
Green River Gold Identifies Lithium and Rare Earth Element Pathfinders in the First Field Reconnaissance Program at the KaLi Pegmatite Project

Green River Gold Identifies Lithium and Rare Earth Element Pathfinders in the First Field Reconnaissance Program at the KaLi Pegmatite Project

Green River Gold 在 KaLi 偉晶岩項目的第一個野外偵察計劃中識別了鋰和稀土元素探路者
newsfile ·  2023/08/17 20:29

Edmonton, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - August 17, 2023) - Green River Gold Corp. (CSE: CCR) (OTC Pink: CCRRF) (the "Company" or "Green River") is pleased to announce that the first field reconnaissance program for the KaLi Pegmatite Property (the Property or the Project) has been finished and pathfinder elements have been identified by a handheld XRF analyzer. The Property is 100%-owned by the Company and is located 45 kilometres northwest of the town of Clearwater, in the prolific Kamloops Mining District in South Central British Columbia, Canada.

艾伯塔省埃德蒙頓-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年8月17日)-綠河黃金公司(CSE:CCR)(場外粉色:CCRRF)(The“The”公司“或”綠河“)高興地宣佈,對卡利偉晶巖財產的第一次野外勘察計劃(財產或這個專案)已經完成,探路器元件已經由手持XRF分析儀識別。該物業由公司100%擁有,位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省中南部多產的坎盧普斯礦區克利爾沃特鎮西北45公里處。

The 2023 field reconnaissance program was designed to evaluate the potential for LCT (Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum)-bearing pegmatites, copper, and molybdenum porphyry system on the Property. Prospecting on the Property was conducted between August 10 and August 14, 2023.


The KaLi Pegmatite Project consists of 1059.5 hectares of land (the Property) and dates back to the early 1960's when Noranda Exploration conducted the first comprehensive soil Geochem survey over an approximate 5.0 km by 1.5 km wide area. This was followed up by two other grassroots surveys conducted by Amoco in 1974 and Norseman Mining Corp. in 1980 who further duplicated the geochemistry. In 1981 Placer Development Ltd. performed geochemical and geophysical surveys near the south-western extent of the Property. With the primary focus of exploration in this area over the last 6 decades being focused on Molybdenum, the potential for Lithium Bearing Pegmatites in the area was not specifically targeted by previous exploration. Updates to Green River Gold Corp.'s website are underway, which will include the Company's proposed lithium exploration plans.

卡利偉晶巖專案佔地1059.5公頃,可追溯到20世紀60年代初的S,當時諾蘭達勘探公司進行了第一次全面的土壤地質化學調查,調查範圍約為5.0x1.5公里寬。隨後,阿莫科在1974年和諾斯曼礦業公司在1980年分別進行了另外兩項基層調查,他們進一步複製了地球化學性質。1981年,Placer Development Ltd.在該地產西南部附近進行了化探和地球物理調查。由於過去60年來該地區的主要勘探重點是鉬,因此該地區含鋰偉晶巖的潛力並不是以前勘探的具體目標。綠河黃金股份有限公司S網站的更新正在進行中,該網站將包括該公司擬議的鋰勘探計劃。

Prospective locations for the rock sampling were selected based on the topographic relief and previously mapped outcrops of the surrounding granitic rocks (ARIS 37548 and 39546). The Property is accessible by a well-maintained forest service road. The Project geologist collected both grab and chip samples along the access trails which cover the entire Property. The sample locations are shown in Figure 1.

根據地形起伏和之前繪製的周圍花崗巖露頭地圖(ARIS 37548和39546),選擇了預期的岩石採樣地點。通過一條維護良好的森林服務公路可以到達該物業。專案地質學家收集了覆蓋整個財產的通道小徑沿線的抓鬥和晶片樣本。示例位置如圖1所示。

Figure 1. Rock sample location map.


The exploration crew collected 28 rock samples in total. All samples have been delivered to the Company's facility in Quesnel, British Columbia, and tested by a 2023 Sci-Aps X-550 handheld X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer. Three main categories of rock samples have been identified:

探險隊共採集了28個岩石樣本。所有樣品都已送到該公司位於不列顛哥倫比亞省奎斯奈爾的工廠,並由2023年Sci-APS X-550手持式X射線螢光(XRF)分析儀進行測試。已確定了三種主要類別的岩石樣本:

  1. Quartz monzonite pegmatite. The pegmatite samples (Figure 2) contain lithium pathfinder elements tantalum (Ta), niobium (Nb) and rubidium (Rb).
  1. 石英二長偉晶巖。偉晶巖樣品(圖2)含有鋰引路劑元素鉭(Ta)、Nb(Nb)和Rb(Rb)。

Figure 2. Pegmatite outcrop.


  1. Chalcopyrite in quartz monzonite (Figure 3). Elevated copper and iron concentrations were detected.
  1. 石英二長巖中的黃銅礦(圖3)。檢測到銅和鐵濃度升高。

Figure 3. Quartz monzonite containing chalcopyrite.


  1. Massive sulphide grab samples containing high concentrations of sulphur, and elevated iron and copper.
  1. 大量的硫化物抓取樣品,含有高濃度的硫,以及升高的鐵和銅。

Figure 4. Massive sulphides grab sample.


Note: The XRF data is taken as point values and do not represent the true grade of the samples analyzed. The elemental data is highly dependent on the location at which the X-Ray beam intersects the rock. The device used to take the data points is a 2023 SciAps X-550 handheld X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer, which produces a beam spot diameter of up to 3mm. It is designed to achieve laboratory-quality results in the field and provides rapid and accurate elemental analysis and testing.

注:XRF數據為積分值,不代表被分析樣品的真實等級。元素數據高度依賴於X射線束與岩石相交的位置。用於獲取數據點的設備是2023 SciAps X-550手持式X射線螢光(XRF)分析儀,它產生的束斑直徑高達3毫米。它的設計是為了在現場實現實驗室質量的結果,並提供快速和準確的元素分析和測試。

Geological Summary


The field reconnaissance program was successful at defining granitic-pegmatite lithologies and other potentials which possess the following key characteristics:


  1. Coarse mineral grain size with visible pegmatitic textures (graphic mineral intergrowths, exsolution laminae in felspars.
  2. Encouraging the presence of other phases indicative of a fertile melt (biotite, muscovite, and possible tourmaline).
  3. Elevated concentrations of pathfinder elements associated with the presence of LCT pegmatite (tantalum (Ta), niobium (Nb) and rubidium (Rb) are present in the XRF measurements).
  4. Potential copper and molybdenum porphyry system.
  5. Occurrence of the massive sulphide samples.
  1. 具有可見偉晶結構的粗大礦物粒度(圖形礦物相互生長,長石中的出溶紋層。
  2. 鼓勵存在其他指示可育熔體的階段(黑雲母、白雲母和可能的電氣石)。
  3. 與LCT偉晶巖(XRF測量中存在鉭(Ta)、Nb(Nb)和Rb(Rb))有關的探路者元素濃度升高。
  4. 潛在的銅鉬斑岩系統。
  5. 大量硫化物樣品的賦存狀態。

Next Phase Exploration Plan


Ten out of twenty-eight rock samples have been sent to MSA LABS in Langley, B.C. for the 51-element ultra-trace level diagnosis. The anticipated timeframe for receiving the assay results is approximately 4 weeks. Pending the assay results, the Company wll move to the next phase of exploration. Given the geochemical anomalies present in granitic-pegmatitic units on the Property, the Company intends to conduct follow-up exploration programs beginning with the following:


  1. An expanded surface geochemical sampling program (soil, rock, and potentially stream sediments). The soil sampling program will be especially valuable in areas of the Project with limited bedrock exposures.
  2. Geological mapping, finding more pegmatite veins and pegmatitic rock exposures to determine the grade of lithium and rare earth elements.
  3. Backpack drilling aimed at intersecting the LCT pegmatite. Check the grades of lithium and rare earth elements in the LCT pegmatite.
  1. 一項擴展的地表地球化學採樣計劃(土壤、岩石和潛在的水系沉積物)。土壤採樣計劃在該專案基岩暴露有限的地區將特別有價值。
  2. 地質填圖,發現更多的偉晶巖脈和偉晶巖出露,以確定鋰和稀土元素的品位。
  3. 揹包鑽井的目的是與LCT偉晶巖相交。檢查LCT偉晶巖中鋰和稀土元素的等級。

Quality Assurance, Quality Control


Lithium standard samples (CDN-Li-1) and blanks (CDN-BL-10) were systematically inserted into each batch of samples at regular intervals. The standard samples were purchased from CDN Resource Laboratories in Langley, British Columbia. The rock samples were placed in sealed bags and shipped directly to Met-Solve Laboratories Inc. (MSA) in Langley, British Columbia. The assay lab preparation procedure included crushing the entire sample to 80% passing 2 millimetres, riffle splitting 250 grams, and pulverizing the split to 95% passing 105 micrometres. Base metal analyses are determined using the Aqua Regia digestion, 51-element ultra-trace level, finished by ICP-MS and ICP-ES. Analytical results are verified with the application of industry-standard Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) Procedures. The MSA Labs has an ISO 17025 certificate.

將鋰標準樣品(CDN-Li-1)和空白樣品(CDN-BL-10)按一定的間隔系統地插入每批樣品中。標準樣品購自不列顛哥倫比亞省蘭利市的CDN資源實驗室。岩石樣本被放置在密封袋中,並直接運往不列顛哥倫比亞省蘭利市的Met-Solve實驗室公司(MSA)。化驗實驗室的準備程式包括將整個樣品粉碎到80%,通過2毫米,沖洗液裂解250克,並將裂解粉碎到95%,通過105微米。賤金屬分析使用Aqua Regia消解,51元素超痕量水準,由電感耦合等離子體質譜和電感耦合等離子體發射光譜儀完成。分析結果通過行業標準品質保證和質量控制(QA/QC)程式得到驗證。海事局實驗室擁有國際標準化組織17025認證。

Qualified Person:


Stephen P. Kocsis (P.Geo) is the qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and he has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.

斯蒂芬·P·科西斯(P.Geo)是National Instrument 43-101定義的合格人員,他已經審查並批准了本新聞稿中的技術資訊。

About Green River Gold Corp.


Green River Gold Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on its wholly-owned Fontaine Gold Project, Quesnel Nickel/Magnesium/Talc Project, and Kymar Silver Project which are located in renowned mining districts in British Columbia.

Green River Gold Corp.是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,專注於其全資擁有的方丹金礦專案、Quesnel鎳/鎂/滑石專案和Kymar Silver專案,這些專案位於不列顛哥倫比亞省著名礦區。

The Fontaine Gold and Quesnel Nickel properties cover an area exceeding 200 square kilometres and straddle a 32-kilometre length of the Barkerville and Quesnel Terranes. They are contiguous to Osisko Development Corp.'s mineral claim group containing a proposed mine location at its Cariboo Gold Project.

Fontaine Gold和Quesnel Nickel的資產覆蓋面積超過200平方公里,橫跨Barkerville和Quesnel地體長達32公里。它們毗鄰奧西斯科開發公司的S礦產主張群,該群包含一個擬議中的卡裡布金礦專案的礦場。

The Kymar Silver Project is located in southeast BC, approximately 28 kilometres west of the town of Invermere in the Golden Mining Division. The Property is made up of two mineral tenures, totalling 1,625 hectares, along the southeast flank of Mount Catherine.

Kymar Silver專案位於西元前東南部,位於黃金礦業部Invermel鎮以西約28公里處。這處房產由凱瑟琳山東南側的兩個礦產區組成,總面積為1,625公頃。

For more information contact:


Green River Gold Corp.
Mr. Perry Little - President and Chief Executive Officer

綠河黃金公司(Green River Gold Corp.)

Additional information about Green River Gold Corp. can be found by reviewing its profile on SEDAR at .

有關Green River Gold Corp.的更多資訊,請訪問:查看該公司在SEDAR上的簡介。

Forward-Looking Information: This release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Expressions such as "anticipates", "expects", "believes", "estimates", "could", "intends", "may", "plans", "predicts", "projects", "will", "would" and other similar expressions, or the negative of these terms, are generally indicative of forward-looking information. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information.


In addition, the forward-looking information contained in this release is based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information as it is inherently uncertain, and no assurance can be given that the expectations reflected in such information will prove to be correct. The forward-looking information in this release is made as of the date hereof and, except as required under applicable securities legislation, the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise such information to reflect new events or circumstances.


The securities of the Company have not been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. This release is issued for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, nor shall there be any sale of any securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.


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加拿大證券交易所(由CNSX Markets Inc.運營)既不批准也不反對本新聞稿的內容

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