
Cabral Gold Re-Commences Drilling at Cuiú Cuiú

Cabral Gold Re-Commences Drilling at Cuiú Cuiú

Cabral Gold 在 Cuiué Cuiu 重新開始鑽探
newsfile ·  2023/08/15 18:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 15, 2023) - Cabral Gold Inc. (TSXV: CBR) (OTC Pink: CBGZF) ("Cabral" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has commenced a program of RC and power-auger drilling at the Cuiú Cuiú district, located in Para state in northern Brazil.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年8月15日)-Cabral Gold Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:CBR)(場外交易粉色代碼:CBGZF)(“Cabral”或“公司”)巴西國家石油公司很高興地宣佈,它已經開始在巴西北部帕拉州的CuiúCuiú區開展RC和電動螺旋鑽探專案。



  • A drill program comprising six RC holes and 21 short power-auger holes has commenced at the MG gold deposit, targeting higher-grade mineralization within shallow gold-in-oxide blanket and saprolite gold resources
  • MG金礦已開始鑽探計劃,包括6個RC孔和21個短的動力螺旋鑽孔,目標是淺層氧化金毯和腐泥岩型金礦資源中的高品位礦化。
  • Following the completion of the RC program at MG, the rig will move to the Central deposit where 19 RC holes are planned with the objective of upgrading the Inferred portion of the current oxide resource at Central to Indicated
  • 在MG的RC專案完成後,鑽井平臺將移至中央礦藏,計劃在那裡打19個RC孔,目的是將中環現有氧化物資源的推斷部分升級到指示
  • This work is designed to better define and expand the higher-grade shallower portion of the oxide resources within the near-surface saprolite and blanket material, to improve confidence in the current oxide gold resources, and to aid in the mine planning and sequencing as part of the ongoing Prefeasibility Study on Trial-mining of the oxide resources at the MG and Central gold deposits that is currently being conducted by Ausenco do Brasil Engenharia Ltda
  • 這項工作旨在更好地界定和擴大近地表腐泥岩和毯狀物質中較高品位較淺部分的氧化物資源,提高對當前氧化金資源的信心,並協助進行礦山規劃和排序,作為Ausenco do Brasil Engenharia Ltd.目前正在進行的MG和Central金礦氧化資源試採的預可行性研究的一部分

Alan Carter, Cabral Gold's President and CEO commented, "We are very pleased to have re-commenced drilling at Cuiú Cuiú. This program will target the higher-grade material within the near surface gold-in-oxide blanket and saprolite resources. It is also aimed at upgrading the Inferred portion of the current oxide resource at Central to Indicated, and will allow for better mine planning and sequencing in the ongoing trial-mining Prefeasibility Study for the MG and Central deposits. Moreover, we believe that excellent opportunities exist beyond the MG and Central gold deposits to add additional resources of higher-grade oxide material, particularly at the PDM and Machichie discoveries."


Cuiú Cuiú drilling program


The 25-hole RC and 21-hole power-auger drilling program at Cuiú Cuiú is aimed at expanding and better defining higher-grade mineralization within the near-surface oxide gold resources at both the MG and Central gold deposits as part of the ongoing trial-mining Prefeasibility Study.


Current open-pit oxide Indicated (153.7 koz gold) and Inferred resources (79.2 koz gold) are shown on Table 1 (see also 43-101 technical report dated October 12, 2022).


Category Zone Deposit Tonnage (Mt) Au (g/t) Au (koz)
Open Pit Indicated Blanket Central/CN 1.07 0.38 13.1
MG 2.99 0.36 34.5
Sub-Total 4.05 0.37 47.6
Saprolite Central/CN 2.42 0.67 52.3
MG 2.79 0.6 53.8
Sub-Total 5.21 0.63 106.1
Oxide Total 9.26 0.52 153.7
Inferred Blanket Central/CN 1.33 0.28 12
MG 0.91 0.31 9.2
PDM 1.6 0.43 22.1
Sub-Total 3.84 0.35 43.3
Saprolite Central/CN 2.03 0.5 32.8
MG 0.28 0.35 3.1
Sub-Total 2.3 0.49 36
Oxide Total 6.15 0.4 79.2
類別 分帶 存款 噸位(公噸) Au(克/噸) Au(Koz)
露天礦 已指示 毛毯 中環/中環 1.07 0.38 13.1
2.99 0.36 34.5
小計 4.05 0.37 47.6
腐泥岩 中環/中環 2.42 0.67 52.3
2.79 0.6 53.8
小計 5.21 0.63 106.1
氧化物 總計 9.26 0.52 153.7
推論 毛毯 中環/中環 1.33 0.28 12
0.91 0.31 9.2
產品數據管理 1.6 0.43 22.1
小計 3.84 0.35 43.3
腐泥岩 中環/中環 2.03 0.5 32.8
0.28 0.35 3.1
小計 2.3 0.49 36
氧化物 總計 6.15 0.4 79.2

Table 1: Current Oxide Resources at Central, MG and PDM gold deposits, Cuiú Cuiú district (see 43-101 Technical Report by SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd. dated October 12, 2022)


Previous drilling within the oxide mineralization at the MG gold deposit returned a number of higher-grade drill intercepts in the core of the deposit, including DDH214, which returned 60m @ 3.5 g/t gold from surface in blanket and saprolite (see press release dated May 19, 2022).

以前在MG金礦床的氧化物礦化內鑽探,在礦床核心發現了許多較高品位的鑽探截獲物,包括DDH2 14,從地表以毯狀和腐泥岩形式返還60m@3.5g/t的金(見日期為2022年5月19日的新聞稿)。

The current drill program is also designed to upgrade a portion of the resource at the Central gold deposit, from Inferred to Indicated material. At Central, previous drilling within the oxide resources returned several higher-grade drill intercepts, e.g. DDH306 which returned 20.9m @ 4.2 g/t gold from surface (see press release dated July 7, 2022).


A total of 25 RC holes are planned to test blanket and saprolite oxide gold mineralization. These include six holes at MG, which will be completed first, followed by 19 holes at Central. It is expected that the RC program will take 2 to 3 months to complete. In order to further define the very shallow high-grade oxide material within the gold-in-oxide blanket at MG, a program of 21 shallow (~20m) power-auger holes have also commenced.


The gold-in-oxide blanket and saprolite gold resources at both the Central and MG gold deposits contain higher grade material which directly overlies the primary gold deposits within the primary fresh-rock mineralized, deformed and altered granitic basement material. The trial-mining Prefeasibility Study is focused on the open-pit and heap-leach exploitation of this higher-grade oxide material in the early years. Hence the reason for further tighter drilling in order to better define the higher-grade material that lies above the core of the deposits.


High-grade gold-in-oxide material also exists within both the PDM blanket (Table 1) and in weathered oxide material above the new Machichie discovery. These areas represent excellent targets for adding additional near-surface higher-grade gold-in-oxide resources.


Previous drilling within the gold-in-oxide blanket and saprolite at PDM returned a number of higher-grade drill intercepts, e.g. RC324 which returned 11m @ 3.1 g/t gold from surface (see press release dated August 18, 2022) and RC310 which returned 13m @ 4.6 g/t gold (see press release dated May 19, 2022).


Trenching at the new Machichie discovery similarly returned high grade zones at surface in gold-in-oxide material including 7.7m @ 5.8 g/t gold in trench CT0049 (see press release dated August 4, 2022), and 5m @ 8.3 g/t gold in trench CT0035A (see press release dated February 2, 2022).


Investor Relations Services


The Company also announces that it has retained Capital Markets Advisory CA ("CMA") for strategic marketing, investor relations and capital markets communications services. Karen Mate, on behalf of CMA, will arrange and attend meetings with professional investors, maintain ongoing contact and broaden relationships with the professional investment community on the Company's behalf. The Company and CMA have entered into a consulting agreement for an initial term of six months, after which it will continue on a monthly basis until terminated by either party. In consideration of its services, the Company will pay CMA C$10,000 per month (plus HST), with funds from the Company's general working capital. CMA is an arm's length party and does not have any direct or indirect interest in the Company or its securities other than stock options held by Karen Mate. This engagement is subject to TSX-V approval.

該公司還宣佈,它已經聘請了資本市場諮詢CA(“CMA”),負責戰略營銷、投資者關係和資本市場溝通服務。Karen Mate將代表CMA安排和出席與專業投資者的會議,代表公司保持與專業投資界的持續聯繫並擴大關係。本公司和CMA簽訂了一項為期六個月的諮詢協定,之後將繼續按月進行,直到任何一方終止。作為對其服務的補償,公司將向CMA每月支付10,000加元(外加HST),資金來自公司的一般營運資金。CMA為獨立交易方,除Karen Mate持有的股票期權外,在公司或其證券中並無任何直接或間接權益。此專案需要獲得多倫多證交所-V的批准。

About Cabral Gold Inc.


The Company is a junior resource company engaged in the identification, exploration and development of mineral properties, with a primary focus on gold properties located in Brazil. The Company has a 100% interest in the Cuiú Cuiú gold district located in the Tapajós Region, within the state of Pará in northern Brazil. Two main gold deposits have so far been defined at the Cuiú Cuiú project which contains National Instrument 43-101 compliant Indicated resources of 21.6Mt @ 0.87 g/t gold (604,000 oz) and Inferred resources of 19.8Mt @ 0.84 g/t gold (534,500 oz) as per the 43-101 technical report dated October 12, 2022.

該公司是一家初級資源公司,從事礦物資產的識別、勘探和開發,主要專注於位於巴西的黃金資產。本公司擁有位於巴西北部帕拉帕拉州內塔帕霍́́S地區的CuiúCuiú金礦區的100%權益。根據日期為2022年10月12日的43-101技術報告,CuIúCuiú專案迄今已確定兩個主要金礦床,該專案包含符合National Instrument 43-101的指示資源量21.6Mt@0.87g/t黃金(604,000盎司)和推斷資源量19.8Mt@0.84g/t黃金(534,500盎司)。

The Tapajós Gold Province is the site of the largest gold rush in Brazil's history which according to the ANM (Agência Nacional de Mineração or National Mining Agency of Brazil) produced an estimated 30 to 50 million ounces of placer gold between 1978 and 1995. Cuiú Cuiú was the largest area of placer workings in the Tapajós and produced an estimated 2Moz of placer gold historically.

塔帕霍́S金礦省是巴西曆史上最大的淘金熱所在地,據巴西國家礦務局(Agência Ncional de Mineração或巴西國家礦務局)稱,1978年至1995年期間,估計生產了3,000萬至5,000萬盎司的砂金。CuiúCuiú是塔帕霍́S最大的砂礦開採區域,歷史上估計生產了2莫茲砂金。



"Alan Carter"
President and Chief Executive Officer
Cabral Gold Inc.
Tel: 604.676.5660


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as such term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Guillermo Hughes, MAusIMM and FAIG., a consultant to the Company as well as a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the technical information in this news release.

Guillermo Hughes,MAusIMM和Faig是該公司的顧問,也是National Instrument 43-101定義的合格人員,他們監督了本新聞稿中技術資訊的準備工作。

Forward-looking Statements


This news release contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities legislation (collectively "forward-looking statements"). These forward looking statements include plans for drilling, the expansion of the resource estimate, upgrading existing resources from Inferred to Indicated categories. The use of the words "will", "expected", "designed to" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements should not be unduly relied upon. The Company believes the expectations reflected in those forward-looking statements are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct.


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