
Bill Ackman Stays Short On Bonds, Expects 30-Year Yields To Spike As The World Is Now 'A Structurally Different Place'

Bill Ackman Stays Short On Bonds, Expects 30-Year Yields To Spike As The World Is Now 'A Structurally Different Place'

比爾·阿克曼繼續做空債券,預計30年期國債收益率將飆升,因爲世界現在是 “結構上不同的地方”
Benzinga ·  2023/09/22 17:59
Bond yields have been surging of late amid expectations that the Federal Reserve will continue to raise interest rates in the wake of stubbornly elevated inflation and strong economic data. Hedge fund manager Bill Ackman weighed in on surging Treasury yields in a post on X.
由於預計美聯儲將在通貨膨脹率居高不下和強勁的經濟數據之後繼續加息,債券收益率最近一直在飆升。對沖基金經理 比爾·阿克曼 在 X 上的一篇文章中對美國國債收益率飆升感到壓力。
What Happened: Ackman, the founder of Pershing Square, said his firm remained short on bonds, especially the 30-year bonds, through the ownership of "swaptions."
發生了什麼: 潘興廣場的創始人阿克曼表示,通過擁有 “掉期”,他的公司仍然缺少債券,尤其是30年期債券。
A swaption is an option contract that grants its holder the right but not the obligation to enter into a swap contract by paying a premium to the issuer of...

