
The Freestyle Rap Boom: 1.8B Social Media Impressions And 800M Video Views In H1 2023

The Freestyle Rap Boom: 1.8B Social Media Impressions And 800M Video Views In H1 2023

Freestyle Rap Boom:2023 年上半年社交媒體曝光量爲 180 億次,視頻觀看次數爲 8 億
Benzinga ·  2023/10/04 06:50

In a digital era where content is king, the FreeStyle Master Series (FMS) and Urban Roosters unleash a tsunami of digital content consumption, proving that the art of freestyle rap battles has not only endured but burgeoned amidst the pandemic-induced shifts in entertainment landscapes.


As the third post-Covid season of FMS unravels, the numbers vouch for a staggering inclination towards digital absorption of its content. Highlighting a meticulous understanding of its audience, the brands have registered a 45.4% surge in social media impressions during the first semester of 2023, amassing over 1.8 billion, according to data from digital audience platform Horizm.


Key Statistics


  • Social Media Impressions: 1.847 billion (a 45.4% increase from 2022)
  • TikTok Growth: 278% in impressions; 515% in content interaction
  • Video Views: 793 million (surpassing MotoGP's 720 million)
  • Instagram: Leading platform with 735 million impressions (40% of total reach)
  • Total Followers: 25.1 million (a 6.2% growth), with FMS leagues contributing 14.7 million
  • Content Interaction: An 81.25% rise, crossing 90 million interactions in six months
  • 社交媒體印象:18.47億(比2022年增長45.4%)
  • TikTok增長:印象中278%;內容互動中515%
  • 視頻瀏覽量:7.93億(超過MotoGP的7.2億)
  • Instagram:領先的平臺,擁有7.35億次印象(佔總覆蓋範圍的40%)
  • 關注者總數:2510萬(增長6.2%),其中FMS聯盟貢獻了1470萬
  • 內容交互:增長81.25%,6個月內互動超過9000萬次

Instagram and Facebook remain the dominant platforms, accumulating 735 million and 615 million impressions respectively. However, TikTok has emerged as a dark horse in the race, experiencing a 278% spike in impressions and a staggering 515% growth in content interactions, such as comments and shares, compared to the same period in 2022.


The video, being the natural format for showcasing the electrifying rap battles, has witnessed a remarkable 68% rise in views, totaling 793 million, outshining giants like MotoGP. Notably, Instagram leads in video consumption with 306 million views, while TikTok, with 248 million views, is relentlessly gaining ground and is prognosticated to spearhead this domain in the upcoming years. YouTube, despite a 56% growth, maintains a consistent volume of publications similar to the 2022 semester.


Sergi Besa, responsible for Business Intelligence at Urban Roosters, elucidates, "Six years after its inception and with the third post-Covid season underway, the professional freestyle rap league has fortified its standing as an entertainment offering among the youth. With FMS rounds as the epicenter of content generation and a specific strategy per channel, the Urban Roosters digital ecosystem continues to entice new audiences and an increasing number of sponsors trust it as a medium to gain relevance among Generation Z."

塞爾吉·貝薩Urban Rooster負責商業智慧,他解釋說:“在成立六年後,隨著第三個後冰凍季節的到來,職業自由式說唱聯盟在年輕人中鞏固了其娛樂產品的地位。FMS輪次是內容生成的中心,每個頻道都有特定的戰略,Urban Rooster的數位生態系統繼續吸引著新的受眾,越來越多的贊助商信任它作為一種媒介,獲得Z世代的關注。”

While numbers narrate the story of triumphant growth, a peek behind the curtains reveals that content spotlighting battle winners, session highlights, graphic comparisons, participant declarations, rivalries and behind-the-scenes content are the crowd-pullers, magnetizing the community's attention. Urban Roosters and FMS, vigilant to the trends, persist in bolstering their digital strategy and innovating formats to preserve and amplify the connection with an increasingly active community.


In an era where digital realms are constantly evolving, FMS and Urban Roosters have decisively staked their claim, not just as purveyors of freestyle rap culture but as formidable entities in the digital content domain, orchestrating a symphony where metrics and community engagement compose a harmonious melody of digital success.

在一個數字領域不斷發展的時代,FMS和Urban Rooster已經果斷地表明瞭自己的主張,不僅是作為自由式說唱文化的提供者,而且作為數位內容領域的強大實體,編排了一首交響樂,其中節拍和社區參與譜寫了數位成功的和諧旋律。

