
What's Going On With VS Media Holdings Stock?

What's Going On With VS Media Holdings Stock?

VS Media Holdings 的股票怎麼了?
Benzinga ·  2023/10/05 22:36

VS Media Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:VSME) shares are volatile Thursday. The company announced the closing of its inital public offering (IPO) and its expansion into Macau this week.

VS Media 控股有限公司 納斯達克股票代碼:VSME)週四股價波動。該公司本週宣佈完成首次公開募股(IPO)並向澳門擴張。

What To Know:


VS Media Holdings, a Hong Kong-based company managing a global network of digital creators on social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, announced the closing of its IPO of 2 million ordinary shares priced at $5 per share on Monday.

VS Media Holdings是一家總部位於香港的公司,在YouTube、Facebook、Instagram和TikTok等社交媒體平台上管理着全球數字創作者網絡。該公司週一宣佈,其200萬股普通股的首次公開募股已經結束,價格爲每股5美元。

On Wednesday, the company announced its expansion into Macau through a partnership with partnership with MLink Limited, a Macau-based company providing hospitality services to visitors.

週三,該公司宣佈通過與mLink Limited合作,將業務擴展到澳門。mLink是一家總部位於澳門的公司,爲遊客提供酒店服務。

"We are thrilled to expand into Macau, a vibrant destination with rich cultural heritage and tremendous potential for growth," said Tiffany Wan, regional vice president at VS Media.

他說:“我們很高興能將業務擴展到澳門,這是一個充滿活力的目的地,擁有豐富的文化遺產和巨大的增長潛力。” Tiffany Wan,VS Media 區域副總裁。

Shares of VSME are moving on heavy trading volume. According to data from Benzinga Pro, more than 18.5 million shares have already been traded on Thursday, compared to the stock's average of 3.661 million shares.

VSME的股價因交易量龐大而波動。根據Benzinga Pro的數據,週四已經交易了超過1,850萬股,而該股的平均交易量爲366.1萬股。

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VSME Price Action: According to Benzinga Pro, VS Media Holdings shares are up 3% at $4.80 at the time of publication.

VSME 價格走勢: 根據Benzinga Pro的數據,截至發佈時,VS Media Holdings的股價上漲了3%,至4.80美元。

Image: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

圖片:來自 Pixabay 的 Gerd Altmann

