


SIABU XIABU (520.HK):改革和復甦還需要更多時間
招银国际 ·  2023/08/29 15:16

YTD 2023 performance of XBXB and Cou Cou were far below expectation, evidenced by weak SSS recovery rate and margins. Just because of its cheap valuation, we maintain BUY and cut TP to HK$ 4.89, based on 15x FY24E P/E.

XBXB和Cou Cou在2023年年初至今的表現遠低於預期,SSS的復甦率和利潤率疲軟就證明了這一點。僅僅因爲估值低廉,我們維持買入,並將目標價下調至4.89港元,基於 FY24E 市盈率的15倍。

1H23 results inline, but demand is still weak. Group sales increased by 32% YoY to RMB 2.8bn and registered a profit of RMB 2mn (from losses of RMB 277mn last year) in 1H23, implying a 0.1% NP margin, both are inline with CMBI est. and the positive profit alert. GP margin slightly improved to 62.6%, which is a mixture of better input costs (e.g. lamb and beef tripe) and fall in ASP (for all brands). But the operating leverage generated from rental (+1%) and D&A ( -13%) expenses were more than offset by a jump in staff costs (+24%). Even though sales for both brands had missed the original guidance mentioned back in Mar 2023, XBXB's performance in 1H23 was still relatively better, as the 29% sales increase was a result of 29% SSSG and 4% store count growth, while its seat turnover also jumped to 2.4x, from 1.9x last year. We do believe its reform was effective, because new stores' seat turnover is higher (at 2.7x) vs old stores (at 2.2x). On the other hand, Cou Cou was disappointing, perhaps due to consumption trade down and not so successful new products. Its 32% sales growth was driven by just 9% SSSG and 26% store count growth, the seat turnover was just at 2.1x, vs 1.9x last year. A dividend of RMB 0.028 per share was proposed in 1H23, same as last year, implying a about 2% yield if we assume a similar amount in 2H23E.

2023年上半年的業績與預期一致,但需求仍然疲軟。集團銷售額同比增長32%,至28億元人民幣,並在23年上半年實現利潤200萬元人民幣(去年虧損2.77億元人民幣),這意味着淨利潤率爲0.1%,兩者均符合招銀國際估值和正面盈利預告。GP利潤率略有提高至62.6%,這是投入成本(例如羊肉和牛肚皮)增加和ASP下降(所有品牌)的混合體。但是,租金(+1%)和D&A(-13%)支出產生的運營槓桿被員工成本的上漲(+24%)所抵消。儘管這兩個品牌的銷售均未達到2023年3月提到的最初預期,但XBXB在23年上半年的表現仍然相對更好,因爲29%的銷售增長是由於SSSG29%和門店數量增長4%,而其座位營業額也從去年的1.9倍躍升至2.4倍。我們確實認爲其改革是有效的,因爲新門店的座位週轉率(2.7倍)高於老門店(2.2倍)。另一方面,Cou Cou令人失望,這可能是由於消費貿易下降以及新產品不那麼成功。其32%的銷售增長是由僅9%的SSSG和26%的門店數量增長推動的,座位營業額僅爲2.1倍,而去年的1.9倍。23年上半年提議派發每股0.028元人民幣的股息,與去年相同,這意味着如果我們假設 2H23E 的股息金額相似,則收益率約爲2%。

FY23E guidance was revised down. Management had delayed its target of 5% pre-tax margin from FY23E to FY24E and we do concur with their view, because: 1) Cou Cou brand was hit hard under the consumption trade down (evidenced by the negative SSSG and just 70%+ SSS recovery rate during Jun - Jul 2023), it would still take time for the new team to develop more successful new products, 2) XBXB might be relatively more resilient, but its operating leverage could still be lower-than-expected, as its SSS recovery rate (also at 70%+) was still low among its peers, 3) ASP may drop further, in order to attractive more traffic, (together with the menu upgrade in Sep 2023 and greater advertising and promotion to boost paid memberships) and that could become a drag to GP margin. All in all, we are now forecasting a 2.5x/ 2.2x seat turnover for XBXB/ Cou Cou and an about 2% NP margin in FY23E.

FY23E 指導方針已向下修訂。管理層已將 5% 的稅前利潤率目標從 FY23E 推遲到 FY24E,我們確實同意他們的觀點,因爲:1) Cou Cou 品牌在消費交易下行下受到沉重打擊(2023 年 6 月至 7 月期間 SSSG 爲負,SSS 回收率僅超過 70% 就是明證),新團隊開發更成功的新產品仍需要時間,2) XBXB 可能相對更具彈性,但其運營槓桿作用可能相對更強,但其運營槓桿作用可能相對更強仍可能低於預期,因爲其SSS的回收率(也爲70%以上)在同行中仍然很低,3)ASP可能會進一步下降,以便吸引更多的流量(再加上2023年9月的菜單升級以及更多的廣告和促銷活動以增加付費會員資格),這可能會拖累全科醫生的利潤。總而言之,我們現在預計XBXB/Cou Cou的座位流失率爲2.5倍/2.2倍,FY23E 的NP利潤率約爲2%。

Maintain BUY with TP of HK$ 4.89. The new TP is based on 15x FY24E P/E (unchanged). We revised down FY23E/ 24E/ 25E net profit forecasts by 50%/ 36%/ 27% to factor in:1) slower-than-expected recovery and reforms and 2) less-than-expected store expansion. It is trading at 33x FY23E P/E and 12x FY24E P/E.

維持買入,目標價爲4.89港元。新的目標基於15倍的 FY24E 市盈率(不變)。我們將23E/24E/25E財年的淨利潤預期下調了50%/36%/27%,以考慮到:1)復甦和改革低於預期,以及2)門店擴張低於預期。它的交易價格爲 FY23E 市盈率的 33 倍,FY24E 市盈率爲 12 倍。

FY23E store opening target was trimmed, XBXB could outperform Cou Cou, relatively speaking. Management had revised up gross opening target for XBXB to 140 (from 120) but also cut that for Cou Cou/ Shao Hot to 45 (from 70)/ 10 (from 20).Note that we do tend to be more conservative and now forecast a higher gross closure of stores in FY23E. On the other hand, overseas expansion shall continue, but management did highlight that the pace in Singapore could be slower, hence FY23E store opening target on overseas would be cut from 26 to 22.

FY23E 門店開業目標被下調,相對而言,XBXB 的表現可能優於 Cou Cou。管理層已將XBXB的總開業目標上調至140個(從120個),但也將Cou Cou/Shao Hot的總開業目標下調至45個(從70個)/10(從20個)。請注意,我們確實傾向於更爲保守,現在預測 FY23E 門店的總關閉量將增加。另一方面,海外擴張將繼續下去,但管理層確實強調,新加坡的步伐可能會放緩,因此 FY23E 海外門店的開業目標將從26家下調至22家。

