
Coelacanth Announces Q2 2023 Financial and Operating Results

Coelacanth Announces Q2 2023 Financial and Operating Results

Coelacanth 公佈 2023 年第二季度財務和經營業績
newsfile ·  2023/08/24 18:00

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - August 24, 2023) - COELACANTH ENERGY INC. (TSXV: CEI) ("Coelacanth" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its financial and operating results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023. All dollar figures are Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.

卡爾加裡,艾伯塔省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年8月24日)-腔棘魚能源公司。(TSXV:CEI)(“腔棘魚”或“公司”)很高興宣佈截至2023年6月30日的三個月和六個月的財務和運營業績。除非另有說明,所有的美元數位都是加元。



  • Received regulatory approval to drill and complete up to 14 wells on its 5-19 pad at Two Rivers East. Drilling of the first 5-well pad is expected to commence in Q3 2023.
  • 獲得監管部門批准,將在Two Rivers East的5-19 PAD上鑽探和完成多達14口油井。第一個5井墊層的鑽探預計將於2023年第三季度開始。
  • Drilled second Upper Montney well on its 10-08 pad at Two Rivers West. Wells expected to be completed in Q3 2023.
  • 在Two Rivers West的10-08平臺上鑽了第二口上蒙特尼油井。油井預計將於2023年第三季度完工。
  • Entered into an arrangement with NorthRiver Midstream Inc. ("NRM") to secure up to 60 mmcf/d of firm processing service at NRM's McMahon gas processing facility for a period of 10 years. The processing service will commence after the construction of the Two Rivers East facility. As part of the arrangement, NRM has agreed to finance certain related gathering infrastructure to interconnect the Two Rivers East facility to NRM's current gathering system.
  • 與NorthRiver Midstream Inc.(“NRM”)達成協定,在NRM的麥克馬洪天然氣處理設施獲得高達60 Mmcf/d的固定處理服務,為期10年。加工服務將在兩河東設施建造後開始。作為安排的一部分,NRM已同意為某些相關的收集基礎設施提供資金,以將兩條河東設施與NRM目前的收集系統互聯。

Financial and operational results below present the carved-out historic financial position, results of operations and cash flows of Leucrotta's Two Rivers Assets for all prior periods up to and including May 31, 2022, and the results of operations from May 31, 2022 forward include the results of Coelacanth after assuming the Two Rivers Assets upon close of the Arrangement.

下面的財務和運營業績顯示了Leucrotta的Two Rivers資產截至2022年5月31日(包括2022年5月31日)之前所有時期的分割歷史財務狀況、運營結果和現金流,以及2022年5月31日以後的運營結果包括在安排結束時接管兩條河流資產後的腔棘魚結果。

FINANCIAL RESULTS Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
June 30 June 30
($000s, except per share amounts) 2023 2022 % Change 2023 2022 % Change
Oil and natural gas sales 826 2,334 (65) 1,780 4,022 (56)
Cash flow from (used in) operating activities 765 (1,713) (145) (1,277) (2,373) (46)
Per share - basic and diluted (1) - (0.01) (100) (-) (0.01) (100)
Adjusted funds flow (used) (1) (756) 22 (3,536) (1,310) (451) 190
Per share - basic and diluted (-) - - (-) (-) -
Net loss 2,165 8,062 (73) 3,954 9,608 (59)
Per share - basic and diluted 0.01 0.03 (67) 0.01 0.03 (67)
Capital expenditures (1) 3,642 870 319 8,781 1,167 652
Adjusted working capital (1) 56,500 74,792 (24)
Common shares outstanding (000s)
Weighted average - basic and diluted 425,447 319,428 33 425,282 304,692 40
End of period - basic 426,389 399,738 7
End of period - fully diluted 469,143 462,478 1
財務業績 截至三個月 截至六個月
6月30日 6月30日
(2000美元,不包括每股金額) 2023年 2022年 更改百分比 2023年 2022年 更改百分比
石油和天然氣銷售 826 2334 (65) 1780 4,022 (56)
經營活動產生的(用於)現金流量 七百六十五 (1713) (145) (1277) (2373) (46)
每股-基本和稀釋後(1) - (0.01) (100) (-) (0.01) (100)
調整後資金流(已用)(1) (756) 22 (3536) (1,310) (451) 190
每股-基本和稀釋後 (-) - - (-) (-) -
淨虧損 2,165 8,062 (73) 3954 9608 (59)
每股-基本和稀釋後 0.01 0.03 (67) 0.01 0.03 (67)
資本支出(1) 3642 八百七十 三一九 8781 1167 六百五十二
調整後的營運資本(1) 56,500 74,792 (24)
加權平均-基本和稀釋 425,447 319,428 33 425,282 304,692 40歲
期末--基本 426,389 399,738 7.
期末--完全稀釋 469,143 462,478 1

(1) See "Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures" section.


Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
OPERATING RESULTS (1) June 30 June 30
2023 2022 % Change 2023 2022 % Change
Daily production (2)
Oil and condensate (bbls/d) 53 70 (24) 49 70 (30)
Other NGLs (bbls/d) 14 16 (13) 14 19 (26)
Oil and NGLs (bbls/d) 67 86 (22) 63 89 (29)
Natural gas (mcf/d) 1,321 1,676 (21) 1,350 1,713 (21)
Oil equivalent (boe/d) 287 365 (21) 288 375 (23)
Oil and natural gas sales
Oil and condensate ($/bbl) 88.89 134.69 (34) 91.61 124.20 (26)
Other NGLs ($/bbl) 28.03 58.76 (52) 35.43 51.37 (31)
Oil and NGLs ($/bbl) 76.11 120.53 (37) 79.21 108.79 (27)
Natural gas ($/mcf) 3.03 9.13 (67) 3.58 7.36 (51)
Oil equivalent ($/boe) 31.63 70.21 (55) 34.11 59.44 (43)
Oil and NGLs ($/bbl) 20.84 37.52 (44) 23.41 34.12 (31)
Natural gas ($/mcf) 0.64 2.54 (75) 0.83 1.89 (56)
Oil equivalent ($/boe) 7.77 20.48 (62) 9.02 16.71 (46)
Operating expenses
Oil and NGLs ($/bbl) 17.49 13.84 26 17.23 13.37 29
Natural gas ($/mcf) 2.92 2.36 24 2.87 2.24 28
Oil equivalent ($/boe) 17.53 14.09 24 17.23 13.43 28
Net transportation expenses (3)
Oil and NGLs ($/bbl) 1.85 3.38 (45) 1.65 3.45 (52)
Natural gas ($/mcf) 1.39 1.04 34 1.34 0.85 58
Oil equivalent ($/boe) 6.82 5.55 23 6.66 4.69 42
Operating netback (loss) (3)
Oil and NGLs ($/bbl) 35.93 65.79 (45) 36.92 57.85 (36)
Natural gas ($/mcf) (1.92) 3.19 (160) (1.46) 2.38 (161)
Oil equivalent ($/boe) (0.49) 30.09 (102) 1.20 24.61 (95)
Depletion and depreciation ($/boe) (18.34) (14.50) 26 (17.14) (14.75) 16
General and administrative expenses ($/boe) (46.77) (31.45) 49 (46.56) (32.29) 44
Share based compensation ($/boe) (33.31) (246.37) (86) (31.21) (129.09) (76)
Gain on insurance proceeds ($/boe) - 19.76 (100) - 9.71 (100)
Finance expense ($/boe) (4.29) (2.78) 54 (3.73) (2.17) 72
Finance income ($/boe) 25.59 2.69 851 26.40 1.32 1,900
Other income ($/boe) - - - - 0.66 (100)
Unutilized transportation ($/boe) (5.35) - 100 (4.76) - 100
Net loss ($/boe) (82.96) (242.56) (66) (75.80) (142.00) (47)
截至三個月 截至六個月
經營業績(1) 6月30日 6月30日
2023年 2022年 更改百分比 2023年 2022年 更改百分比
石油和凝析油(bbls/d) 53 70 (24) 49 70 (30)
其他NGL(bbls/d) 14. 16年 (13) 14. 19個 (26)
石油和天然氣(bbls/d) 67 86 (22) 63 八十九 (29)
天然氣(Mcf/d) 1321 1,676 (21) 1350 1713 (21)
油當量(boe/d) 二八七 三百六十五 (21) 288 三百七十五 (23)
石油和凝析油(美元/桶) 88.89 134.69 (34) 91.61 124.20 (26)
其他NGL($/bbl) 28.03 58.76 (52) 35.43 51.37 (31)
石油和天然氣($/bbl) 76.11 120.53 (37) 79.21 108.79 (27)
天然氣(美元/mcf) 3.03 9.13 (67) 3.58 7.36 (51)
油當量(美元/boe) 31.63 70.21 (55) 34.11 59.44 (43)
石油和天然氣($/bbl) 20.84 37.52 (44) 23.41 34.12 (31)
天然氣(美元/mcf) 0.64 2.54 (75) 0.83 1.89 (56)
油當量(美元/boe) 7.77 20.48 (62) 9.02 16.71 (46)
石油和天然氣($/bbl) 17.49 13.84 26 17.23 13.37 29
天然氣(美元/mcf) 2.92 2.36 24個 2.87 2.24 28
油當量(美元/boe) 17.53 14.09 24個 17.23 13.43 28
石油和天然氣($/bbl) 1.85 3.38 (45) 1.65 3.45 (52)
天然氣(美元/mcf) 1.39 1.04 34 1.34 0.85 58
油當量(美元/boe) 6.82 5.55 23個 6.66 4.69 42
石油和天然氣($/bbl) 35.93 65.79 (45) 36.92 57.85 (36)
天然氣(美元/mcf) (1.92) 3.19 (160) (1.46) 2.38 (161)
油當量(美元/boe) (0.49) 30.09 (102) 1.20 24.61 (95)
損耗和折舊(美元/boe) (18.34) (14.50) 26 (17.14) (14.75) 16年
一般和行政費用(美元/boe) (46.77) (31.45) 49 (46.56) (32.29) 44
基於股份的薪酬(美元/boe) (33.31) (246.37) (86) (31.21) (129.09) (76)
保險收益(美元/boe) - 19.76 (100) - 9.71 (100)
財務費用(美元/boe) (4.29) (2.78) 54 (3.73) (2.17) 72
財務收入(美元/boe) 25.59 2.69 八百五十一 26.40 1.32 1900
其他收入(美元/boe) - - - - 0.66 (100)
未使用的運輸(美元/boe) (5.35) - 100個 (4.76) - 100個
淨虧損(美元/boe) (82.96) (242.56) (66) (75.80) (142.00) (47)

(1) See "Oil and Gas Terms" section.
(2) See "Product Types" section.
(3) See "Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures" section.


Selected financial and operational information outlined in this news release should be read in conjunction with Coelacanth's unaudited condensed interim financial statements and related Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023, which are available for review under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at .




On May 31, 2022, the arrangement agreement between Coelacanth, Leucrotta Exploration Inc. ("Leucrotta"), Vermilion Energy Inc. ("Vermilion"), and the shareholders of Leucrotta (the "Arrangement") closed and Vermilion acquired all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Leucrotta in exchange for $1.73 cash for each common share of Leucrotta held.

2022年5月31日,Coelacanth、Leucrotta Explore Inc.(“Leucrotta”)、硃砂能源公司(“Vermilion”)和Leucrotta股東之間的安排協定(“安排”)結束,Vermilion收購了Leucrotta的所有已發行和已發行普通股,以換取持有的每股Leucrotta普通股1.73美元現金。

Pursuant to an asset conveyance agreement between Coelacanth and Leucrotta made as of May 31, 2022, and immediately prior to the closing of the Arrangement, Leucrotta transferred approximately $45.1 million cash, net of transaction costs, and certain oil and natural gas assets primarily located in the Two Rivers area of British Columbia ("Two Rivers Assets") to Coelacanth in exchange for one common share of Coelacanth ("Coelacanth Share"), and 0.1917 of a common share purchase warrant of Coelacanth (one whole warrant being an "Arrangement Warrant") for each common share of Leucrotta outstanding. The Coelacanth Shares and Arrangement Warrants were then transferred to the shareholders of Leucrotta.


Since the shareholders of Coelacanth and Leucrotta were the same both before and after the conveyance of the Two Rivers Assets (at the time Coelacanth was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Leucrotta), this transaction was deemed a common-control transaction. The financial and operational results below present the historic financial position, results of operations and cash flows of the transferred Two Rivers Assets for all prior periods up to and including May 31, 2022 on a carve-out basis as if they had operated as a stand-alone entity subject to Leucrotta's control. The financial position, results of operations and cash flows from March 24, 2022 (the date of incorporation of Coelacanth) to May 31, 2022 include both the Two Rivers Assets and Coelacanth on a combined basis and from May 31, 2022 forward include the results of Coelacanth after assuming the Two Rivers Assets upon close of the Arrangement.

由於Coelacanth和Leucrotta的股東在兩個Rivers資產轉讓之前和之後都是相同的(當時Coelacanth是Leucrotta的全資子公司),因此這筆交易被視為共同控制交易。下面的財務和運營結果顯示了轉讓的Two Rivers資產在剝離基礎上截至2022年5月31日(包括2022年5月31日)的歷史財務狀況、運營結果和現金流,就像它們是作為受Leucrotta控制的獨立實體運營的一樣。從2022年3月24日(腔棘魚註冊成立之日)至2022年5月31日的財務狀況、經營業績和現金流包括合併後的兩條河流資產和腔棘魚,以及從2022年5月31日起包括在安排結束時承擔兩條河流資產後的腔棘魚業績。



In Q2 2023, Coelacanth made significant strides in advancing its Two Rivers project. The Two Rivers project spans Coelacanth's 150 contiguous sections of Montney lands and is divided up geographically into two projects - Two Rivers West ("TRW") and Two Rivers East ("TRE").


Although the overall project has been geologically defined and production tested with vertical and horizontal wells, Coelacanth needed to address infrastructure and egress issues along with developing production type curves incorporating enhanced frac design.


During Q2 2023 Coelacanth accomplished the following:


  • Signed an agreement with NRM securing up to 60 mmcf/d of firm processing capacity,
  • Received a license to drill up to 14 wells on the 5-19 pad at TRE,
  • Drilled one additional Upper Montney horizontal well at TRW, and
  • Updated its enhanced frac design for well completions at both TRW and TRE scheduled for Q3 2023 and Q4 2023.
  • 與NRM簽署了一項協定,確保高達60 Mmcf/d的公司處理能力,
  • 獲得了在特雷5-19平臺上鑽探多達14口井的許可證,
  • 在TRW額外鑽了一口上蒙特尼水準井,以及
  • 更新了其增強型壓裂設計,計劃於2023年第三季度和第四季度在TRW和TRE完井。

Since inception in June 2022, Coelacanth has also:


  • Secured 60 mmcf/d of firm pipeline capacity,
  • Completed the engineering and design and secured a site to build a battery capable of handling approximately 20,000 boe/d, and
  • Initiated the process of permitting and securing land access to construct the gathering and sales pipelines to connect the TRE 5-19 pad to the NRM gathering system.
  • 確保了60 Mmcf/d的穩固管道能力,
  • 完成了工程和設計,並獲得了一個建造電池的地點,該電池能夠處理大約20,000 boe/d,以及
  • 啟動了允許和確保土地準入的進程,以建造收集和銷售管道,將TRE 5-19 PAD連接到NRM收集系統。

During Q3 2023 and Q4 2023, Coelacanth will:


  • Complete and test the two previously drilled Montney wells at TRW for estimated on-stream date of October 1, 2023,
  • Drill 6 additional Montney horizontal wells, including 5 on the 5-19 pad at TRE (drilling commenced in August), and
  • Complete and test the 5 wells on the 5-19 pad (Q4 2023) that are being drilled in 3 distinct Montney horizons.
  • 完成並測試之前在TRW鑽探的兩口蒙特尼油井,預計投產日期為2023年10月1日,
  • 再鑽6口蒙特尼水****括特雷5-19井墊上的5口(鑽探於8月開始),以及
  • 在5-19井墊(2023年第四季度)上完成並測試正在3個不同的蒙特尼層鑽的5口井。

With a significant portion of the planning and egress requirements addressed, Coelacanth is moving forward on its plans to drill, complete and test wells at both TRE and TRW using longer laterals and enhanced completion designs. We look forward to updating our stakeholders on our progress as we achieve various milestones.




The Company uses the following frequently recurring oil and gas industry terms in the news release:


Bbls Barrels
Bbls/d Barrels per day
NGLs Natural gas liquids (includes condensate, pentane, butane, propane, and ethane)
Condensate Pentane and heavier hydrocarbons
Natural Gas
Mcf Thousands of cubic feet
Mcf/d Thousands of cubic feet per day
MMcf/d Millions of cubic feet per day
MMbtu Million of British thermal units
MMbtu/d Million of British thermal units per day
Oil Equivalent
Boe Barrels of oil equivalent
Boe/d Barrels of oil equivalent per day
Bbls/d 每天的桶數
NGL 天然氣液體(包括凝析油、戊烷、丁烷、丙烷和乙烷)
凝析油 正戊烷和較重碳氫化合物
麥克夫 數千立方米英尺
MCF/d 每天幾千立方米英尺
MMCF/d 每天數百萬立方米英尺
MMBtu 百萬英熱單位
MMBtu/d 百萬英熱單位/天
英國央行 桶油當量
BoE/d 每天桶油當量

Disclosure provided herein in respect of a boe may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A boe conversion rate of six thousand cubic feet of natural gas to one barrel of oil equivalent has been used for the calculation of boe amounts in the news release. This boe conversion rate is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.




This news release refers to certain measures that are not determined in accordance with IFRS (or "GAAP"). These non-GAAP and other financial measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed under IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other entities. The non-GAAP and other financial measures should not be considered alternatives to, or more meaningful than, financial measures that are determined in accordance with IFRS as indicators of the Company's performance. Management believes that the presentation of these non-GAAP and other financial measures provides useful information to shareholders and investors in understanding and evaluating the Company's ongoing operating performance, and the measures provide increased transparency to better analyze the Company's performance against prior periods on a comparable basis.


Non-GAAP Financial Measures


Adjusted funds flow (used)
Management uses adjusted funds flow (used) to analyze performance and considers it a key measure as it demonstrates the Company's ability to generate the cash necessary to fund future capital investments and abandonment obligations and to repay debt, if any. Adjusted funds flow (used) is a non-GAAP financial measure and has been defined by the Company as cash flow from (used in) operating activities excluding the change in non-cash working capital related to operating activities, movements in restricted cash deposits and expenditures on decommissioning obligations. Management believes the timing of collection, payment or incurrence of these items involves a high degree of discretion and as such may not be useful for evaluating the Company's cash flows. Adjusted funds flow (used) is reconciled from cash flow from (used in) in operating activities as follows:


Three Months Ended June 30 Six Months Ended June 30
($000s) 2023 2022 2023 2022
Cash flow from (used in) operating activities 765 (1,713) (1,277) (2,373)
Add (deduct):
Decommissioning expenditures 210 24 752 179
Restricted cash deposits (1,237) 1,628 (784) 1,628
Change in non-cash working capital (494) 83 (1) 115
Adjusted funds flow (used) (non-GAAP) (756) 22 (1,310) (451)
截至6月30日的三個月 截至6月30日的六個月
(2000美元) 2023年 2022年 2023年 2022年
經營活動產生的(用於)現金流量 七百六十五 (1713) (1277) (2373)
退役支出 210 24個 七百五十二 179
受限現金存款 (1237) 1,628 (784) 1,628
非現金營運資金變動 (494) 83 (1) 一百一十五
調整後的資金流量(已用)(非公認會計準則) (756) 22 (1,310) (451)

Net transportation expenses
Management considers net transportation expenses an important measure as it demonstrates the cost of utilized transportation related to the Company's production. Net transportation expenses is calculated as transportation expenses less unutilized transportation and is calculated as follows:


Three Months Ended June 30 Six Months Ended June 30
($000s) 2023 2022 2023 2022
Transportation expenses 318 184 596 317
Unutilized transportation (139) - (248) -
Net transportation expenses (non-GAAP) 179 184 348 317
截至6月30日的三個月 截至6月30日的六個月
(2000美元) 2023年 2022年 2023年 2022年
交通費 三一八 一百八十四 五百九十六 317
未使用的交通工具 (139) - (248) -
運輸費用淨額(非公認會計準則) 179 一百八十四 三百四十八 317

Operating netback
Management considers operating netback an important measure as it demonstrates its profitability relative to current commodity prices. Operating netback is calculated as oil and natural gas sales less royalties, operating expenses, and net transportation expenses and is calculated as follows:


Three Months Ended June 30 Six Months Ended June 30
($000s) 2023 2022 2023 2022
Oil and natural gas sales 826 2,334 1,780 4,022
Royalties (203) (681) (471) (1,130)
Operating expenses (458) (469) (899) (909)
Net transportation expenses (179) (184) (348) (317)
Operating netback (loss) (non-GAAP) (14) 1,000 62 1,666
截至6月30日的三個月 截至6月30日的六個月
(2000美元) 2023年 2022年 2023年 2022年
石油和天然氣銷售 826 2334 1780 4,022
版稅 (203) (681) (471) (1130)
運營費用 (458) (469) (899) (909)
運輸費用淨額 (179) (184) (348) (317)
營業淨額(虧損)(非公認會計準則) (14) 千人 62 1,666

Capital expenditures
Coelacanth utilizes capital expenditures as a measure of capital investment on property, plant, and equipment, exploration and evaluation assets and property acquisitions compared to its annual budgeted capital expenditures. Capital expenditures are calculated as follows:


Three Months Ended June 30 Six Months Ended June 30
($000s) 2023 2022 2023 2022
Capital expenditures – property, plant, and equipment 3,022 693 6,559 711
Capital expenditures – exploration and evaluation assets 620 177 2,222 456
Capital expenditures (non-GAAP) 3,642 870 8,781 1,167
截至6月30日的三個月 截至6月30日的六個月
(2000美元) 2023年 2022年 2023年 2022年
資本支出--房地產、廠房和設備 3,022 六百九十三 6559 七百一十一
資本支出--勘探和評估資產 六百二十 177 2222 四五六
資本支出(非公認會計準則) 3642 八百七十 8781 1167

Capital Management Measures


Adjusted working capital
Management uses adjusted working capital as a measure to assess the Company's financial position. Adjusted working capital is calculated as current assets and restricted cash deposits less current liabilities, excluding the current portion of decommissioning obligations.


($000s) June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022
Current assets 51,956 67,938
Current liabilities (2,696) (8,901)
Working capital 49,260 59,037
Restricted cash deposits 6,666 7,389
Current portion of decommissioning obligations 574 1,312
Adjusted working capital (Capital management measure) 56,500 67,738
(2000美元) 2023年6月30日 2022年年12月31日
流動資產 51,956 67,938
流動負債 (2696) (8901)
營運資本 49,260 59,037
受限現金存款 6666 7389
退役債務的當前部分 五百七十四 1,312
調整後營運資本(資本管理辦法) 56,500 67,738

Non-GAAP Financial Ratios


Adjusted Funds Flow (Used) per Share
Adjusted funds flow (used) per share is a non-GAAP financial ratio, calculated using adjusted funds used and the same weighted average basic and diluted shares used in calculating net loss per share.


Net transportation expenses per boe
The Company utilizes net transportation expenses per boe to assess the per unit cost of utilized transportation related to the Company's production. Net transportation expenses per boe is calculated as net transportation expenses divided by total production for the applicable period.


Operating netback per boe
The Company utilizes operating netback per boe to assess the operating performance of its petroleum and natural gas assets on a per unit of production basis. Operating netback per boe is calculated as operating netback divided by total production for the applicable period.


Supplementary Financial Measures


The supplementary financial measures used in this news release (primarily average sales price per product type and certain per boe and per share figures) are either a per unit disclosure of a corresponding GAAP measure, or a component of a corresponding GAAP measure, presented in the financial statements. Supplementary financial measures that are disclosed on a per unit basis are calculated by dividing the aggregate GAAP measure (or component thereof) by the applicable unit for the period. Supplementary financial measures that are disclosed on a component basis of a corresponding GAAP measure are a granular representation of a financial statement line item and are determined in accordance with GAAP.




The Company uses the following references to sales volumes in the news release:


Natural gas refers to shale gas
Oil and condensate refers to condensate and tight oil combined
Other NGLs refers to butane, propane and ethane combined
Oil and NGLs refers to tight oil and NGLs combined
Oil equivalent refers to the total oil equivalent of shale gas, tight oil, and NGLs combined, using the conversion rate of six thousand cubic feet of shale gas to one barrel of oil equivalent as described above.


The following is a complete breakdown of sales volumes for applicable periods by specific product types of shale gas, tight oil, and NGLs:


Three Months Ended June 30 Six Months Ended June 30
Sales Volumes by Product Type 2023 2022 2023 2022
Condensate (bbls/d) 6 9 7 10
Other NGLs (bbls/d) 14 16 14 19
NGLs (bbls/d) 20 25 21 29
Tight oil (bbls/d) 47 61 42 60
Condensate (bbls/d) 6 9 7 10
Oil and condensate (bbls/d) 53 70 49 70
Other NGLs (bbls/d) 14 16 14 19
Oil and NGLs (bbls/d) 67 86 63 89
Shale gas (mcf/d) 1,321 1,676 1,350 1,713
Natural gas (mcf/d) 1,321 1,676 1,350 1,713
Oil equivalent (boe/d) 287 365 288 375
截至6月30日的三個月 截至6月30日的六個月
按產品類型劃分的銷售量 2023年 2022年 2023年 2022年
凝析油(bbls/d) 6. 9. 7. 10
其他NGL(bbls/d) 14. 16年 14. 19個
NGL(bbls/d) 20個 25個 21歲 29
緻密油(bbls/d) 47 61 42 60
凝析油(bbls/d) 6. 9. 7. 10
石油和凝析油(bbls/d) 53 70 49 70
其他NGL(bbls/d) 14. 16年 14. 19個
石油和天然氣(bbls/d) 67 86 63 八十九
葉巖氣(Mcf/d) 1321 1,676 1350 1713
天然氣(Mcf/d) 1321 1,676 1350 1713
油當量(boe/d) 二八七 三百六十五 288 三百七十五



This document contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. The use of any of the words "expect", "anticipate", "continue", "estimate", "may", "will", "should", "believe", "intends", "forecast", "plans", "guidance" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements or information.


More particularly and without limitation, this news release contains forward-looking statements and information relating to the Company's oil and condensate, other NGLs, and natural gas production, capital programs, and adjusted working capital. The forward-looking statements and information are based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by the Company, including expectations and assumptions relating to prevailing commodity prices and exchange rates, applicable royalty rates and tax laws, future well production rates, the performance of existing wells, the success of drilling new wells, the availability of capital to undertake planned activities, and the availability and cost of labour and services.


Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements and information are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Since forward-looking statements and information address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks. These include, but are not limited to, the risks associated with the oil and gas industry in general such as operational risks in development, exploration and production, delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures, the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production rates, costs, and expenses, commodity price and exchange rate fluctuations, marketing and transportation, environmental risks, competition, the ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources and changes in tax, royalty, and environmental legislation. The forward-looking statements and information contained in this document are made as of the date hereof for the purpose of providing the readers with the Company's expectations for the coming year. The forward-looking statements and information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws.


Coelacanth is an oil and natural gas company, actively engaged in the acquisition, development, exploration, and production of oil and natural gas reserves in northeastern British Columbia, Canada.


Further Information


For additional information, please contact:


Coelacanth Energy Inc.
Suite 2110, 530 - 8th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 3S8
Phone: (403) 705-4525

阿爾伯塔省卡爾加裡,T2P 3S8

Mr. Robert J. Zakresky
President and Chief Executive Officer


Mr. Nolan Chicoine
Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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