

Good times don't flutter, adversity is not bad, no panic, profit comes naturally

Golden10 Data ·  Oct 6, 2023 23:55

Source: Golden Ten Data

Good fortune, adversity, is the current state of affairs constructed by the interaction between natural changes in the environment under law and emotional changes caused by inner gains and losses.

Good fortune, adversity, is the current state of affairs constructed by the interaction between natural changes in the environment under law and emotional changes caused by inner gains and losses.

There are two types of situations in life, good times and bad times. Conventionally, I understand whether the external environment is conducive to the smooth way I do things, so I can define good and bad. It is our inner feeling and evaluation of the external environment.

It is a relationship between the mind and the environment. We take our heart as a constant point and observe the conclusions drawn by the changes in the external environment. It's like watching the speed and speed of a train with your eyes. Changes in the external environment seem objective if changes in the heart are not taken into account. If you add factors of inner change, changes in the external environment are relative and subjective.

Assuming that the external environment does not change, it is the heart that changes. A change of heart creates a different perception of the environment. When both are changing, the problem will be much more complicated, affecting each other and interfering.

Good times and adversity are phenomena that reflect inner peace and anxiety. The heart is peaceful in good times; the heart is anxious in adversity. Everything exists means change, and changes in the external environment often occur. The speed of change is fast or slow, or increases or decreases. The heart is also a constantly changing existence, either fast or slow, or increasing or decreasing.

The four elements of fast, slow, increase, and decrease are divided into two groups of inner and external environment, and are combined to form good times and adversity.

Normally, when the pace of environmental change is increasing, this is a good time. The pace of environmental change is declining, and this is an adversity. In this change, mental factors do not account for much; environmental factors are the main ones.

When the slow change in the environment is increasing, whether it is in progress or vice versa at this time is determined more by the current state of mind.

The change in the environment is a fact of the present, but the mind is not the same; its change is detached from the present.

My current heart hasn't changed; it's my pure heart. Changes come from increases and decreases in the past and present, and increases and decreases in the future and present. The increase and decrease in the past has already happened; people take it as fact. There will be no increase or decrease in the future; people take it as a desire. The decline of past and present is loss, and it is often made up for in future longings. The higher this value, the greater the change. This is the root cause of changes in heart. When the slow change in the environment is increasing, experiencing rapid changes in the heart and seeking future growth is also an adversity, and the heart also feels anxious.

Feelings of adversity and good fortune are all reactions to the heart, and people's behavior follows the guidelines of their inner feelings. You can only be comfortable if you do what you want, and going against your heart causes hardship and pain.

Things run according to their own rules. The essence of the law is a cycle of increase and decrease between two opposing things. Therefore, increase and decrease, speed and slowness all exist normally in the process of development of things, and are an inseparable unity.

The heart follows the arrangement of the past, present, and future, and the resulting increases and losses result in gains and losses. Gains and losses are transformed into feelings of mind, and emotions are the driving force for left and right behavior.

Good fortune, adversity, is the current state of affairs constructed by the interaction between natural changes in the environment under law and emotional changes caused by inner gains and losses.

Mental energy transition is by regulating the relative speed between changes in the mind and changes in the environment, so that the mind slows down, and things will naturally speed up, thereby reversing adversity. This is a state of mind, etc., because things are impermanent changes that increase or decrease. Waiting for things to flow naturally in peace, wakes up in a timely manner, sleeps against the clock, and rotates in black and white. This requires only peace of mind; it can be obtained from nothing.

If in this process, the heart can release positive energy and give some support to the external environment, like a butterfly effect. In a balanced power system, a slight amount of force support can change the direction of operation of the power system. When the initial speed starts, it naturally operates into a strong state of development. This is a mental transition.

The prerequisite for mental transition is to break away from the past and future. Generally speaking, when you leave one, the other naturally disappears. There is no need to fight on two fronts at the same time. If you get rid of your past feelings, you can rule out gain and loss of heart. There are no gains or losses, and desires for the future cannot be created. At the end of the day, it comes down to removing past and present increases and decreases. It's just a matter of looking at the current balance; this is real ownership.

Live in the present, if you use the concept of finance, that is, you live in your balance, your expenses have already been spent, your repayments have already been paid, your current balance is all you can control, and it is only real.


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