
Ophir Announces Restart of Exploration Work at the Radis Lithium Project in James Bay Quebec

Ophir Announces Restart of Exploration Work at the Radis Lithium Project in James Bay Quebec

newsfile ·  2023/08/31 19:45

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 31, 2023) - Ophir Gold Corp. (TSXV: OPHR) (OTCQB: KPZIF) (FSE: 80M) ("Ophir" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that due to the lifting of the fire ban and improved conditions in the Western half of the Eeyou Istchee, James Bay region of Quebec, it has restarted exploration activities at the Radis lithium project.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年8月31日)-奧菲爾黃金公司 (TSXV:OPHR)(OTCQB:KPZIF)(FSE:80M)(“歐菲爾“或”公司“)很高興地宣佈,由於消防禁令的解除和魁北克省詹姆斯灣地區Eeyou Istchee西半部條件的改善,公司重新啟動了Radis鋰專案的勘探活動。

Exploration activities will be prioritized on the three showings identified in early June which provided the results below (also see news release dated June 29th, 2023):


  • Chou Showing which returned three (3) outcrop samples of 2.33%, 1.68 % and 1.17%, Li2O
  • 周表示,其中返回了2.33%、1.68%和1.17%的三(3)個露頭樣本,Li2.O
  • Navet Showing in the area historically described as tourmaline pegmatite with one (1) outcrop sample assaying 1.26% Li2O
  • 在歷史上被描述為電氣石偉晶巖的地區顯示的Navet,一(1)個露頭樣品分析了1.26%的Li2.O
  • Courgette Showing, which returned assay values of 867 ppm and 227 ppm Ta2O5
  • 西葫蘆顯示,返回的化驗值分別為867 ppm和227 ppm Ta2.O5.

Crews will focus on the detailed mapping of the identified showings, locating possible extensions along strike and prospecting areas yet to be fully assessed, including the 300 ft x 70 ft potential spodumene zone identified from historical data compilation (see news release dated March 14, 2023), which has yet to be evaluated.

工作人員將重點放在已確定的顯示的詳細地圖上,沿著尚未完全評估的罷工和探礦區定位可能的延伸,包括300英尺x 70英尺的潛在鋰輝石帶從歷史數據匯編中確定的(見2023年3月14日的新聞稿),尚待評估。

The field work, along with the high-resolution magnetic data recently conducted will be utilized to assist drill targeting of the Chou Showing (2.33% Li2O), and the Navet Showing (1.26% Li20), as well as other potential targets the program identifies, for a maiden drill program in Q4 2023/ Q1 2024. Timing of the drill program will be based on both the availability of resources, as well as adequate field time to access and prioritize drill targets.

將利用野外工作以及最近進行的高解析度磁測數據來輔助鑽探周示(2.33%Li2.O),以及Navet Showing(1.26%Li2.0),以及該計劃確定的其他潛在目標,用於2023年第4季度/2024年第1季度的首次演習計劃。演習計劃的時間將取決於資源的可用性,以及有足夠的實地時間來訪問和確定演習目標的優先順序。

The initial 2023 exploration program began on June 2nd and extended for just 1.5 days before being paused due to regional forest fires at the request of the ministry (see news release dated June 5, 2023). While on site, field crews targeted the historically documented lithium/spodumene pegmatite outcrop occurrences identified from data compilation. Over this 1.5 day period, a total of eleven (11) samples were collected from ten (10) outcrops and one (1) boulder. Of these samples, four (4) returned values >1.0% Li2O up to a peak value of 2.33% Li2O (Figure 1). The results confirm the presence of spodumene pegmatite on the Property at two (2) locations - the Chou Showing (2.33% Li2O) and Navet Showing (1.26% Li2O), separated by approximately 2.1 km.

最初的2023年勘探計劃於6月2日開始發送並只延長了1.5天,然後應該部的要求(見2023年6月5日的新聞稿)因地區性森林火災而暫停。在現場,現場工作人員瞄準了從數據匯編中確定的歷史記錄的鋰/鋰輝石偉晶巖露頭產狀。在這1.5天的時間裡,總共從十(10)塊露頭和一(1)塊巨石上收集了十一(11)個樣本。在這些樣本中,有四(4)個樣本的返回值>1.0%Li2.O最高漲至2.33%Li2.O(圖1)。結果證實在兩(2)個地點存在鋰輝石偉晶巖-周顯示(2.33%Li2.O)和Navet Showing(1.26%Li2.O),相隔約2.1公里。

Additionally, approximately 500 m along trend of the Navet Showing, towards the Chou Showing, two (2) Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum ("LCT") pegmatite outcrops (the Courgette Showing) were discovered. Although poorly mineralized in lithium, both samples returned high-grade tantalum (227 ppm and 867 ppm Ta2O5, respectively). This discovery further strengthens the potential of the trend between the Navet and Chou showings and highlights the presence of a sizable LCT pegmatite system in the area. As a LCT pegmatite with nominal lithium content, may be immediately proximal to a LCT pegmatite with significant lithium content, the presence of these two (2) outcrops is significant.

此外,沿NAVET顯示的方向約500米,朝周顯示,發現了兩(2)鋰銫鉭(“LCT”)偉晶巖露頭(西葫蘆顯示)。儘管鋰的礦化程度很低,但這兩個樣品都返回了高品位的鉭(227ppm和867ppm Ta2.O5.,分別)。這一髮現進一步加強了Navet和Chou之間的趨勢的可能性,並突出了該地區存在一個相當大的LCT偉晶巖系統。作為標稱鋰含量的LCT偉晶巖,可能緊挨著鋰含量顯著的LCT偉晶巖,這兩(2)露頭的存在是重要的。

Management cautions that past results or discoveries on adjacent properties (i.e. Mia) may not necessarily be indicative to the presence of mineralization on the Company's properties (i.e. Radis). The Company considers its Radis Property to host significant potential for spodumene pegmatite due historical descriptions of lithium and potential spodumene occurrences, favorable geological setting, and proximity along geological trend to known spodumene pegmatites.


The Company also announces that, subject to regulatory approval, it has retained the services of JTG Investment and Marketing Consulting ("JTG") to provide investor relations and strategic communications services to the Company.


JTG has been contracted to provide comprehensive investor relations and strategic communications services. JTG is based in Vancouver, British Columbia and managed by its principal Joe Gray who has over 15 years' experience providing investor relations and strategic communications services. The terms of the agreement provide that it may be terminated by the Company or JTG on thirty days' notice. JTG is arm's length to the Company. JTG through its principal owns 53,500 common shares and 250,000 stock options of the Company. The agreement with JTG is for monthly fees of $6,000 that will be paid from its cash on hand. The agreement with JTG is subject to acceptance by the TSX Venture Exchange.


Qualified Person


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Nathan Schmidt, P. Geo., Senior Geologist for Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd., and a Qualified Person under NI 43-101 on standards of disclosure for mineral projects, who has prepared and reviewed the content of this press release.

本新聞稿的技術內容已由Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd.高級地質學家Nathan Schmidt和NI 43-101礦產專案披露標準資格人員審核,並準備和審核了本新聞稿的內容。

Mr. Schmidt has verified all scientific and technical data disclosed in this news release including the sampling and QA/QC results, and certified analytical data underlying the technical information disclosed. Mr. Schmidt noted no errors or omissions during the data verification process. The Company and Mr. Schmidt do not recognize any factors of sampling or recovery that could materially affect the accuracy or reliability of the assay data disclosed in this news release.


About the Radis Lithium Property


In December 2022, the Company entered into an option agreement to earn 100% interest in 152 claims of the Radis Property, with an additional three (3) claims acquired through separate purchase agreement in March 2023. The Radis Property consists of 155 claims totalling 8,005.35 hectares and is situated within a volcano-sedimentary sequence (i.e., a greenstone belt) belonging to the Yasinski group. The greenstone belt contains at least two distinct spodumene bearing outcrops sampled in 2023: the Chou Showing (2.33% Li2O, 1.68% Li2O and 1.17% Li2O) and the Navet Showing (1.26% Li2O) and is considered highly prospective for additional lithium pegmatites, hosting a tight regional fold which may provide favourable zones of dilation for pegmatite emplacement.


About the Company


Ophir Gold Corp. is an exploration company focused on the exploration and development of the past producing Breccia Gold Property located in Lemhi County, Idaho. The Company has an option to earn a 100% interest in the Property over a three-year period from Canagold Resources Ltd. (formerly Canarc Resource Corp.) and DG Resource Management Ltd.

Ophir Gold Corp.是一家勘探公司,專注於勘探和開發愛達荷州萊姆希縣過去生產的角礫巖金礦。該公司有權在三年內從Canagold Resources Ltd.(前身為CanarcResources Corp.)那裡獲得該物業的100%權益。和DG資源管理有限公司。

The Company also has an option to earn a 100% interest in the Radis Lithium Property over a three-year period from Eastmain Resources Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Fury Gold Mines Limited.

該公司還有權在三年內從Fury Gold Mines有限公司的全資子公司Eastmain Resources Inc.獲得Radis Lithium資產的100%權益。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


"Shawn Westcott"
Ophir Gold Corp.


For further information, please contact:


Shawn Westcott, CEO
Phone 1 (604) 365 6681

電話1(604)365 6681

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note


The information contained herein contains "forward-looking statements" and "forward-looking information" (collectively referred to as "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking statements relate to information that is based on assumptions of management, forecasts of future results, and estimates of amounts not yet determinable and include statements in this press release related to the exploration and discovery potential of the Property, the details of the planned exploration program on the Property, the strong lithium pegmatite exploration potential on the Property, the strong potential of the Radis Property, potential targets on the Property and the Company's future plans with respect to the Property. Any statements that express predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risk related to the failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis and on acceptable terms; risks related to the outcome of legal proceedings; political and regulatory risks associated with mining and exploration; risks related to the maintenance of stock exchange listings; risks related to environmental regulation and liability; the potential for delays in exploration or development activities or the completion of feasibility studies; the uncertainty of profitability; risks and uncertainties relating to the interpretation of drill results, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits; risks related to the inherent uncertainty of production and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses; results of technical reports, and the possibility that future exploration, development or mining results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations; risks related to commodity price fluctuations; and other risks and uncertainties related to the Company's prospects, properties and business detailed elsewhere in the Company's disclosure record. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned against attributing undue certainty to forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations or projections.


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