
维港环保科技(01845)公布中期业绩 拥有人应占溢利44.9万元 同比扭亏为盈

Victoria Harbour Environmental Technology (01845) announces interim results, profit attributable to owners of 449,000 yuan, turning a year-on-year loss into a profit

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 24, 2023 20:46

Zhitong Financial APP News, Victoria Harbour Environmental Protection Technology (01845) announced interim results in 2023, income of 86.7 million yuan (the same as the unit below), a decrease of 56.8% over the same period last year. The gross profit was 28.149 million yuan, an increase of 3% over the same period last year. The profit attributable to the owners of the company is 449000 yuan, compared with a loss of 27.971 million yuan in the same period last year, and profit per share is 0.034 cents.

The decrease in revenue is mainly due to reduced income from providing solutions for the incineration and disposal of hazardous waste, the statement said. The profit improvement is mainly due to the loss of about RMB 19.3 million without the impairment of Qingchuan anaerobic cracking project, and the reduction of impairment loss on trade receivables.

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