'Get The Message:' Google Roasts Apple With New Mocking 'IPager' Add To End Green Vs Blue Text Bubbles War
'Get The Message:' Google Roasts Apple With New Mocking 'IPager' Add To End Green Vs Blue Text Bubbles War
The Google versus Apple text message feud refuses to die down. Now, the Alphabet Inc.-owned (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOG) company has released a new "iPager" commercial that mocks Apple for showing messages from Android in green bubbles.
這個 谷歌 與 蘋果 短信爭執拒絕平息。現在, Alphab.-旗下(納斯達克股票代碼:GOOG)(納斯達克股票代碼:GOOG)公司發佈了一則新的 “iPager” 廣告,該廣告嘲笑蘋果在綠色氣泡中展示來自安卓的信息。
What Happened: Google has been trying to pressure Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) into adopting RCS, a new messaging technology that builds on top of the 30-year-old SMS.
發生了什麼: 谷歌一直在努力施加壓力 蘋果公司 納斯達克股票代碼:AAPL)即將採用 RCS,這是一種新的消息傳遞技術,它建立在已有30年曆史的短信的基礎上。
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另見:你現在可以像 iPhone 一樣使用你的 Google Pixel 作爲網絡攝像頭
Its latest attempt, though, mocks Apple for showing texts from Android phones in green bubbles.
Google kicked off its "Get the message" campaign to get Apple to stop showing Android messages in green bubbles. While it hasn't been successful in moving the needle so far, Google's latest commercial mocks the iPhone by equating it to an "iPager".
谷歌啓動了 “Get the message” 活動,要求蘋果停止在綠色氣泡中顯示安卓消息。儘管到目前爲止,它還沒有成功地取得平衡,但谷歌的最新廣告卻將iPhone等同於 “iPager”,從而嘲笑iPhone。
The sassy commercial also has a throwback to the original 1984 Macintosh and 2007 iPhone ads, with the word "Hello" appearing on the screen of the iPager.
這則時髦的廣告還可以追溯到最初的 1984 年 Macintosh 和 2007 年 iPhone 廣告,iPager 的屏幕上出現了 “你好” 一詞。
Why It Matters: Green bubbles are a hot issue for Google and other Android phone makers. While Apple already dominates the smartphone industry profits, it is also the biggest smartphone maker in the U.S. by a wide margin.
爲什麼重要: 綠色氣泡是谷歌和其他安卓手機制造商的熱門話題。儘管蘋果已經在智能手機行業的利潤中佔據主導地位,但它還是美國最大的智能手機制造商。
According to research firm Counterpoint, Apple held a 55% market share at the end of the June 2023 quarter, far ahead of Samsung which had a 23% share.
Green bubbles – text messages from non-iPhone users – do not have typing indicators or reactions, and these messages also don't work well in group chats.
This has led to a dislike for non-iPhone messages amongst iPhone users, and it is visible in buying trends, too. According to a survey by investment firm Piper Sandler, 87% of teens own an iPhone and 88% expect the iPhone to be their next phone.
Google has been desperately trying to solve this and nudge Apple to stop Green Bubbling Android messages, but it hasn't worked so far. The new iOS 17 update still shows Android messages in green bubbles, and it does not look like Apple is going to stop doing this anytime soon, either.
谷歌一直在拼命努力解決這個問題,並推動蘋果停止 Green Bubbling Android 消息,但到目前爲止還沒有奏效。新的 iOS 17 更新仍然以綠色氣泡顯示安卓消息,而且蘋果似乎也不會很快停止這樣做。
For now, expect Google to come out with more commercials mocking Apple for this.
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