
American Copper Development Corporation Confirms Large Scale Porphyry System at Lordsburg, New Mexico; Widespread High Grade Copper Mineralization Intersected Including 44m of 1.00% CuEq

American Copper Development Corporation Confirms Large Scale Porphyry System at Lordsburg, New Mexico; Widespread High Grade Copper Mineralization Intersected Including 44m of 1.00% CuEq

美國銅業開發公司確認新墨西哥州洛茲堡有大規模斑岩系統;廣泛的高品位銅礦化相交,包括4400萬個 1.00% CueQ
newsfile ·  2023/09/11 19:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 11, 2023) - American Copper Development Corporation (CSE: ACDX) (OTCQB: ACDXF) ("ACDX" or the "‎‎Company") is pleased to provide assay results from six diamond drill holes totaling 4,661m recently completed at the Lordsburg Project, New Mexico.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年9月11日)-美國銅開發公司(CSE:ACDX)(場外交易:ACDXF)(“ACDX”或“‎‎公司”)很高興地提供最近在新墨西哥州洛茨堡專案完成的總計4661米的六個鑽石鑽孔的分析結果。

Highlights Include:


  • AC23-006 intersected 44m of 1.00% CuEq* (0.86% Cu, 10.55 g/t Ag, and 0.1 g/t Au) including, 18m of 2.13% CuEq, 14m of 2.75% CuEq, and 3.0m of 11.35% CuEq (9.48% Cu, 217.5 g/t Ag, and 0.56 g/t Au) - Figure 1;

  • AC23-005 intersected 9.9m of 0.52% CuEq (0.44% Cu, 9.57 g/t Ag, and 0.2 g/t Au)

  • AC23-004 intersected 38m of 0.39% CuEq including, 12m of 1.02% Cu Eq (0.94% Cu, 9.44 g/t Ag, and 0.2 g/t Au);

  • AC23-001 intersected 36.6m of 0.38% CuEq including, 7.6m of 0.69% CuEq (0.52% Cu, 18.90 g/t Ag, and 0.06 g/t Au).

  • AC23-006相交1.00%CuEq中的44M* (0.86%銅,10.55克/噸銀,0.1克/噸金)包括2.13%CuEq的18M,2.75%CuEq的14M,以及3.0M的11.35%CuEq(9.48%銅、217.5克/噸銀和0.56克/噸金)--圖1;

  • AC23-005相交9.9m的0.52%CuEq(0.44%銅、9.57克/噸銀和0.2克/噸金)

  • AC23-004相交38m的0.39%CuEq包括,12M為1.02%CuEq(0.94%Cu9.44g/tAg,0.2g/tAu);

  • AC23-001相交0.38%CuEq中的36.6米包括,0.69%CuEq中的7.6米(0.52%銅、18.90克/噸銀、0.06克/噸金)。

The 2023 drilling campaign was designed to follow up on and extend previously identified porphyry copper related mineralization, test previously undrilled areas in and around the known high-grade copper, silver, gold vein mineralization at the historic Bonney and Misers Chest mines, and test newly identified areas for porphyry copper mineralization based on the 3D DCIP/MT Titan survey completed by Quantec earlier this year.

2023年鑽探活動旨在跟進和延伸先前發現的斑岩銅相關礦化,測試歷史悠久的Bonney和Misers胸礦中已知的高品位銅、銀、金脈礦化及其周圍先前未鑽探的區域,並根據Quantec今年早些時候完成的3D DCIP/MT泰坦測量,測試新發現的斑岩銅礦化區域。

Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse, Chairman comments: "Results from our initial exploration program have demonstrated that a very large-scale porphyry system is active at Lordsburg with widespread high-grade intervals of copper mineralization. We are very pleased with these initial results from the Phase I drill program. They demonstrate widespread pervasive propylitic and phyllic alteration with copper mineralization consistently associated with chalcopyrite-magnetite-kspar stockwork veining. Hole AC23-006 intersected a solid interval averaging 1% copper equivalent with multiple higher grade zones. Hole AC23-005 intersected unmapped underground workings, which resulted in having to abandon the hole. This hole was intended to test a large Mag-high signature further west and remains untested. The strong association of chalcopyrite and magnetite suggest vectoring on Mag highs needs to be further drill tested. We were also able to re-log the drill core previously drilled by Entrée Gold. All of this information is being integrated into our 3D drill hole database along with the geophysical and multi-element geochemical data and will be used to vector into the core of the system. The large-scale footprint is demonstrated, and now we need to use science and hard work to find the porphyry copper center."

董事長Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse評論說:“我們最初的勘探計劃的結果證明瞭洛茲堡有一個非常大規模的斑岩系統,具有廣泛的高品位銅礦化間隔。我們對第一階段演習計劃的初步結果感到非常滿意。它們表現出廣泛的早青石和葉狀蝕變,銅礦化與黃銅礦-磁鐵礦-鉀石網脈一致伴生。AC23-006孔與多個較高品位帶相交,平均銅當量為1%。AC23-005孔與未繪製地圖的地下巷道相交,導致不得不放棄該孔。這個洞的目的是測試更西邊的一個大型MAG-HIGH標誌,目前仍未測試。黃銅礦和磁鐵礦的強烈共生表明,在MAG高壓上的導向作用需要進一步的鑽探測試。我們還能夠重新記錄Entrée Gold之前鑽探的鑽芯。所有這些資訊都將與地球物理和多元素地球化學數據一起集成到我們的3D鑽孔資料庫中,並將用於向系統的核心提供資訊。大範圍的足跡是論證出來的,現在我們需要用科學和實幹去尋找斑岩銅中心。

Based on results of the 2023 program, the company announced that it has significantly expanded its land-position to the east of the existing Lordsburg claims which now brings the new total land package to 1,205 contiguous Federal patented and unpatented lode mining claims, covering 9,462 hectares in area controlled by the Company (Figure 2).


Table 1: Selected Drill Intercepts from the Lordsburg Project, NM.




This hole was designed to test the eastern extension of the historically mined North Atwood Vein, which was intersected between 335 ft and 498 ft. A second, previously unknown and un-named vein complex was cut between 907 ft and 962 feet. Mineralization consists of copper oxide and sulfides, pyrite +/- magnetite in strongly silicified and brecciated rock hosted by intensely and pervasively propylitized andesite.




AC23-002 was located approximately 3500 ft northeast of the Entrée Gold drilling and was designed to test a deep chargeability high along a potential structural corridor to the north and east of the pre-existing drilling. This hole did not contain significant copper assays; however, the hole did intersect intensely and pervasively k-spar altered and well mineralized pyrite-chalcopyrite-kspar stockwork veining most certainly indicative of porphyry style mineralization. Both Cretaceous andesitic wall rocks and Laramide porphyry and Laramide hydrothermal breccia contain extensive replacement of primary mineralogy and texture by chlorite, epidote and calcite with ubiquitous pyritic stockwork veining and disseminated chalcopyrite+/- magnetite. While assays did not yield reportable widths and grades, spot analyses using a handheld Vanta XRF analyzer yielded up to 2600 ppm Cu.

AC23-002位於Entrée金礦鑽井東北約3500英尺處,旨在測試沿現有鑽井以北和以東的潛在構造走廊的深部充電性。這個洞並不包含重要的銅化驗;然而,這個洞確實強烈和普遍地交匯在一起,鉀石蝕變和良好的礦化黃鐵礦-黃銅礦-鉀石網脈最肯定地指示斑岩風格的礦化。白堊紀安山質圍巖和拉拉米斑岩和拉拉米德熱液角礫巖均含有大量原生礦物學和結構被綠泥石、綠簾石和方解石以無處不在的黃鐵礦網脈和浸染狀黃銅礦+/-磁鐵礦取代。雖然分析沒有產生可報告的寬度和等級,但使用手持式VANTA XRF分析儀進行的現貨分析產生了高達2600ppm的銅。



AC23-003 was collared north and west of the Anita Vein in an area with outcropping silicified breccia pipes and coincident radiometric K and magnetic anomalies, approximately 1 mile south of a strongly argillized roadcut. It was collared in unaltered, post-Laramide quartz monzonite porphyry and passed at shallow depth into Laramide feldspar porphyry affected by moderately pervasive propylitic alteration. From 530 ft to 780 ft, strong phyllic alteration with quartz and sericite overprints the propylitized porphyry. This phyllic alteration zone, similar in appearance to the roadcut, hosts common and abundant, black calcite, Mn-oxide and sulfide bearing veinlets. The processes of leaching and secondary enrichment may be responsible for its occurrence.




AC23-004 was the longest hole of the program, reaching a final depth of 3826.5 feet. It was collared just east of the Misers Chest shaft and was designed to test the high-grade copper veins historically mined in addition to drilling beyond the deepest workings. This hole started in propylitized andesite, passing at 229 ft into propylitized Laramide porphyry. At a depth of 830 ft, the drill hole cut into contact metamorphosed Cretaceous sediments of the Bisbee group. Hornfels, proto-skarn and silica-pyrite rock occur as alteration of the Bisbee group and persisted to the final drilled depth.


Mineralized intervals within the contact metamorphosed units typically contain common, thin, irregular chalcopyrite veinlets with irregular, seemingly arbitrary, zones with chalcopyrite concentrations greater than 50-percent of the core volume.




AC23-005 was collared on the same pad as AC23-004, and was angled to the west to drill test a large mag-high anomaly surrounding the historic Misers Chest and Bonney workings. This hole also began in propylitized andesite before passing into propylitized Laramide porphyry at 257 ft and then into contact metamorphosed Bisbee Group sediments at 927 ft. As with AC23-004, hornfels, proto-skarn and so-called silica-pyrite rock of the Bisbee group persisted to the final drilled depth.


AC23-005 penetrated an open stope from the Miser's Chest historic underground mine between 875 and 890 ft below collar. The stope and recovered core to a depth of 927 feet cut the Last Chance vein characterized by coarse grained masses of chalcopyrite and chalcopyrite veinlets with some 5 ft intervals displaying over 1% Cu assays. The hole was abandoned, prematurely, after penetrating a second underground working between 1304 ft and 1318 ft.

AC23-005鑽進了一個露天採場,採場位於井口下方875至890英尺之間,是守財奴胸前歷史悠久的地下礦井。採場和回收的岩心深達927英尺,切割了Last Chance礦脈,特徵是以粗粒狀的黃銅礦和黃銅礦細脈為特徵,間隔約5英尺,顯示超過1%的銅分析。在穿過1304英尺到1318英尺之間的第二個地下工作洞後,這個洞被過早地放棄了。



AC23-006 was also collared on the AC23-004 pad (see Figure 1 for photos). It was drilled to the northeast and aimed to test the northeast projection of mineralization found in AC23-004. It was collared in propylitized Cretaceous Andesite and passed into propylitized Laramide porphyry at a depth of 151 ft. Contact metamorphosed Bisbee Group sediments were first cut at a depth of 831 ft and persisted to 1038 feet. The next section of the hole passed back into Laramide porphyry, and then between 1555 ft and 1779 feet, Bisbee Group hornfels were again intersected. Bisbee Group hornfels and proto-skarn was observed down to where Laramide porphyry was cut from 1779 to the final drilled depth of 3000 ft.


The best mineralized interval, between 872 ft and 1017 ft was entirely within the contact metamorphosed Bisbee Group sediments and like the mineralization in AC23-004 contains common, thin, irregular chalcopyrite veinlets with irregular, seemingly arbitrary, zones with chalcopyrite concentrations greater than 50-percent of the core volume.


Sampling Methodology, Chain of Custody, Quality Control and Quality Assurance


All sampling was conducted under the supervision of the Company's Project Manager. Samples were delivered to the ALS Laboratories preparation facility in Tucson, AZ where a chain of custody was received upon delivery. The samples were analyzed as 1⁄2 core and averaged 1.5m in length. Samples were crushed, pulverized and then analyzed using industry standard analytical methods including a 4-Acid ICP-MS 48 multielement package and a four-acid digestion method for high-grade copper and silver samples in Vancouver BC. Gold was analyzed on a 30 g aliquot by fire assay with an AAS finish. Three QA/QC samples (one standard reference material (SRM), one duplicate, and one blank) selected by the logging geologist were inserted at a rate of +/- 15%. Duplicate sample ID tags are stapled into core boxes at end of sample interval. Coarse barren granitic landscaping, crushed rock was used as the blank material. Four SRM's were used in 2023, ranging in accepted copper values of 0.27% to 1.1%. On top of internal QA-QC protocol, additional blanks, reference materials and duplicates were inserted by the analytical laboratory according to their internal procedures. The analytical results for the QAQC samples indicated satisfactory analytical accuracy and precision for the assay program.


Next Steps


The Company is currently relogging all the Entrée Gold drill core in order to gain a better understanding of the mineralization and textures, and to better integrate this data into our database. We have completed approximately 12,000 ft of relogging to date. We will be spending the next few months reviewing all the layers of data we've compiled and collected over the past year to help with target generation for a second round of drilling.


The Lordsburg Project


American Copper's Lordsburg project is strategically located in a porphyry-rich copper region of southwest New Mexico at the intersection of the NE trending Santa Rita Lineament and the NW trending Texas Lineament. Significant historical production from the district includes 3-4M tonnes from polymetallic veins with average hypogene grades of 2-3% Cu, 2-3 opt Ag, and ~0.11 opt Au. Increasing copper grades are found at depth on the Lordsburg property with historically drilled intercepts from underground of +4% copper. Detailed geophysical and geochemical surveys suggest the potential for multiple porphyry centers on the property.

美國銅業的洛茲堡銅礦專案位於新墨西哥州西南部斑岩豐富的銅礦地區,位於東北向的聖麗塔線條和西北向的德克薩斯線條的交匯處。該地區歷史上的重要產量包括來自多金屬礦脈的300-400萬噸,平均低成因品位為2-3%銅、2-3opt Ag和~0.11opt Au。在Lordsburg礦區的深部發現了越來越多的銅品位,歷史上從地下鑽探的截留物中銅含量+4%。詳細的地球物理和地球化學調查表明,該地產可能存在多個斑岩中心。

Qualified Person


Mark Osterberg, P.Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has read and approved all technical and scientific information contained in this news release.

Mark Osterberg,P.Geo是美國國家儀器43-101礦產專案披露標準定義的合格人員,已閱讀並批准了本新聞稿中包含的所有技術和科學資訊。

About the Company


The Company is engaged in the business of mineral exploration and the acquisition of mineral property assets. Its objective is to locate and develop economic precious and base metal properties of merit and to conduct its exploration programs on the Lordsburg Property and the Chuchi South and West Properties.


This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.


American Copper Development Corporation


For further information, please contact:‎
Daniel Schieber
Chief Executive Officer and Director
Phone: (778) 372-9888


Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This news release includes certain "forward-looking information" under applicable Canadian ‎securities legislation. Forward-looking information involves risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could ‎cause actual results, performance, prospects, and opportunities to differ materially from those ‎expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward-looking information is ‎necessarily based on a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable, ‎are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual ‎results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-‎looking information. Accordingly, the forward-looking information discussed in this release, may not ‎occur and could differ materially as a result of these known and unknown risk factors and ‎uncertainties affecting ACDX. Although ACDX believes that the assumptions and factors used in ‎preparing the forward-looking information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on ‎this information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be ‎given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. Except where required by ‎law, ACDX disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward- looking ‎information, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.‎


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