


ATMOFIZER 科技公司公佈業務最新情況和2023年第二季度中期財務業績
PR Newswire ·  2023/08/30 04:30

VANCOUVER, BC, Aug. 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ - Atmofizer Technologies Inc. (the "Company" or "Atmofizer") (CSE: ATMO) (OTCQB: ATMFF) announces its interim financial results for the three months ending June 30, 2023. All amounts are expressed in United States dollars unless otherwise noted.

卑詩省溫哥華2023年8月29日 /PRNewswire/-Atmofizer Technologies “公司” 或”Amtomizer“)(CSE:ATMO)(OTCQB:ATMFF)公佈了截至三個月的中期財務業績 2023年6月30日。所有金額均以 美國 除非另有說明,否則爲美元。


On November 29, 2022, the Company announced its recent Business Development in the Forced Area Market (HVAC). The Company continues to transition the business to its most valuable addressable market to integrate the agglomeration technology into existing forced air systems. During the second quarter of 2023, the Company further refined its prototype design to maximize its agglomeration performance for its HVAC application. The Company through its testing at an accredited third-party lab that the design of its prototype that achieves material improvements to the results is the one that Company received a US patent on. For reference, the allowed patent application, titled, "Ultra-Fine Particle Aggregation, Neutralization and Filtration" (US Patent Application No. 11,291,939) provides broad protection for important aspects of Atmofizer's air purification technology. The Notice of Allowance from the USPTO is directed to a new design that delivers ultra-fine particle agglomeration and nanoparticle reduction performance in larger air ducts with faster-moving air, using less parts. During the past quarter, made additional draft patent filings.

開啓 2022年11月29日,該公司宣佈了其最近在強制區域市場(HVAC)的業務發展。該公司繼續將業務轉移到其最有價值的潛在市場,將集聚技術整合到現有的強制通風系統中。在2023年第二季度,該公司進一步完善了其原型設計,以最大限度地提高其暖通空調應用的集聚性能。該公司通過在經認可的第三方實驗室進行測試,證明其原型的設計能夠對結果進行材料改進,這是該公司獲得美國專利的設計。作爲參考,標題爲 “超細顆粒聚集、中和和和過濾”(美國專利申請號11,291,939)的允許專利申請爲Atmofizer空氣淨化技術的重要方面提供了廣泛的保護。美國專利商標局的允許通知是針對一種新設計,該設計可在較大的空氣管道中提供超細顆粒聚集和減少納米顆粒的性能,使用更少的部件,空氣流動更快。在過去一個季度中,又提交了專利申請草稿。

The Company continues to work with one of the largest privately owned HVAC service providers in the United States. With the completion of the last phase of comprehensive third-party laboratory tests the Company plans to complete a commercialization agreement and work towards its first sales of this new product line in 2023. The new HVAC technology includes patent-pending (both US and foreign) developments that improve upon the already-patented Atmofizer agglomeration HVAC technology.

該公司繼續與美國最大的私營暖通空調服務提供商之一合作 美國。隨着第三方綜合實驗室測試最後階段的完成,公司計劃完成商業化協議,並努力在2023年首次銷售該新產品線。新的暖通空調技術包括正在申請專利(包括美國和國外)的開發,這些開發在已經獲得專利的Atmofizer集聚暖通空調技術的基礎上進行了改進。

On January 12, 2023, the Company implemented the share consolidation of one post-consolidation common share for twenty pre-consolidation common shares. The number of shares and relevant information including but not limited to the share price, number of warrants ("Warrants"), stock options ("Options") and restricted stock units ("RSUs") and exercise price per warrant and options presented in these interim financial statements had been retroactively adjusted accordingly.

開啓 2023年1月12日,該公司將一股合併後的普通股合併爲二十股合併前的普通股。這些中期財務報表中列出的股票數量和相關信息,包括但不限於股價、認股權證(“認股權證”)、股票期權(“期權”)和限制性股票單位(“限制性股票單位”)以及每份認股權證和期權的行使價,均進行了相應的追溯調整。

On July 5, 2023 the Company announced that a series of interviews with Board member Dr. Joshua Helman took place between June 8th, 2023 and June 10th, 2023 on a number of Fox News and Fox Business shows to discuss the impact of the Canadian wildfires has on air quality and associated health risks. Dr. Helman appeared as an air quality expert on these shows. Dr. Helman was also able to highlight the benefits of Atmofizer's technology to agglomerate ultra fine particles like those that can be found in wildfire smoke. This agglomeration technology has been implemented in the company's patented A500 air purifiers and is currently under development in its HVAC integrated unit that is expected to be launched later in 2023.

開啓 2023年7月5日 該公司宣佈,對董事會成員博士的一系列採訪 約書亞·赫爾曼 發生在 2023年6月8日2023年6月10日 在福克斯新聞和福克斯商業的許多節目中,討論加拿大野火對空氣質量和相關健康風險的影響。赫爾曼博士以空氣質量專家的身份出現在這些節目中。赫爾曼博士還強調了Atmofizer的技術在聚集超細顆粒(例如野火煙霧中的顆粒)方面的好處。該集聚技術已在公司獲得專利的A500空氣淨化器中實施,目前正在其HVAC集成單元中進行開發,預計將於2023年晚些時候推出。

Quote from Dr. Joshua Helman "The current wildfire smoke in the air is quite dangerous as it includes fine particulate that can be inhaled that can be absorbed in the lungs. Wildfire smoke is ten times as dangerous as normal air pollution is. These extremely small particles which are smaller than the width of a hair is dangerous because once you breathe them into your lungs, they go into your bloodstream and then spread to brain, heart, kidneys liver and other organs. The people who are most vulnerable to this threat are the young and older people. And those with chronic conditions. If you are in an area with poor air quality, I strongly recommend that you remain indoors and have a good home air filtration system. Atmofizer's technology uses sound wave technology that captures these extremely fine particles and uses UV light to neutralize them."

引用博士的話 約書亞·赫爾曼 “目前空氣中的野火煙霧非常危險,因爲它含有可以吸入的細顆粒,可以被肺部吸收。野火煙霧的危險程度是普通空氣污染的十倍。這些小於頭髮寬度的極小顆粒很危險,因爲一旦你將它們呼吸到肺部,它們就會進入你的血液,然後擴散到大腦、心臟、腎臟、肝臟和其他器官。最容易受到這種威脅的人羣是年輕人和老年人。還有那些患有慢性病的人。如果你所在的地區空氣質量很差,我強烈建議你待在室內,並使用良好的家庭空氣過濾系統。Atmofizer的技術使用聲波技術捕獲這些極細的顆粒,並使用紫外線來中和它們。”

截至三個月零六個月的財務摘要 2023年6月30日

Revenue for the second quarter of 2023 was $52,041 compared to $nil in the prior period. The Company is actively working on the development of its HVAC business in 2023. The sales in the second quarter represent sales of its A500 units which are being done as opportunities present themselves.

2023 年第二季度的收入爲 52,041 美元 而前一時期爲零美元。該公司正在積極努力在2023年發展其暖通空調業務。第二季度的銷售額代表其A500汽車的銷量,這些銷售是在機會出現時完成的。

Cost of Goods sold for the second quarter ended June 30, 2023, was $6,562 compared to $nil in the prior period. Cost of goods sold includes fulfillment cost and e-commerce processing fees. The inventory was impaired at year end as the Company has discontinued its focus on this business and therefore the cost of the actual unit was $nil in the cost of goods sold.

截至第二季度的商品銷售成本 2023年6月30日,是 6,562 美元 而前一時期爲零美元。售出商品的成本包括配送成本和電子商務手續費。由於公司已停止專注於該業務,因此實際單位的成本在銷售成本中爲零美元,因此庫存在年底減值。

Gross profit was 87% for the second quarter ended June 30, 2023, compared to $nil in the prior period.

截至第二季度的毛利爲87% 2023年6月30日,而前一時期爲零美元。

The Company incurred $350,024 in expenses during the three months ended June 30, 2023, compared to $5,048,068 during the three months ended June 30, 2022. The decrease of $4,698,044 in expenses was driven by decreases in share based payments of $2.0 million, marketing expenses of $1.4 million, amortization of $0.2 million, consulting sees of $0.2 million, salaries and wages of $0.2 million, impairment of inventory of $0.4 million and R&D of $0.1 million and other expenses of $0.2 million.

公司發生了 350,024 美元 在截至三個月的支出中 2023年6月30日,相比之下 5,048,068 美元 在結束的三個月中 2022年6月30日。的減少 4,698,044 美元 支出是由基於股份的支付減少所推動的 200 萬美元,的營銷費用 140 萬美元,攤銷 20 萬美元,諮詢看到 20 萬美元,的工資和工資 20 萬美元,庫存減值 40 萬美元 和研發 10 萬美元 以及其他費用 20 萬美元

During the three months ended June 30, 2023, the Company recorded net loss of $0.3 million compared to a net loss of $5.0 million for the three months ended June 30, 2022. The decrease of $4.7 million decrease in expenses was driven by decreases in share based payments of $2.0 million, marketing expenses of $1.4 million, amortization of $0.2 million, consulting sees of $0.2 million, salaries and wages of $0.2 million, impairment of inventory of $0.4 million and R&D of $0.1 million and other expenses of $0.2 million.

在結束的三個月中 2023年6月30日,該公司記錄的淨虧損爲 30 萬美元 相比之下,淨虧損爲 500 萬美元 在結束的三個月裏 2022年6月30日。的減少 470 萬美元 支出減少是由基於股份的支付減少所致 200 萬美元,的營銷費用 140 萬美元,攤銷 20 萬美元,諮詢看到 20 萬美元,的工資和工資 20 萬美元,庫存減值 40 萬美元 和研發 10 萬美元 以及其他費用 20 萬美元

Revenue for the six months period ending June 30, 2023, was $52,641 compared to $210,000 in the prior period. The Company is actively working on the development of its HVAC business in 2023. The sales in the first six months represent sales of its A500 units which are being done as opportunities present themselves.

截至六個月期間的收入 2023年6月30日,是 52,641 美元 相比於 210,000 在前一時期。該公司正在積極努力在2023年發展其暖通空調業務。前六個月的銷售額代表其A500的銷量,這些銷售是在機會出現時完成的。

Cost of Goods sold for the six months ended June 30, 2023, was $6,562 compared to $149,707 in the prior period. Cost of goods sold includes fulfillment cost and e-commerce processing fees. The inventory was impaired at year end as the Company has discontinued its focus on this business and therefore the cost of the actual unit was $nil in the cost of goods sold.

截至六個月的商品銷售成本 2023年6月30日,是 6,562 美元 相比於 149,707 美元 在前一時期。售出商品的成本包括配送成本和電子商務手續費。由於公司已停止專注於該業務,因此實際單位的成本在銷售成本中爲零美元,因此庫存在年底減值。

Gross profit was 88% for the six months ended June 30, 2023, compared to 29% in the prior period. The primary reason for the higher gross profit margin is because the inventory was impaired at year end and the Company has discontinued its focus on this business and therefore the cost of the actual unit was $nil in the cost of goods sold.

截至六個月的毛利爲88% 2023年6月30日,而前一時期爲29%。毛利率提高的主要原因是,庫存在年底減值,公司已停止專注於該業務,因此實際單位的成本在銷售成本中爲零美元。

The Company incurred $0.7 million in expenses during the six months ended June 30, 2023, compared to $11.6 million during the six months ended June 30, 2022. The decrease of $10.9 million in expenses was driven by decreases in share based payments of $6.6 million, marketing expenses of $1.5 million, amortization of $0.5 million, consulting sees of $0.9 million, salaries and wages of $0.4 million, impairment of inventory of $0.4 million and R&D of $0.2 million and other expenses of $0.4 million.

公司發生了 70 萬美元 在截至六個月的支出中 2023年6月30日,相比之下 1160 萬美元 在結束的六個月中 2022年6月30日。的減少 1,090 萬美元 支出是由基於股份的支付減少所推動的 660 萬美元,的營銷費用 150 萬美元,攤銷 50 萬美元,諮詢看到 90 萬美元,的工資和工資 40 萬美元,庫存減值 40 萬美元 和研發 20 萬美元 以及其他費用 40 萬美元

During the six months ended June 30, 2023, the Company recorded net loss of $0.7 million compared to a net loss of $11.5 million for the six months ended June 30, 2022. The decrease of $10.8 million was driven by decreases in share based payments of $6.6 million, marketing expenses of $1.5 million, amortization of $0.5 million, consulting sees of $0.9 million, salaries and wages of $0.4 million, impairment of inventory of $0.4 million and R&D of $0.2 million and other expenses of $0.4 million.

在結束的六個月中 2023年6月30日,該公司記錄的淨虧損爲 70 萬美元 相比之下,淨虧損爲 1150 萬美元 在結束的六個月中 2022年6月30日。的減少 1,080 萬美元 是由基於股份的支付減少所推動的 660 萬美元,的營銷費用 150 萬美元,攤銷 50 萬美元,諮詢看到 90 萬美元,的工資和工資 40 萬美元,庫存減值 40 萬美元 和研發 20 萬美元 以及其他費用 40 萬美元


The Company's activities to date have been funded through equity financings, sales of inventory and the sale of a parcel of land it acquired during the RTO process of 2021.


As of June 30, 2023, the Company had working capital deficiency of $1,092,899.

截至 2023年6月30日,該公司的營運資金短缺爲 1,092,899 美元

The Company established the ATM Program in February 2022 which allows the Company to issue and sell up to C$5 million of Common Shares from treasury to the public, from time to time, at the Company's discretion. To date, the Company has issued 4,198,075 Common Shares for gross proceeds of C$2,619,396 under the ATM Program as of the date of this MD&A. During the first quarter of 2023, the Company sold 1,668,500 common shares under the ATM Program with gross proceeds of $194,193 (CA$261,318). In connection with the share issuance of 1,668,500 common shares, the Company paid a commission of $4,854 (CA$6,533).

該公司於2000年建立了自動櫃員機計劃 2022 年 2 月 這允許公司發行和出售 500 萬加元 由公司自行決定不時從國庫向公衆出售普通股。迄今爲止,該公司已發行4,198,075股普通股,總收益爲 C2,619,396 截至本MD&A之日,根據自動櫃員機計劃。在2023年第一季度,公司在自動櫃員機計劃下出售了1,668,500股普通股,總收益爲 194,193 美元 (加元 261,318 美元)。在發行1,668,500股普通股方面,公司支付的佣金爲 4,854 美元 (加元 6,533 美元)。

There can be no assurances the Company will be successful in its endeavors. If such funds are not available or other sources of finance cannot be obtained, the Company may be forced to curtail its activities to a level for which funding is available or can be obtained.


The Company terminated the ATM program on August 29, 2023.

該公司終止了自動櫃員機計劃 2023年8月29日

About Atmofizer Technologies Inc.
關於 Atmofizer 科技公司

Atmofizer's consumer and industrial solutions are based on its patent-protected and patent pending technology for ultrafine particle agglomeration and neutralization. This capability creates a revolutionary and more efficient method for addressing the wide range of dangerous nano-scale particles, viruses and bacteria that are too small to be effectively managed by conventional HEPA filters and ultraviolet lights. Atmofizer plans to disrupt the air treatment industry by improving air safety and purification efficiency while lowering customers' operational costs.


Atmofizing air refers to the process of using ultrasonic acoustic waves to agglomerate (cluster together) small particles into a larger target that is then radiated by ultraviolet light to neutralize their harmful properties. Using units that atmofize air in tandem with HEPA filters can make the HEPA filters work more efficiently, enable the use of a less-powerful filter and result in a cleaner and longer-lasting filter that reduces operating costs and is less of a health hazard to clean or replace.


Atmofizer is patent-pending and patent-protected sole source of technology to atmofize air and is applying its proprietary technology in consumer and industrial air purification products currently manufactured under the Atmofizer brand, as well as in retail and commercial devices produced by other companies that integrate Atmofizer technology into their own products under license. Atmofizer's owned and licensed product lines include wearable, portable and mobile use for personal air treatment, as well as larger systems to handle higher air volumes for commercial, industrial, institutional and residential applications.


Forward-Looking Information

This press release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All statements contained herein that are not clearly historical in nature may constitute forward-looking information. In some cases, forward-looking information can be identified by words or phrases such as "may", "will", "expect", "likely", "should", "would", "plan", "anticipate", "intend", "potential", "proposed", "estimate", "believe" or the negative of these terms, or other similar words, expressions and grammatical variations thereof, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" happen, or by discussions of strategy. The forward-looking information contained herein includes, without limitation, the business and strategic plans of the Company.

本新聞稿包含適用證券法所指的 “前瞻性信息”。此處包含的所有不具有明確歷史性質的陳述都可能構成前瞻性信息。在某些情況下,前瞻性信息可以通過諸如 “可能”、“將”、“期望”、“可能”、“應該”、“將”、“計劃”、“預期”、“打算”、“潛在”、“提議”、“估計”、“相信” 或否定詞語來識別,或者其他類似的詞語、表達方式和語法變體,或者某些事件或條件的陳述 “可能” 或 “將” 發生,或者通過討論戰略。此處包含的前瞻性信息包括但不限於公司的業務和戰略計劃。

By their nature, forward-looking information is subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that may be general or specific and which give rise to the possibility that expectations, forecasts, predictions, projections or conclusions will not prove to be accurate, that assumptions may not be correct and that objectives, strategic goals and priorities will not be achieved. A variety of factors, including known and unknown risks, many of which are beyond our control, could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking information in this press release including, without limitation: the Company's ability to comply with all applicable laws and governmental regulations relating to its commercial products; the ability of the Company to protect its intellectual property; impacts to the business and operations of the Company due to the COVID-19 pandemic; the conflict in eastern Europe; having only a limited operating history, the ability of the Company to access capital to meet future financing needs; the Company's reliance on management and key personnel; competition; changes in consumer trends; foreign currency fluctuations; and general economic, market or business conditions.

就其性質而言,前瞻性信息受固有的風險和不確定性的影響,這些風險和不確定性可能是普遍的或具體的,這可能導致預期、預測、預測、預測或結論不準確,假設可能不正確,目標、戰略目標和優先事項無法實現。各種因素,包括已知和未知風險,其中許多是我們無法控制的,可能導致實際業績與本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息存在重大差異,包括但不限於:公司遵守與其商業產品有關的所有適用法律和政府法規的能力;公司保護其知識產權的能力;COVID-19 疫情對公司業務和運營的影響;東部的衝突 歐洲;運營歷史有限,公司獲得資金以滿足未來融資需求的能力;公司對管理層和關鍵人員的依賴;競爭;消費趨勢的變化;外匯波動;以及總體經濟、市場或商業狀況。

Additional risk factors can also be found in the Company's continuous disclosure documents, which have been filed on SEDAR and can be accessed at . Readers are cautioned to consider these and other factors, uncertainties and potential events carefully and not to put undue reliance on forward-looking information. The forward-looking information contained herein is made as of the date of this press release and is based on the beliefs, estimates, expectations and opinions of management on the date such forward-looking information is made. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, estimates or opinions, future events or results or otherwise or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking information, except as required by applicable law.

其他風險因素還可以在公司的持續披露文件中找到,這些文件已在SEDAR上提交,可在以下網址查閱 。提醒讀者仔細考慮這些和其他因素、不確定性和潛在事件,不要過分依賴前瞻性信息。此處包含的前瞻性信息自本新聞稿發佈之日起製作,基於管理層在發佈此類前瞻性信息之日的信念、估計、期望和觀點。除非適用法律要求,否則公司沒有義務更新或修改任何前瞻性信息,無論是新信息、估計或觀點、未來事件或結果還是其他結果,也沒有義務解釋隨後的實際事件與此類前瞻性信息之間的任何重大差異。

SOURCE Atmofizer Technologies Inc.

來源 Atmofizer 科技公司

