
InterNAP: Leading Web Hosting Co Selects INAP for Colocation Services at INAP's Atlanta and Seattle Flagship Data Centers>INAP

InterNAP: Leading Web Hosting Co Selects INAP for Colocation Services at INAP's Atlanta and Seattle Flagship Data Centers>INAP

道琼斯 ·  2019/07/08 22:01

Press Release: Leading Web Hosting Company Selects INAP for Colocation Services at INAP's Atlanta and Seattle Flagship Data Centers


Leading Web Hosting Company Selects INAP for Colocation Services at INAP's Atlanta and Seattle Flagship Data Centers


Global web hosting company servicing customers from over 100 countries, consolidates US footprint with INAP as sole provider


INAP's data centers selected for strategic location, data security and low latency enabled by INAP's route-optimized Performance IP(R) technology


RESTON, Va., July 08, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Internap Corporation (NASDAQ: INAP), a leading-edge provider of high-performance data center and cloud solutions with global network connectivity, and a privately held web hosting company, today announced a multi-year agreement for colocation and Performance IP(R) services.

弗吉尼亞州雷斯頓,2019年7月8日(環球網)--具有全球網絡連通性的高性能數據中心和雲解決方案的領先提供商Internap Corporation(納斯達克股票代碼:INAP)和一傢俬人持股的網絡託管公司今天宣佈,雙方就主機託管和高性能IP(R)服務達成了一項多年協議。

The customer selected INAP for its high-density colocation solutions, the quality of its strategically located Tier 3 data centers, and its latency-reducing Performance IP service. By choosing INAP's flagship data centers in Atlanta and Seattle, the company will begin the consolidation of its US footprint.


"This multi-market colocation and network customer win is another showcase for INAP's strength in the web hosting vertical," said Andrew Day, Chief Operating Officer, INAP. "INAP's network optimization solution, in particular, remains a key advantage over competitors, providing superior performance and significant cost savings on blended IP compared to the customer's previous solution."


INAP Performance IP, powered by a patented route optimization engine, will automatically direct the customers traffic along the lowest-latency path. At over 100 network POPs worldwide, Performance IP makes approximately 500 million latency-reducing route optimizations every day.

由獲得專利的路由優化引擎提供支持的INAP性能IP將自動引導客户流量沿着最低延遲路徑傳輸。在全球100多個網絡POP中,Performance IP每天進行大約5億次延遲減少路由優化。

About Internap Corporation


Internap Corporation (NASDAQ: INAP) is a leading-edge provider of high-performance data center and cloud solutions with over 100 network Points of Presence worldwide. INAP's full-spectrum portfolio of high-density colocation, managed cloud hosting and network solutions supports evolving IT infrastructure requirements for customers ranging from the Fortune 500 to emerging startups. INAP operates in 21 metropolitan markets, primarily in North America, with data centers connected by a low-latency, high-capacity fiber network. INAP has over one million gross square feet in its portfolio, with approximately 600,000 square feet of sellable data center space. For more information, visit


Media Contacts:
Richard Ramlall, Chief Communications Officer: 404.302.9982
Clay Boothby: 202.595.4923

媒體聯繫人:首席公關官理查德·拉姆拉爾(Richard Ramlall)電話:404.302.9982克萊·布斯比:202.595.4923

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


July 08, 2019 08:01 ET (12:01 GMT)


*DJ InterNAP: Leading Web Hosting Co Selects INAP for Colocation Services at INAP's Atlanta and Seattle Flagship Data Centers>INAP

*DJ Internap:領先的網絡託管公司選擇INAP在INAP的亞特蘭大和西雅圖旗艦數據中心>INAP提供協同服務

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July 08, 2019 08:01 ET (12:01 GMT)


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