-101中定義的合格人員,負責發佈本新聞稿,並監督構成本新聞稿基礎的資訊的準備工作。

About Quadro Resources – Quadro is a publicly traded mineral exploration company. It is focused on exploring for gold in North America. The Company's shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "QRO". Quadro owns a 100% interest in the Staghorn property, which it has optioned to TRU Precious Metals Corp.; owns a 100% interest in the Long Lake property; and has an option to earn an initial 51% interest in the Tulks South Property, in Newfoundland.

關於Quadro Resources-Quadro是一家上市的礦產勘探公司。該公司專注於在北美勘探黃金。該公司的股票在多倫多證券交易所創業板交易,代碼為“QRO”。Quadro擁有Staghorn地產100%的權益,並已將其出售給TRU貴金屬公司;擁有Long Lake地產的100%權益;並有權獲得紐芬蘭Tulks South地產最初51%的權益。

On behalf of the board of directors,
Quadro Resources Ltd.

Quadro Resources Ltd.

"T. Barry Coughlan"
President and CEO


Tel (604) 644-9561


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