
4i Apps Achieves Remarkable Milestone: Wins Oracle Cloud Partner Award 2023 at Oracle Cloud World 2023

4i Apps Achieves Remarkable Milestone: Wins Oracle Cloud Partner Award 2023 at Oracle Cloud World 2023

4i Apps 實現了非凡的里程碑:在 2023 年甲骨文雲世界大會上榮獲 2023 年甲骨文雲合作伙伴獎
PR Newswire ·  2023/09/21 10:30

CHENNAI, India, Sept. 21, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In a remarkable achievement, 4i apps has earned prestigious recognition at the Oracle Cloud Partner Awards 2023. Our outstanding performance in the "Customer Success Partner of the Year - Cloud/Technology" category has positioned 4i as a leader in the Oracle Cloud ecosystem.

印度欽奈2023年9月21日 /PRNewswire/ — 4i 應用程序在 2023 年甲骨文雲合作伙伴獎上獲得了久負盛名的認可,這是一項了不起的成就。我們在 “年度客戶成功合作伙伴——雲/技術” 類別中的出色表現使4i成爲Oracle雲生態系統的領導者。

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4i apps solutions, Oracle Cloud Partner receiving award for Partner of the Year
4i 應用解決方案,Oracle 雲合作伙伴榮獲年度最佳合作伙伴獎

4i apps was honoured with this prestigious award ceremony held at Oracle Cloud World on 17thSeptember 2023 in Las Vegas, USA. This award holds exceptional value as it signifies our selection from a distinguished lineup of Oracle Partners across the globe. The award was presented to 4i apps team by the Oracle in presence of numerous other esteemed organizations.

4i apps 榮獲了 17 日在甲骨文雲世界舉行的這場久負盛名的頒獎典禮第四2023 年 9 月拉斯維加斯美國。該獎項具有非凡的價值,因爲它標誌着我們從全球傑出的 Oracle 合作伙伴陣容中脫穎而出。該獎項由甲骨文頒發給4i應用程序團隊,還有許多其他受人尊敬的組織在場。

The Oracle Cloud Partner Awards provide a distinguished platform for acknowledging excellence and innovation in cloud technology spanning Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Amidst fierce competition, 4i apps emerged as a trailblazer, showcasing its unwavering dedication to customer success and groundbreaking technological solutions.

Oracle 雲合作伙伴獎爲表彰雲技術領域的卓越表現和創新提供了一個卓越的平台 歐洲中東,以及 非洲。在激烈的競爭中,4i應用程序成爲開拓者,展示了其對客戶成功和開創性技術解決方案的堅定不移的奉獻精神。

"This recognition in the Oracle Cloud Partner Awards 2023 is a monumental achievement and a testament to the exceptional skills and dedication of our team," said Mr. Kathiresh Kumar N, Chief Marketing Officer at 4i apps.

4i apps首席營銷官Kathiresh Kumar N先生表示:“2023年甲骨文雲合作伙伴獎的這一認可是一項了不起的成就,也證明了我們團隊的卓越技能和奉獻精神。”

As an Oracle Cloud Partner Awards winner, 4i apps continues to lead the charge in digital transformation, aiding organizations in unlocking the full potential of Oracle Cloud solutions. This recognition reaffirms the company's commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation and ensuring customer triumph.

作爲 Oracle 雲合作伙伴獎得主,4i 應用繼續引領數字化轉型,幫助組織充分發揮 Oracle 雲解決方案的潛力。這一認可再次證實了公司對突破創新界限和確保客戶勝利的承諾。

4i apps is a fast-growing global Oracle Cloud partner, having enabled 1000+ organizations on Oracle cloud solutions. With operations spanning over 15 years, 4i apps has established as the preferred the digital transformation partner for many public and private sector organizations. 4i has over 700 very capable and competent consultants and have successfully implemented and delivered solutions across geographies. Our offices are in India, UAE, Oman, Qatar, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia.

4i apps 是一個快速增長的全球 Oracle 雲合作伙伴,已爲 1000 多家組織提供了 Oracle 雲解決方案。4i apps的運營跨越15年,已成爲許多公共和私營部門組織的首選數字化轉型合作伙伴。4i擁有700多名非常有能力和稱職的顧問,併成功地在各個地區實施和交付了解決方案。我們的辦公室在 印度,阿聯酋, 阿曼卡塔爾美國,英國, 加拿大澳大利亞新加坡,以及 馬來西亞

Our major services are Oracle Cloud (SAAS/PAAS/IAAS), Oracle Fusion, Oracle EBS, Oracle Apex, Oracle Primavera, and Oracle Technology. We have wide range of clients covering industries like real estate/construction, manufacturing, financial, healthcare, technology, energy/utilities, education, and transportation.


Everest Group has recognized 4i apps as an Aspirant in Oracle Cloud Applications (OCA) Services, PEAK Matrix Assessment 2022 & 2023 – Global.

珠穆朗瑪峯集團已將4i應用程序評爲甲骨文雲應用程序 (OCA) 服務、2022 年和 2023 年全球峯值矩陣評估中的有抱負者。

4i apps recognized as Contender in ISG Provider LensTM Oracle Ecosystem Implementation and Integration Services – U.S. 2022.

4i 應用程序被評爲 ISG 提供商 LenstM Oracle 生態系統實施和集成服務的競爭者 — 2022 年美國。

Media Contact:


Premkumar R
+971 58 957 4520
[email protected]

Premkumar R
+971 58 957 4520



SOURCE 4i apps solutions

來源 4i 應用程序解決方案

