
Planting Hope's Hope and Sesame(R) Sesamemilk Is Recognized by Consumer Reports, Expands Barista Sesamemilk Distribution in Key Markets

Planting Hope's Hope and Sesame(R) Sesamemilk Is Recognized by Consumer Reports, Expands Barista Sesamemilk Distribution in Key Markets

Planting Hope's Hope and Sesamemilk (R) Sesamemilk 獲得《消費者報告》的認可,擴大了 Barista Sesamemilk 在主要市場的分銷
Accesswire ·  2023/08/24 19:45
  • Consumer Reports, the leading independent publication for consumer product information, featured the sesame milk subcategory of Plant Milk and Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk in the article 'Is Milk Good For You?', included in their September 2023 'Live Healthier Longer' issue:
    • Sesame milk, described has having a 'toasty flavor', is called out as a core subcategory in plant milk next to almond, oat, soy, cashew, and coconut.
    • Hope and Sesame is featured as the category leader in sesame milk, and Hope and Sesame Unsweetened Original Sesamemilk is pictured in three places in the article.
    • Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk is featured as 'one of the newest types of plant milks to hit supermarkets.'
  • Hope and Sesame Barista Blend Sesamemilk has added two new café channel distributors covering key regional markets: Pete's Milk Delivery (Pacific Northwest) and DWC Specialties (Midwest)
  • Planting Hope exhibited Hope and Sesame, RightRice Protein Rice, and Mozaics Real Veggie Chips to Foodservice buyers at the Western Foodservice & Hospitality/Coffee Fest LA tradeshow) in Anaheim, California August 5-8th
  • 領先的消費品信息獨立出版物《消費者報告》以芝麻奶子類別爲特色,即 Plant Milk and Hope and Sesame 《牛奶對你有好處嗎?》一文中的 Sesamemilk,收錄在他們 2023 年 9 月的《活得更健康》中:
    • 芝麻奶被描述爲具有 “烤麪包味”,被稱爲植物奶的核心子類別,僅次於杏仁、燕麥、大豆、腰果和椰子。
    • 希望與芝麻 被評爲芝麻奶、Hope and Sesame 類別的領導者 文章中有三個地方描繪了不加糖的原始芝麻奶。
    • 希望與芝麻 Sesamemilk被譽爲 “超市上市的最新植物奶之一”。
  • 希望與芝麻 Barista Blend Sesamemilk 增加了兩家新的咖啡館渠道分銷商,覆蓋主要區域市場:Pete's Milk Delivery(太平洋西北地區)和 DWC Specialities(中西部)
  • 種植希望展出希望與芝麻,RightRice 8 月 5 日至 8 日在加利福尼亞州阿納海姆舉行的西方餐飲服務與酒店業/咖啡節(洛杉磯貿易展)上,向餐飲服務買家提供蛋白質大米和 Mozaics Real Veggie Chips第四

CHICAGO, IL and VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 24, 2023 / The Planting Hope Company Inc. (TSXV:MYLK) (OTCQB:MYLKF) (FRA:J94) ("Planting Hope" or the "Company"), a foodtech company focused on leveraging cutting-edge ingredient, formulation, and packaging technology to develop breakthrough sustainable food and beverage solutions, is proud to announce that Consumer Reports has recognized both Hope and SesameSesamemilk and the sesame milk subcategory of plant milk as core next-level developments in the evolution of fluid milk.

伊利諾伊州芝加哥和不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2023 年 8 月 24 日/ Planting Hope 公司 (TSXV: MYLK)(OTCQB: MYLKF)(FRAS: J94) (”播種希望“或者”公司“) 是一家專注於利用尖端原料、配方和包裝技術來開發突破性的可持續食品和飲料解決方案的食品科技公司。該公司自豪地宣佈,《消費者報告》認可了Hope和Sesame芝麻奶和植物奶的芝麻奶子類別是液態奶演變的核心下一階段發展。

"For millions of people, Consumer Reports ('CR') is the trusted source of consumer information and has been since their founding in 1936 as an independent, membership-driven organization - who hasn't consulted CR's objective reporting at some point during an important consumer goods purchase?" said Julia Stamberger, Co-Founder and CEO, Planting Hope. "We're thrilled that CR has highlighted sesame milk as the next evolution on their Milk Timeline, and specifically called out Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk as the subcategory leader."

“對於數百萬人來說,《消費者報告》('CR')是值得信賴的消費者信息來源,自1936年成立以來,它一直是一個獨立的、以會員爲導向的組織——誰在購買重要的消費品期間的某個時候沒有查閱過CR的客觀報告?”Planting Hope聯合創始人兼首席執行官朱莉婭·斯坦伯格說。“我們很高興CR在他們的牛奶時間軸上強調芝麻奶是下一個演變,並特別提到了Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk 是子類別的領導者。”

Excerpts from the September 2023 Consumer Reports Print Edition featuring Hope and Sesame
2023 年 9 月以 Hope 和 Sesame 爲主題的《消費者報告》印刷版摘錄

Hope and Sesame Barista Blend Sesamemilk Expands Distribution
Over the summer, dozens of leading-edge independent cafés across the United States and Canada have added Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk to their menus, including VESTER Café in Boston, who is celebrating their 5-year anniversary with a special recipe Limited Time Offer ('LTO') beverage featuring Hope and Sesame, the Oreo Sesame Latte.

希望與芝麻 Barista Blend Sesamemilk 擴大分銷範圍
整個夏季,美國和加拿大的數十家領先的獨立咖啡館都加入了 Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk 加入他們的菜單,包括波士頓的 VESTER Café,他們正在用一款以 Hope 和 Sesame 爲特色的特別配方限時優惠(“LTO”)飲料來慶祝成立 5 週年,奧利奧芝麻拿鐵。

"VESTER Cafe is proud to feature Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk, a product that is not only environmentally sustainable but an equally delicious vegan alternative," said Nicole Liu, owner of VESTER Café, with two locations in Cambridge and South Boston, Massachusetts. "Hope and Sesame is an easy and responsible way to elevate your coffee program."

“VESTER Cafe 很自豪能推出 Hope and S 芝麻奶,這種產品不僅具有環境可持續性,而且是一種同樣美味的純素替代品。” VESTER Cafe的所有者妮可·劉說,該公司在馬薩諸塞州的劍橋和南波士頓有兩家分店。“希望與芝麻 是提升咖啡計劃的一種簡單而負責任的方式。”

VESTER Café Instagram Pre-Marketing Their Upcoming Hope and Sesame Anniversary Special LTO
VESTER Café Instagram 預先營銷他們即將到來的希望和芝麻 週年特惠 LTO

Hope and Sesame Barista Blend Sesamemilk has added new café and foodservice distributors servicing more than 1,200 customers across the Midwest and Pacific Northwest regions of the United States:

希望與芝麻 Barista Blend Sesamemilk 增加了新的咖啡館和餐飲服務分銷商,爲美國中西部和太平洋西北地區的 1,200 多名客戶提供服務:

DWC Specialties
Hope and Sesame Barista Blend Sesamemilk is now distributed by DWC Specialties, a primary distributor to the specialty coffee market serving more than 800 customers from its central hub in Wisconsin, spanning Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota South Dakota, Nebraska, Indiana, Michigan, and Northern Illinois.

DWC 特色
希望與芝麻 Barista Blend Sesamemilk現在由DWC Specialties分銷,DWC Specialties是特色咖啡市場的主要分銷商,從威斯康星州的中心樞紐爲800多名客戶提供服務,橫跨明尼蘇達州、愛荷華州、北達科他州、內布拉斯加州、印第安納州、密歇根州和伊利諾伊州北部。

"What first got our attention when it came to the Hope and Sesame Barista Blend was the taste. It's easily up towards the top of the list when it comes to flavor, texture and of course, how well it froths and steams," said Nick Schmitt, Business Development Manager at DWC. "To learn more about the sustainability side of the product has been a bonus. How little water is needed to make their milk and their use of upcycling is great for our environment - even more of a reason to drink Hope and Sesame Barista Blend Sesamemilk! DWC Specialties is excited to be able to offer this product to our customer base."

“當談到 Hope and Sesame 時,首先引起我們注意的是什麼 Barista Blend 就是味道。在口味、質地,當然還有泡沫和蒸汽效果方面,它很容易位居榜首。” DWC業務發展經理尼克·施密特說。“更多地了解該產品的可持續發展方面是一種好處。他們製作牛奶所需的水很少,他們使用升級回收對我們的環境有好處——更是喝 Hope and Sesame 的理由 Barista Blend Sesamemilk!DWC Specialties很高興能夠向我們的客戶羣提供這種產品。”

Pete's Milk Delivery
One of the oldest and most trusted milk delivery companies in the Pacific Northwest, Pete's Milk Delivery has been serving cafés, roasteries, matcha shops, bakeries, restaurants, grocery stores and other food establishments for over 100 years. Based in Kent, WA, Pete's delivers to more than 450 customers from Seattle, WA to Portland, OR - 'ground zero' for the specialty coffee channel in the United States.

Pete 的牛奶配送
Pete's Milk Delivery 是太平洋西北地區歷史最悠久、最值得信賴的牛奶配送公司之一,100 多年來一直爲咖啡館、烘焙店、抹茶店、麪包店、餐館、雜貨店和其他食品機構提供服務。Pete's總部位於華盛頓州肯特,爲從華盛頓州西雅圖到俄勒岡州波特蘭的450多名客戶提供服務,這是美國特色咖啡頻道的 “零點”。

Planting Hope Participates in the Western Foodservice & Hospitality/Coffee Fest LA Tradeshow
Through its membership in the Plant Based Food Association, Planting Hope exhibited at the Western Foodservice & Hospitality/Coffee Fest LA tradeshow in Anaheim, California August 5-8th.

Planting Hope 參加西方餐飲服務與酒店/咖啡節洛杉磯貿易展
通過加入植物性食品協會,Planting Hope於8月5日至8日在加利福尼亞州阿納海姆舉行的洛杉磯西方餐飲服務與酒店業/咖啡節貿易展上展出第四

Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk was featured alongside RightRice Protein Rice and Mozaics Real Veggie Chips to restaurant and café operators and distributors, including baristas.

希望與芝麻 Sesamemilk 與 RightRice 一起亮相 Protein Rice 和 Mozaics Real Veggie Chips 供應給餐廳和咖啡館的經營者和分銷商,包括咖啡師。

Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk, RightRice Protein Rice, and Mozaics Real Veggie Chips on display at the Western Foodservice & Hospitality/Coffee Fest LA Tradeshow in Anaheim, CA, August 5-8, 2023
Hope and Sesamemilk,RightRice Protein Rice 和 Mozaics Real Veggie Chips 將於 2023 年 8 月 5 日至 8 日在加利福尼亞州阿納海姆舉行的洛杉磯西餐飲服務與酒店業/咖啡節貿易展上展出

About Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk
Hope and Sesamehas cracked the code on unlocking the dense nutrition in tiny sesame seeds to create the world's first commercialized sesame milk. Following in oat milk's footsteps as a category disruptor in Plant Milk, Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk is both nutrient-dense and delicious, with a "toasty flavor" and a "nutrition profile similar to that of [dairy] milks," per the September 2023 issue of Consumer Reports. Sesamemilk is planet-friendly and highly sustainable as sesame thrives in hot, dry climates with very little water and doesn't require pesticides or pollinators.

關於《希望與芝麻》 芝麻奶
希望與芝麻已經破解了解鎖小芝麻籽中密集營養的密碼,創造了世界上第一個商業化的芝麻奶。追隨燕麥奶在 Plant Milk、Hope and Sesame 中成爲品類顛覆者的腳步 根據2023年9月號的《消費者報告》,芝麻奶既營養豐富又美味,具有 “烤味” 和 “與 [乳製品] 牛奶相似的營養成分”。芝麻奶對地球友好且高度可持續,因爲芝麻在炎熱乾燥的氣候中茁壯成長,水很少,不需要殺蟲劑或傳粉媒介。

Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk delivers 8g of complete protein per serving (including all nine essential amino acids), comparable to dairy milk but 8x the protein in most almond milks and 2-3x the protein in most oat milks. An excellent source of both vitamin D and calcium, Sesamemilk's core ingredient is the ultra-nutritious pulp upcycled from sesame oil extraction.

希望與芝麻 芝麻奶每份提供8克的完整蛋白質(包括所有九種必需氨基酸),與乳製品相當,但蛋白質是大多數杏仁奶的8倍,是大多數燕麥奶中蛋白質的2-3倍。Sesamemilk是維生素D和鈣的極好來源,其核心成分是從麻油提取物中升級回收的超營養果肉。

Developed in collaboration with master baristas, Hope and Sesame Barista Blend Sesamemilk is specially formulated to perform in hot and iced drinks: it froths, foams, and steams like a dream and makes great latte art!

與咖啡大師 Hope and Sesame 合作開發 Barista Blend Sesamemilk 專爲在熱飲和冰飲中使用而配製:它可以像夢一樣起泡、起泡和蒸泡,製作出很棒的拿鐵藝術!

All Hope and Sesame products are vegan, Certified Gluten-Free and Certified Kosher, free from soy and dairy, Non-GMO Project Verified, and Certified Plant Based by the Plant Based Foods Association. Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk is the only plant milk globally that is Upcycled Certified by the Upcycled Food Association.

所有希望與芝麻 產品爲純素食、無麩質認證和猶太潔食認證,不含大豆和乳製品,經非轉基因項目認證,並獲得植物性食品協會認證。希望與芝麻 芝麻奶是全球唯一獲得升級回收食品協會升級改造認證的植物奶。

About Consumer Reports
Consumer Reports (CR) is an independent, nonprofit member organization that works side by side with consumers for truth, transparency, and fairness in the marketplace. Consumer Reports works to create a fair and just marketplace for all. Since 1936, CR has been the trusted source for consumers to find credible and trustworthy information they need to make informed choices. Over time, CR's findings shaped purchasing decisions, and regulators and manufacturers began to heed our voice and the needs and interests of consumers. Today, CR reaches an audience of over 15,000,000 people via their online and print editions.


About The Planting Hope Company Inc.
Planting Hope is a foodtech company focused on leveraging cutting-edge ingredient, formulation, and packaging technology to develop breakthrough sustainable food and beverage solutions. Planting Hope's IP strategy and culture is centered on unlocking the nutrition in the world's most sustainable crops to create on-trend products that are delicious, nutritious, and planet-friendly. Planting Hope brands and products fill key needs for consumers and deliver better operational solutions for Foodservice partners. These are the products that Generation Z is demanding and Generation Alpha will grow up with.

關於 Planting Hope 公司簡介
Planting Hope是一家食品科技公司,致力於利用尖端的原料、配方和包裝技術來開發突破性的可持續食品和飲料解決方案。Planting Hope的知識產權戰略和文化側重於釋放世界上最可持續的作物的營養,創造出美味、營養豐富、對地球友好的流行產品。Planting Hope 品牌和產品滿足了消費者的關鍵需求,併爲餐飲服務合作伙伴提供了更好的運營解決方案。這些是Z世代所要求的產品,Alpha一代也將與之一起成長。

The Planting Hope brand family includes Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk, RightRice High Protein Veggie Rice, Mozaics Real Veggie Chips, Veggicopia Veggie Snacks, and Argo Tea Cafés. Planting Hope products are currently found in more than 15,000 retail doors and 70,000 total distribution points across North America, and are scaling rapidly across Foodservice channels and distributors, spanning cafés, fast-casual restaurants, and managed foodservice operations, as well as ecommerce and alternate channels. Founded by experienced food industry entrepreneurs, Planting Hope is a women-led company.

Planting Hope 品牌家族包括 Hope 和 芝麻奶,RightRice 高蛋白素食大米、Mozaics Real Veggie Chips、Veggicopia 素食零食和 Argo Tea Cafe's.Planting Hope產品目前在北美超過15,000個零售門店和70,000個分銷點中找到,並且正在餐飲服務渠道和分銷商中迅速擴展,包括咖啡館、快餐休閒餐廳和託管餐飲服務運營以及電子商務和其他渠道。Planting Hope由經驗豐富的食品行業企業家創立,是一家由女性主導的公司。

For more information about Planting Hope please visit, sign up for Planting Hope news emails HERE and follow on LinkedIn.
An informational webinar on The Planting Hope Company from CEO and Co-Founder Julia Stamberger is available HERE.
To follow the brands on Instagram and Facebook, please visit: @hopeandsesameco, @rightrice, @mozaicschips, @veggicopia.
Planting Hope products are available at leading retailers and foodservice establishments across the US and Canada, including CAVA Restaurant Chain, H-E-B, Kroger, Meijer, Publix, Sprouts, Walmart Canada, and Whole Foods Market. Planting Hope products are also available at and ecommerce retailers including and

有關 的更多信息,請訪問,在此處註冊 Planting Hope 新聞電子郵件,然後在
要在 Instagram 和 Facebook 上關注這些品牌,請訪問:@hopeandsesameco、@rightrice、@mozaicschips、@veggicopia。
Planting Hope產品在美國和加拿大的領先零售商和餐飲服務機構有售,包括CAVA連鎖餐廳、H-E-B、Kroger、Meijer、Publix、Sprouts、加拿大沃爾瑪和Whole Foods Market。 以及包括亞馬遜和亞馬遜在內的電子商務零售商也有 產品。

The 2023 Planting Hope Product Catalog is available here. The Planting Hope Foodservice Catalog, including item codes to order Planting Hope products through DOT Foods, is available here.

2023 年 Planting Hope 產品目錄可在此處獲取。Planting Hope 餐飲服務目錄,包括通過 DOT Foods 訂購 Planting Hope 產品的商品代碼,可在此處獲得。



Company Contact:
Julia Stamberger
CEO and Co-Founder
(773) 492-2243
Investor Relations Contact:
Glen Akselrod, Bristol Capital
(905) 326-1888 ext. 1
Media Contact:
Alex Jessup, Jessup PR
(323) 529-3541
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information" (collectively referred to hereafter as "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements that address activities, events, or developments that the Company expects or anticipates will, or may, occur in the future, including statements about the Company's ability to execute on its goals, the timing pertaining to these goals the potential demand for the Company's products, the timing and success of anticipated product launches and distribution of the Company's products, and the Company's business prospects, future trends, plans and strategies. In some cases, forward looking statements are preceded by, followed by, or include words such as "may", "will," "would", "could", "should", "believes", "estimates", "projects", "potential", "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "continues", or the negative of those words or other similar or comparable words. In preparing the forward looking statements in this news release, the Company has applied several material assumptions, including, but not limited to, the assumption that demand for the Company's product will be sustained or increase in accordance with management's projections, that the Company's internal research and analysis is indicative of broader market trends and the Company's anticipated future demand for its products, that changes in consumer preferences in the plant-based food industry will continue in accordance with the Company's expectations, that the Company's current business objectives can be achieved and that its other corporate activities will proceed as expected, and that general business and economic conditions will not change in a materially adverse manner. Although the management of the Company believes that the assumptions made and the expectations represented by such statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that any forward-looking statement herein will prove to be accurate. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated, or intended. Risks and uncertainties applicable to the Company, as well as trends identified by the Company affecting its industry can be found in the Company's annual information form dated December 31, 2022 and the Company's continuous disclosure record available on SEDAR at . Such cautionary statements qualify all forward-looking statements made in this news release. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

(773) 492-2243
(905) 326-1888 分機 1
亞歷克斯·傑瑟普,Jessup PR
(323) 529-3541
本新聞稿包含適用的加拿大證券立法所指的 “前瞻性陳述” 或 “前瞻性信息”(以下統稱爲 “前瞻性陳述”)。所有涉及公司預期或預期未來將發生或可能發生的活動、事件或發展的陳述,包括關於公司執行其目標的能力、與這些目標有關的時機、對公司產品的潛在需求、預期產品發佈和分銷的時間和成功以及公司的業務前景、未來趨勢、計劃和戰略的陳述。在某些情況下,前瞻性陳述前面加上或包含諸如 “可能”、“將”、“可以”、“應該”、“相信”、“估計”、“項目”、“潛在”、“期望”、“計劃”、“預期”、“繼續” 等詞語或其他類似或類似詞語的否定詞。在本新聞稿中準備前瞻性聲明時,公司應用了多個重要假設,包括但不限於假設對公司產品的需求將根據管理層的預測持續或增加,公司的內部研究和分析表明了更廣泛的市場趨勢以及公司對其產品的預期未來需求,植物性食品行業消費者偏好的變化將繼續符合公司的預期,公司當前的業務目標是可以實現的,其其他公司活動將按預期進行,總體業務和經濟狀況不會發生重大不利的變化。儘管公司管理層認爲此類陳述所做的假設和所代表的預期是合理的,但無法保證此處的任何前瞻性陳述都會被證明是準確的。前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致公司的實際業績、業績或成就與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。儘管公司管理層試圖確定可能導致實際業績與前瞻性信息中包含的業績存在重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致業績與預期、估計或預期不符。適用於公司的風險和不確定性以及公司確定的影響其行業的趨勢可在公司2022年12月31日的年度信息表和SEDAR上的公司持續披露記錄中找到 。此類警示性陳述符合本新聞稿中作出的所有前瞻性陳述。除非適用法律要求,否則公司沒有義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

SOURCE: The Planting Hope Company Inc.

來源: Planting Hope 公司

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