Shoham, Israel, Aug. 22, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mobilicom Limited (Mobilicom or the Company, NASDAQ: MOB, MOBBW; ASX: MOB), a provider of cybersecurity and robust solutions for drones and robotics, today announced its Head of Product Management and Marketing, Danny Lev, will be a featured expert guest on a webinar hosted by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) titled "Security by Design" on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time.
Webinar Description:
Designing networks and technologies with security in mind is essential to safely advance uncrewed systems. As these systems advance in operation, the value they bring to society and their different uses increase significantly. Unfortunately, uncrewed systems are prime targets for cyber-attacks – which can be costly and harmful to industry and society.
Join this webinar to understand what can and should be done to design and operate uncrewed systems with security as its central focus.
The Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), the world's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of uncrewed systems and robotics, represents corporations and professionals from more than 60 countries involved in industry, government and academia. AUVSI members work in the defense, civil and commercial markets. Mobilicom is a member of the AUVSI and Fortress Information Security's Trusted Cyber Program. The Cybersecurity Working Group is developing enterprise cybersecurity standards to address cyber risks specific to uncrewed systems and robotics. Mobilicom is a contributing member of this group which includes leading defense, drone, and cybersecurity companies such as Boeing, Boston Dynamics, Northrup Grumman, and Raytheon.
About Mobilicom
Mobilicom is an end-to-end provider of cybersecurity and robust solutions for drones and robotics focussing primarily on targeting global drone, robotics and autonomous system manufacturers.
The Company holds patented technology & unique know-how for Mobile Mesh networking. It has a large, field proven portfolio of commercialised products used in a variety of applications.
Mobilicom is growing a global customer base with sales to high profile customers including corporates, governments and military. Mobilicom's competitive advantages include outstanding security capabilities and performance in harsh environmental conditions.
Mobilicom's large solution portfolio is being deployed worldwide, and the Company derives revenue from hardware, software sales & licensing fees and professional support services.
For more information on Mobilicom, please contact:
Liad Gelfer
Mobilicom Ltd
以色列 Shoham,2023 年 8 月 22 日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)— Mobilco 限定 (Mobilco 或者 公司, NASDAQ:MOB,MOBBW;ASX:MOB)是一家爲無人機和機器人提供網絡安全和強大解決方案的提供商,今天宣佈,其產品管理和營銷主管丹尼·列夫將在美國東部時間2023年8月23日星期三下午 3:00 至下午 4:00 由國際無人駕駛車輛系統協會(AUVSI)主辦的名爲 “設計安全” 的網絡研討會上擔任特邀專家嘉賓。
國際無人駕駛車輛系統協會(AUVSI)是世界上最大的致力於發展無人駕駛系統和機器人技術的非營利組織,代表來自60多個國家的工業、政府和學術界的公司和專業人士。AUVSI成員在國防、民用和商業市場工作。Mobilicom 是 AUVSI 和 Fortress 信息安全組織的成員 可信網絡計劃。網絡安全工作組正在制定企業網絡安全標準,以應對無人駕駛系統和機器人特有的網絡風險。Mobilicom是該小組的貢獻成員,該小組包括領先的國防、無人機和網絡安全公司,例如波音、波士頓動力公司、Northrup Grumman和Raytheon。
關於 Mobicom
Mobilicom 是一家爲無人機和機器人提供網絡安全和強大的解決方案的端到端提供商,主要針對全球無人機、機器人和自主系統製造商。
有關 Mobilicom 的更多信息,請聯繫:
Liad Gelfer
Mobilcom 有限公司