
Mark Cuban's Money-Saving Tip Fails To Resonate With The People Of TikTok, Billionaire Then Urges Them To Be 'Nice' And 'Smile'

Mark Cuban's Money-Saving Tip Fails To Resonate With The People Of TikTok, Billionaire Then Urges Them To Be 'Nice' And 'Smile'

馬克·庫班的省錢小貼士未能引起TikTok人們的共鳴,億萬富翁隨後敦促他們 “友善” 和 “微笑”
Benzinga ·  2023/09/15 10:26

In the recent past, billionaire investor Mark Cuban has come under scrutiny for his financial advice shared on TikTok, leading to a wave of criticism from the app's users.

最近,億萬富翁投資者 馬克·庫班 因其在TikTok上分享的財務建議而受到審查,這引起了該應用程序用戶的批評浪潮。

What Happened: According to a report by Insider on Tuesday, Cuban's TikTok presence resurfaced after his initial comments on the platform sparked fierce debate. His "Tip Of The Day" series, in which he advised viewers to cut back on non-essential expenses, was the initial cause of the uproar.

發生了什麼: 根據Insider週二的報道,庫班在TikTok上的初步評論引發了激烈的辯論後,他在TikTok上的影響力再次浮出水面。他的 “Tip Of The Day” 系列是引起軒然大波的最初原因,他在該系列中建議觀衆削減不必要的開支。

@mcuban ♬ original sound – Mark Cuban
@mcuban ♬ 原聲 — Mark Cuban

"You don't need that extra latte, that extra streaming subscription, going to that fancy dinner," Cuban expressed in the controversial video, which attracted 2 million views. The advice, which was shared in late August, led to backlash from users in the days that followed.


Discontent was reportedly voiced by many users who doubted the practicality of Cuban's advice for their financial difficulties. "I didn't buy the latte and I still can't pay for groceries and housing," stated one user. Another posed the question, "Why do billionaires think skipping things that bring us happiness is the solution to our problems?"


Ignoring the criticism, Cuban issued another "Tip Of The Day" on September 12, urging his audience to "be nice" and "smile." Despite the prior controversy, Cuban's latest advice has been well-received, with TikTok users showing their appreciation. Cuban, who sold his first tech firm MicroSolutions for $6 million in 1990 and made his debut on reality TV show "Shark Tank" in 2011, has over 986,000 followers on TikTok.

庫班無視批評,於9月12日發佈了另一篇 “每日提示”,敦促聽衆 “保持友善” 和 “微笑”。儘管此前存在爭議,但庫班的最新建議還是廣受好評,TikTok用戶表示感謝。庫班在1990年以600萬美元的價格出售了他的第一家科技公司MicroSolutions,並於2011年在真人秀節目《鯊魚坦克》中首次亮相,他在TikTok上擁有超過98.6萬名粉絲。

@mcuban ♬ original sound – Mark Cuban
@mcuban ♬ 原聲 — Mark Cuban

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Why It Matters: Early on in 2020 Cuban's daughters showcased the other side of their father as a family man on TikTok.

爲什麼重要: 2020年初,庫班的女兒們在TikTok上以有家室男人的身份展示了父親的另一面。

More recently, Cuban offered a deal for a company on "Shark Tank" which has seen a level of viral success on TikTok. The Sharks liked the TikTok success and were impressed by the company's founder and CEO Fiona Co Chan.

最近,庫班向一家在 “鯊魚坦克” 上與一家公司達成協議,該公司在TikTok上取得了一定程度的病毒式成功。鯊魚隊喜歡 TikTok 的成功,該公司的創始人兼首席執行官給他們留下了深刻的印象 Fiona Co Chan。

Cuban isn't the only one offering financial tips on the ByteDance-owned platform. Short video clips on everything from purchasing a home to quick-hitting money teachings are available on TikTok as well.


Photo by Kathy Hutchins on Shutterstock

照片由 Kathy Hutchins 在 Shutterstock 上拍攝

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