
Minera Alamos Announces Maiden Resource Estimate for the Santana Gold Project, Sonora, Mexico

Minera Alamos Announces Maiden Resource Estimate for the Santana Gold Project, Sonora, Mexico

Minera Alamos宣佈墨西哥索諾拉州桑塔納金礦項目的首次資源估算
newsfile ·  2023/10/03 22:15

Cerro de Oro Funding Package Update

Cerro de Oro資金包更新

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - October 3, 2023) - Minera Alamos Inc. (TSXV: MAI) ("Minera" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the results of an independent estimate of the Mineral Resources currently outlined at the Santana gold project (the "Project") in Sonora, Mexico. The Resource Estimate was prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") by Scott Zelligan P.Geo, an independent QP as defined in NI 43-101. A Technical Report with the details of the Resource Estimate will be filed on SEDARplus under the Company's profile within 45 days of the date of this news release.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年10月3日)-Minera Alamos Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:MAI)(以下簡稱“Minera”或“公司”)高興地宣佈了對墨西哥索諾拉Santana金礦專案(“專案”)目前概述的礦產資源的獨立評估結果。資源評估由Scott Zelligan P.Geo根據NI 43-101定義的獨立QP Scott Zelligan P.Geo根據National Instrument 43-101礦產專案披露標準(“NI 43-101”)編制。自本新聞稿發佈之日起45天內,將在SEDARplus上提交一份包含資源估計細節的技術報告,該報告將在公司簡介下提交。

"This maiden resource covers just the development zones in the immediate area of the current Santana mine operations and is a major step in highlighting the robust resource data and metallurgical input that provided the Company with comfort in developing our first low capital mine. The next open pit in the development plans for the Project, the Nicho main zone, is largely drilled off in sufficient detail for the estimation of measured and indicated resources with a grade and strip (waste: mineralization) ratio that we expect to provide meaningful low-cost production gold ounces for the next 5-6 years as the rest of the property is explored and better understood," stated Darren Koningen, CEO. "Notable nearby targets such as Benjamin which are outside of our current operations area have shown some excellent potential but will require more preliminary exploration and additional drilling to properly understand mineralization controls, grade distribution and tonnage. Ultimately, this current resource statement is just the first, conservative iteration of the geological potential across the broader Santana property with a goal of the current starter mine being a source of organic funding to prove up the greater potential of the area."

首席執行官Darren Koningen表示:“這一處女作資源僅涵蓋目前桑塔納礦山運營附近的開發區,是突出穩健的資源數據和冶金投入的重要一步,這些數據和冶金投入使公司在開發我們的第一個低資本礦山時感到放心。該專案開發計劃中的下一個露天礦場Nicho主區基本上已被鑽探得足夠詳細,用於評估已測量和指示的資源,品位和條帶(廢物:礦化)比率,我們預計將在未來5-6年內提供有意義的低成本生產黃金盎司,因為對該礦產的其餘部分進行了勘探和更好的瞭解,”Darren Koningen說。本傑明等附近著名的目標不在我們目前的作業區內,它們已經顯示出一些極好的潛力,但需要更多的初步勘探和額外的鑽探,以正確瞭解礦化控制、品位分佈和噸位。歸根結底,目前的資源聲明只是更廣泛的桑塔納地產地質潛力的第一次保守迭代,目標是當前的起始礦成為證明該地區更大潛力的有機資金來源。

The Resource Estimate for the Santana gold project - contains 198,000 ounces of Measured and Indicated gold resources (9.61 Mt at 0.65 g/t) and an additional 103,000 oz of Inferred gold resources (5.51 Mt at 0.58 g/t). Table 1 shows the Mineral Resource estimate by zone for the Santana Project.


Table 1 - Santana Gold Project Estimate of Mineral Resources


Deposit Category Tonnes (t) Gold Grade (g/t) Contained Ounces (koz)
Nicho Measured 6,390,000 0.65 133,000
Indicated 2,810,000 0.64 57,000
Total M&I 9,200,000 0.65 190,000
Inferred 1,530,000 0.66 33,000
Nicho Norte & Divisadero Measured 150,000 0.66 3,000
Indicated 260,000 0.62 5,000
Total M&I 410,000 0.63 8,000
Inferred 2,470,000 0.55 44,000
Benjamin Inferred 1,510,000 0.54 26,000
Total Measured 6,540,000 0.65 136,000
Indicated 3,070,000 0.64 62,000
Total M&I 9,610,000 0.65 198,000
Inferred 5,510,000 0.58 103,000
存款 類別 公噸(噸) 黃金等級(克/噸) 含盎司(Koz)
尼喬 測量的 639萬 0.65 133,000
已指示 2810,000 0.64 57,000
並購總額 9,200,000 0.65 190,000
推論 1530,000 0.66 33,000
尼科·諾特和迪維薩德羅 測量的 150,000 0.66 三千
已指示 260,000, 0.62 5,000
並購總額 410,000 0.63 8,000
推論 2470,000人 0.55 44,000
本雅明 推論 1510,000 0.54 26,000
總計 測量的 6540,000人 0.65 136,000
已指示 3070,000人 0.64 62,000
並購總額 9610,000 0.65 19.8萬
推論 5510,000 0.58 103,000

Notes to Table 1:


  • The independent QP for the mineral resource estimates, as defined by NI 43-101, is Scott Zelligan, P.Geo. The effective date of the 2023 mineral resource estimate is May 31, 2023.
  • A gold price of $1,700/oz was used in calculating the Mineral Resources.
  • The estimate is reported for a potential open pit/heap leach scenario.
  • The limits of the Resource-constraining pit shell assumed a mining cut-off based on a total operating cost (mining, milling, and general and administrative [G&A]) of $12.00/t stacked, a metallurgical recovery of 75%, and a constant open pit slope angle of 40°. This constraining pit shell contained a total volume of 49 Mt (mineralized + unmineralized) implying a strip ratio of approximately 2.25.
  • The gold cut-off grade applied to mineralized material is 0.15 g/t Au
  • These Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves as they do not have demonstrated economic viability.
  • The Mineral Resource estimate follows CIM Definition Standards.
  • Results are presented in-situ. Ounce (troy) = metric tonnes x grade / 31.1035. Calculations used - metric units (metres, tonnes, g/t). Rounding followed the recommendations as per NI 43-101.
  • The number of tonnes has been rounded to the nearest ten thousand.
  • The QPs of the Report are not aware of any known environmental, permitting, legal, title-related, taxation, socio-political, marketing, or other relevant issues that could materially affect the Mineral Resource estimate.
  • 根據NI 43-101的定義,礦產資源評估的獨立QP是Scott Zelligan,P.Geo。2023年礦產資源評估的生效日期為2023年5月31日。
  • 在計算礦產資源時,使用了1,700美元/盎司的黃金價格。
  • 該估計是針對潛在的露天礦/堆浸情況而報告的。
  • 資源受限礦坑殼的限制假設採礦截止日期是基於總運營成本(採礦、選礦以及一般和行政管理[G&A])為12.00美元/噸堆積,冶金回收率為75%,以及恆定的露天礦傾斜角度為40°。這一受限制的礦坑外殼的總體積為49公噸(礦化+未礦化),這意味著條帶比約為2.25。
  • 應用於礦化物質的金截止品位為0.15克/噸金
  • 這些礦產資源不是礦產儲量,因為它們沒有顯示出經濟可行性。
  • 礦產資源評估遵循CIM定義標準。
  • 結果在現場公佈。盎司(金衡)=公噸x品級/31.1035。使用的計算-公制單位(米、噸、克/噸)。四捨五入按照NI 43-101的建議進行。
  • 噸數已四捨五入為最接近的一萬噸。
  • 報告的合格投資者並不知悉任何可能對礦產資源估計有重大影響的已知環境、許可、法律、所有權相關、稅務、社會政治、營銷或其他相關問題。

Extensive modelling and statistical work was performed to analyze the effect of the oxide zone on gold grade and rock specific gravity. Due to the fractured nature of the host rock, the oxide-sulphide transition zone of the deposits are irregular and difficult to model using conventional wireframing techniques. It was decided for the current Resource Estimate to model without a transition boundary and allow the measured variations to populate the blocks accordingly. Metallurgical testwork (see section below) is ongoing and results from limited sulphide samples tested to date indicate the potential for heap leaching of this material although final required parameters like crush sizes are not yet fully understood. It has been recommended that the Company continue to evaluate the overall database of exploration information with a goal of incorporating geo-metallurgical information into future resource estimates.


Table 2 - Constraining Pit Parameters for Resource Estimation


Parameter Unit Value
Gold Price $/oz 1,700
Refining Cost $/oz 15.00
Process Cost $/t stacked 4.00
Metallurgical Recovery % 75
General & Administrative $/t stacked 0.50
Mining Cost $/t 2.30
Gold Cut-Off Grade g/t Au 0.15
Pit Slope Angle degrees 40
參數 單位 價值
金價 美元/盎司 一七零零
煉油成本 美元/盎司 15.00
加工成本 $/t堆疊 4.00
冶金回收 百分比 75
一般和行政 $/t堆疊 0.50
採礦成本 $/t 2.30
黃金邊際品位 G/t Au 0.15
基坑坡度角 學位 40歲

Notes to Table 2:


  • The parameters listed in Table 2 define a basis for reasonable prospects of eventual economic extraction for the Project Mineral Resource estimate and are in-line with current actual operating costs for the project. The processing scenario assumes heap leaching of mineralized material sourced from open pit mining operations. The Mineral Resource has been constrained to mineralized material that occurs within a pit shell derived utilizing the parameters listed in Table 2. All other material within the defined pit shell was characterized as non-mineralized material.
  • 表2所列參數為專案礦產資源估算最終經濟開採的合理前景奠定了基礎,並與專案當前的實際運營成本保持一致。處理方案假設來自露天採礦作業的礦化材料進行堆浸。礦產資源僅限於利用表2所列參數得出的礦坑殼內的礦化材料。定義的礦坑殼內的所有其他材料被表徵為非礦化材料。

Geology and Background


Mineralization in the Santana Project area is of the intrusive-related gold (Au-Ag-Cu-W) type and is associated with calc-alkaline-oxidized intrusive centres (i.e. San Nicolas Batholith). Gold is hosted by hydrothermal breccias and their causative inter-mineral dykes and stocks and can form important mining districts with clusters of deposits. The intense alteration associated with the mineralization is linked to the emplacement of hydrothermal breccias which are in general sub-vertical pipe-like structures and typically a few hundred meters in diameter.


Locally, mineralization at the Santana Project occurs within breccias that have a jigsaw-type texture. These breccias typically comprise angular elongated fragments that have a preferential sub-vertical orientation. Review of core and outcrop indicates that these fragments did not undergo large displacements or rotations, which left open spaces between them that were subsequently infilled by gold-bearing hydrothermal minerals. The breccias are principally clast-supported and monomictic, and the presence of gold mineralization is directly related to the areas dominated by the breccia intervals.


In the case of Santana, there appears to be a cluster of potential gold-bearing deposits that conform to the description above within an area surrounding the main Nicho complex that is the subject of the current gold resource estimate. Further work is planned to properly understand the nature and size of these important targets and to delineate additional mineralization that could allow for prolonged or expanded project operations beyond what has been identified to date.




The majority of the Nicho gold mineralization that serves as the basis of the current resource estimate is located within an andesitic breccia zone above the deeper quartz-feldspar porphyry intrusive. Mineralization is generally well disseminated throughout the overall host rock volume with small scale enrichment in the fractures between the breccia matrix fragments.


Overall copper content in the mineralization is generally low and leaching results from ongoing operations at the Project indicate that its presence is manageable using free cyanide level-control in the leach solutions, with little impact on overall gold recoveries. The Nicho Norte mineralized material which was the primary source of past test leaching (2017-2019) and recent operations at the Project responds positively to gold cyanidation. Residual gold levels following these heap leaching activities typically approach levels of approximately 0.1 g/t Au. At mined head grades of 0.6 g/t Au to 0.7 g/t Au this equates to gold overall recoveries in the range of 80%. Leach kinetics are rapid for particle sizes up to approximately 1ʺ (30-45 days or less). Although a reduction in kinetics appears at sizes greater than 1ʺ, ultimate gold recoveries at the end of the extended leach period were similar to those experienced with the finer-sized material.

礦化的整體銅含量普遍較低,而專案持續經營的浸出結果顯示,利用浸出溶液中的遊離氰化物水準控制,銅的存在是可管理的,對整體金回收率幾乎沒有影響。作為過去試浸(2017-2019年)和該專案最近作業的主要來源的Nicho Norte礦化材料對金的氰化反應積極。這些堆浸活動後的殘餘金水準通常接近約0.1g/t金的水準。對於0.6克/噸Au至0.7 g/t Au的已開採頭品位而言,這相當於黃金的總回收率在80%左右。對於顆粒大小約為1ʺ(30-45天或更短)的顆粒,浸出動力學很快。儘管當粒度大於1ʺ時,動力學有所降低,但在延長浸出期結束時,最終的金回收率與使用較細粒度的原料時相似。

Although more data is available for material from the Nicho Norte satellite deposit, comparative studies looking at test samples from the Nicho main deposit appear to exhibit similar results and additional work is ongoing. Recently tested samples of weathered material from upper zones in the deposit exhibited recoveries in line with the Nicho Norte material described above. Leach tests completed on samples of "worst case" fresh sulphide material from deeper in the Nicho deposit exhibited acceptable gold recoveries approaching 70% at crush sizes of <1/2" (coarsest size used for initial screening tests). Additional testwork is underway to more fully understand the overall gold recovery versus particle size relationships throughout the deposit due to variations in sulphide levels and weathering.

儘管有更多來自尼喬諾特衛星礦床的材料數據,但對尼喬主礦床測試樣本的比較研究似乎顯示了類似的結果,進一步的工作正在進行中。最近從礦床上部區域測試的風化物質樣品顯示,回收情況與上文所述的Nicho Norte物質一致。對來自Nicho礦床深處的“最壞情況”新鮮硫化物材料進行的LEACH測試顯示,在粉碎粒度



The report recommends that additional diamond drill holes, on approximately 25 m centres be drilled at the Benjamin Zone to further understand the distribution of gold mineralization within the zone and to look at opportunities to expand the size of the currently delineated mineralized area. The Company is currently planning to add approximately 10-12 more drill holes to those already drilled this year at Benjamin as a priority.


Additional recommendations include:


  • Further review of the additional mineralized breccia targets which have been identified by the Company in the areas surrounding the Nicho complex (Goldridge, Zata, Bufita and East zones) area in order to prioritize the next phases of follow-up resource definition drilling.
  • A continuation of effective surface sampling activities with a focus on new areas that show similar mineralization characteristics as the Nicho and Nicho Norte zones.
  • Geophysical studies targeting blind targets that have similar signatures as those observed over the known Nicho and Nicho Norte gold-bearing breccia zones.
  • Additional metallurgical studies (particularly crushing optimization studies) aimed at improving the overall understanding of variations in parameters such as leachability, recoveries and reagent consumptions for newly delineated zones of mineralization.
  • 進一步審查公司在Nicho復合體(Goldridge、Zata、Bufita和East Zones)地區周圍地區確定的額外礦化角礫巖目標,以便確定後續資源定義鑽探的下一階段優先事項。
  • 繼續開展有效的地表採樣活動,重點放在表現出與尼喬和尼科北區相似礦化特徵的新地區。
  • 以盲目目標為目標的地球物理研究,這些盲目目標的特徵與在已知的尼喬和尼喬北含金角礫巖帶上觀察到的相似。
  • 其他冶金研究(特別是破碎優化研究)旨在提高對新劃定的礦化帶的可浸出性、回收率和試劑消耗量等參數變化的全面瞭解。

Cerro De Oro Project Financing Update

Cerro de Oro專案融資最新進展

The Company is also pleased to report that final documentation based on the term sheet for the Cerro de Oro project financing package announced on May 31, 2023, is expected to close shortly, following the completion of final project technical due diligence. Proceeds from the financing package will be used to permit and construct the Cerro de Oro heap leach gold mine. Delays from the original expected closing date of mid-July were largely a function of expanded requirements for the drafting of documentation suitable for both the Mexican and Canadian corporate jurisdictions. The broad business and financial terms outlined in the May 31, 2023 release remain unchanged.

本公司還高興地報告,根據2023年5月31日宣佈的Cerro de Oro專案融資方案的條款說明書編制的最終檔案預計將在完成最終專案技術盡職調查後不久結束。融資方案的收益將用於許可和建設Cerro de Oro堆浸金礦。推遲原定於7月中旬的截止日期,主要是因為起草適用於墨西哥和加拿大公司司法管轄區的檔案的要求擴大。2023年5月31日新聞稿中概述的廣泛商業和金融術語保持不變。

Qualified Person Statements


The Technical Report on the Mineral Resource Estimate for the Cerro de Oro Project was prepared by Scott Zelligan P.Geo., Larry Segerstrom, M.Sc. (Geology), C.P.G. and Peimeng Ling, P.Eng., all Qualified Persons ("QPs") as defined under Canadian National Instrument 43-101. The QPs have reviewed and approved the content of this news release. All of the QPs are "independent" of the Company pursuant to National Instrument 43-101. The Technical Report will be posted on SEDARplus within the next 45 days.

Cerro de Oro專案礦產資源評估技術報告由Scott Zelligan P.Geo,Larry Segerstrom,M.Sc。(地質學),C.P.G.和Peimeng Ling,P.eng,均為加拿大國家文書43-101定義的合格人員(“QPS”)。QPS已經審查並批准了本新聞稿的內容。根據《國家文書43-101》的規定,所有QPS均獨立於本公司。技術報告將在未來45天內發佈在SEDARplus上。

The listed Qualified Persons have reviewed the data contained in this new release and verified that such data is accurately disclosed.


Scott Zelligan, P.Geo. Zelligan Consulting Inc.
Larry Segerstrom, M.Sc. (Geology), C.P.G Segerstrom Consulting LLC
Peimeng Ling, P.Eng. Peimeng Ling & Associates Ltd.
斯科特·澤利根,P.Geo。 澤利根諮詢公司。
拉裡·塞格斯特羅姆,M.S.C.(地質學),C.P.G 賽格斯特龍諮詢有限責任公司
凌培萌,P.Eng. 培蒙嶺律師事務所有限公司

Mr. Darren Koningen, P.Eng. Minera Alamo's CEO, is the Qualified Person responsible for the content of this press release under National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Koningen has supervised the preparation of, and has approved the scientific and technical disclosures in this news release.

Darren Koningen先生,P.EngMinera Alamo的首席執行官是根據National Instrument 43-101負責本新聞稿內容的合格人員。科寧根先生監督了本新聞稿中的科學和技術披露的準備工作,並批准了這些披露。

For Further Information Please Contact:


Minera Alamos Inc.
Doug Ramshaw, President
Tel: 604-600-4423
Victoria Vargas de Szarzynski, VP Investor Relations
Tel: 289-242-3599

Minera Alamos Inc.
投資人關系部副總裁Victoria Vargas de Szarzynski

About Minera Alamos Inc.

關於Minera Alamos Inc.

Minera Alamos is a gold production and development Company undergoing the operational start-up of its first gold mine that produced its first gold in October 2021. The Company has a portfolio of high-quality Mexican assets, including the 100%-owned Santana open-pit, heap-leach mine in Sonora that is currently going through its operational ramp up. The 100%-owned Cerro de Oro oxide gold project in northern Zacatecas has considerable past drilling and metallurgical work completed and the proposed mining project is currently being guided through the permitting process by the Company's permitting consultants. The La Fortuna open pit gold project in Durango (100%-owned) has a positive, robust preliminary economic assessment (PEA) completed, and the main Federal permits are in place. Minera Alamos is built around its operating team that together brought three open pit heap leach gold mines into successful production in Mexico over the last 13 years.

Minera Alamos是一家黃金生產和開發公司,正在進行其第一座金礦的運營啟動,該金礦於2021年10月生產了第一座黃金。該公司擁有墨西哥優質資產組合,包括Sonora的Santana露天堆浸礦,該礦目前正處於運營加速階段。位於Zacatecas北部的Cerro de Oro Oxide金礦專案由全資擁有,過去的鑽探和冶金工作已完成相當多,而擬議的採礦專案目前正由本公司的許可顧問指導通過許可程式。位於杜蘭戈的La Fortuna露天金礦專案(100%擁有)已經完成了積極、穩健的初步經濟評估(PEA),主要的聯盟許可已經到位。Minera Alamos是圍繞其運營團隊建立的,在過去13年中,該團隊總共將三個露天堆浸金礦投入墨西哥的成功生產。

The Company's strategy is to develop very low capex assets while expanding the projects' resources and continuing to pursue complementary strategic acquisitions.


Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release may contain forward-looking information and Minera Alamos cautions readers that forward-looking information is based on certain assumptions and risk factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations of Minera Alamos included in this news release. This news release includes certain "forward-looking statements", which often, but not always, can be identified by the use of words such as "believes", "anticipates", "expects", "estimates", "may", "could", "would", "will", or "plan". These statements are based on information currently available to Minera Alamos and Minera Alamos provides no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements with respect to Minera Alamos' future plans with respect to the projects, objectives or goals, to the effect that Minera Alamos or management expects a stated condition or result to occur and the expected timing for release of a resource and reserve estimate on the projects. Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions that, by their very nature involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results relating to, among other things, results of exploration, the economics of processing methods, project development, reclamation and capital costs of Minera Alamos' mineral properties, the ability to complete a preliminary economic assessment which supports the technical and economic viability of mineral production could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements for many reasons. Minera Alamos' financial condition and prospects could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements for many reasons such as: an inability to finance and/or complete an updated resource and reserve estimate and a preliminary economic assessment which supports the technical and economic viability of mineral production; changes in general economic conditions and conditions in the financial markets; changes in demand and prices for minerals; litigation, legislative, environmental and other judicial, regulatory, political and competitive developments; technological and operational difficulties encountered in connection with Minera Alamos' activities; and other matters discussed in this news release and in filings made with securities regulators. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of Minera Alamos' forward-looking statements. These and other factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on Minera Alamos' forward-looking statements. Minera Alamos does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement that may be made from time to time by Minera Alamos or on its behalf, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿可能包含前瞻性資訊,Minera Alamos提醒讀者,前瞻性資訊是基於某些假設和風險因素,這些假設和風險因素可能導致實際結果與本新聞稿中包含的Minera Alamos預期大不相同。本新聞稿包括某些“前瞻性陳述”,通常但並非總是可以通過使用諸如“相信”、“預期”、“預期”、“估計”、“可能”、“可能”、“將”、“將”或“計劃”等詞語來識別。這些陳述是基於Minera Alamos目前掌握的資訊,Minera Alamos不保證實際結果將符合管理層的期望。前瞻性表述包括有關Minera Alamos未來專案、目標或目標計劃的估計和表述,大意是Minera Alamos或管理層預計會出現已陳述的情況或結果,以及發佈專案資源和儲量估計的預期時間。因為前瞻性陳述是以假設為基礎的,涉及未來事件和條件,而這些事件和條件本身就具有內在的風險和不確定性。與勘探結果、加工方法的經濟性、專案開發、復墾和Minera Alamos礦產的資本成本、完成支持礦產生產技術和經濟可行性的初步經濟評估的能力有關的實際結果可能因許多原因而與該等陳述中目前預期的大不相同。Minera Alamos的財務狀況和前景可能與此類聲明中目前預期的大不相同,原因有很多,例如:無法提供資金和/或完成最新的資源和儲量估計以及支持礦產生產技術和經濟可行性的初步經濟評估;一般經濟條件和金融市場條件的變化;礦產需求和價格的變化;訴訟、立法、環境和其他司法、法規、政治和競爭方面的發展;在Minera Alamos活動中遇到的技術和運營困難;以及本新聞稿和提交給證券監管機構的檔案中討論的其他事項。這份清單並沒有詳盡列出可能影響Minera Alamos前瞻性陳述的所有因素。這些因素和其他因素應仔細考慮,讀者不應過度依賴Minera Alamos的前瞻性陳述。Minera Alamos不承諾更新Minera Alamos或其代表可能不時作出的任何前瞻性陳述,除非符合適用的證券法。

The Company does not have a feasibility study of mineral reserves, demonstrating economic and technical viability for the Santana project, and, as a result, there may be an increased uncertainty of achieving any particular level of recovery of minerals or the cost of such recovery, including increased risks associated with developing a commercially mineable deposit. Historically, such projects have a much higher risk of economic and technical failure.




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