
Portofino Submits Final Proposals Regarding Arizaro Lithium Concessions-Salta, Argentina

Portofino Submits Final Proposals Regarding Arizaro Lithium Concessions-Salta, Argentina

newsfile ·  2023/08/23 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 23, 2023) - PORTOFINO RESOURCES INC. (TSXV: POR) (OTCQB: PFFOF) (FSE: POTA) ("Portofino" or the "Company") announces that it has submitted detailed proposals through a public tender process in Salta, Argentina, for two contiguous lithium concessions, sub-areas III and IV, within the highly coveted, Arizaro Salar (see Figure 1). The tender submission deadline has now lapsed, and while the Company's success in the process is not guaranteed, the initial, (official) feedback suggests that the Company's financial proposals are extremely competitive with other major lithium participants. Additional aspects of the tender submissions, including community impact, sustainability and community/regional benefits, are also being assessed by officials and results are anticipated to be announced in the second half of September.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年8月23日)-Portofino Resources Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:POR)(場外交易市場:PFFOF)(證券交易所市場代碼:POTA)(“波託菲諾“或”公司“)宣佈,它已通過在阿根廷薩爾塔的公開招標程式提交了關於在令人垂涎的Arizaro Salar地區內的兩個相連的鋰特許權的詳細建議書(見圖1)。投標截止日期現已過去,雖然不能保證該公司在招標過程中取得成功,但初步的(官方)反饋表明,該公司的財務提案與其他主要鋰參與者相比具有極強的競爭力。官員們還在評估投標檔案的其他方面,包括社區影響、可持續性和社區/地區利益,結果預計將於9月下半月公佈。

In conjunction with the state-owned resource company in Salta, the Company previously carried out extensive geological due diligence on one of the two concession areas, referred to as Arizaro IV. Initial surface exploration work on this 8,445-hectare block has revealed a thick overburden (crust), however, samples at surface still assayed as high as 100 milligrams per litre ("mg/l") lithium, which is consistent with surface results of other groups exploring this mature salar. Additional exploration activity included:

公司此前與薩爾塔的國有資源公司合作,對兩個特許權區塊之一的Arizaro IV進行了廣泛的地質盡職調查。在這個8,445公頃的區塊進行的初步地表勘探工作發現了厚厚的覆蓋層(地殼),然而,地表樣品仍被檢測到高達每升100毫克(“L”)鋰,這與勘探這一成熟薩拉爾礦塊的其他勘探小組的地表結果一致。其他勘探活動包括:

  1. 40 +surface brine samples collected and analysed;
  2. 35 trenches reaching shallow water tables using excavation equipment;
  3. 69,000 metres ("m") of geophysical surveying utilizing Vertical Electric Soundings ("VES") technology revealing aquifer depths up to 1,000m; and
  4. Low resistivity horizons being identified and interpreted as brine targets potentially containing large concentrations of lithium (see Figure 2).
  1. 採集地表鹵水樣品40餘份,進行分析;
  2. 35條戰壕,利用挖掘設備達到淺層地下水位;
  3. 69,000米(“M利用垂直電測深進行地球物理測量(“VES“)揭示含水層深度達1,000米的技術;以及
  4. 低阻層被識別和解釋為可能含有高濃度鋰的鹵水目標(見圖2)。

The VES results with the largest thickness in the low resistivity layer are anticipated to be the highest prospective areas of interest and are located to the east and south. The explored area shares geological characteristics with other areas in the same salt flat where brines with high lithium content have been detected at depth. Adjacent properties within the Arizaro salar, have been drilled to depths of more than 500 m, yielding prospective levels of 300 m to 400 m with >500 mg/L lithium.


David Tafel, CEO of Portofino, commented: "Our legal, operations, and geological teams have presented two very thorough, well researched and competitive Arizaro Salar partnership proposals and we remain confident our efforts will be rewarded. Concurrent to our Arizaro proposal submissions, and pursuant to the recent news on the Yergo Lithium Project (POR News Release 14-AUG-2023), the team has commenced preparation of an amended drill permit in anticipation of closing the concession buyout mid-September."


Qualified Person


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Mike Kilbourne, P.Geo., who is a Qualified Person ("QP") as defined by National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The QP has not completed sufficient work to verify the historic information on the properties in Argentina and neighbouring companies.


About Portofino Resources Inc.

關於Portofino Resources Inc.

Portofino is a Vancouver-based Canadian company focused on exploring and developing mineral resource projects in the Americas. Portofino has an opportunity to earn a majority interest in several lithium projects in Salta, Argentina and up to 100% of the (2932 hectare) Yergo Lithium property in Catamarca. The properties are situated in the heart of the world-renowned Argentine Lithium Triangle and in close proximity to multiple world-class lithium projects. The Company also has the right to earn 100% interest in three northwestern Ontario, Canada lithium projects: Allison Lake North, Greenheart Lake and McNamara Lake.


Portofino's South of Otter and Bruce Lake projects are in the historic gold mining district of Red Lake, Ontario, Canada proximal to the Dixie gold project discovered by Great Bear Resources and now owned by Kinross Gold Corp. In addition, Portofino holds three other northwestern Ontario gold projects; the Gold Creek property located immediately south of the historic Shebandowan mine, as well as the Sapawe West and Melema West properties located in the rapidly developing Atikokan gold mining camp.

Portofino的Otter和Bruce Lake專案位於加拿大安大略省歷史悠久的紅湖金礦礦區,靠近Great Bear Resources發現的、現由Kinross Gold Corp.擁有的Dixie金礦專案。此外,Portofino還持有安大略省西北部另外三個金礦專案:Gold Creek礦產位於歷史悠久的Sheband owan礦南面;Sapawe West和Melema West礦產位於快速開發的阿提科坎金礦開採營地。



"David G. Tafel"


Chief Executive Officer


For Further Information Contact:


David Tafel CEO,
Director 604-683-1991


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