
中国新城市(01321.HK)预计上半年净亏损7200万元 亏损同比大幅收窄

Xincheng, China (01321.HK) expects net loss of 72 million yuan in the first half of the year to narrow sharply year on year

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 22, 2023 20:12

Gelonghui August 22nd 丨China New City (01321.HK) announced and is expected to beThe six months ended June 30, 2023The Group recorded an unaudited comprehensive net loss of approximately RMB 72 million, while the Group recorded an unaudited comprehensive net loss of approximately RMB 238 million during 2022. This was mainly due to the Group recording a change in the fair value of investment properties of approximately RMB 29.9 million during 2023.

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