
Kori Krill Oil Is Recognized as Best Consumer Omega 3 Product

Kori Krill Oil Is Recognized as Best Consumer Omega 3 Product

Kori 磷蝦油被公認爲最佳消費類歐米茄 3 產品
PR Newswire ·  2023/08/14 20:43

Health 11 News (H11N) recognizes Kori Krill Oil for its superior omega-3 DHA and EPA phospholipids content, as well as the broad consumer confidence in the brand.

健康11新聞(H11N)認可Kori Krill油對於ITS卓越的omega-3 DHA和EPA磷脂含量,以及消費者對該品牌的廣泛信心。

NEW YORK, Aug. 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Kori Krill Oil responsibly and sustainably harvests and processes pure Antarctic krill oil to formulate its omega-3 multi-benefit softgels and gummies. [See Full Press Release.]

紐約2023年8月14日/美通社/--Kori Krill油負責任和可持續地收穫和加工純淨的南極磷蝦油來配製它的Omega-3多種效益的軟膠囊和膠體。[請參閱全文新聞稿。]

Kori Krill Oil is Superior to Fish Oil


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CEO Nancy Chan says, "Kori Krill Oil acknowledges its responsibility to the environment and the protection of the krill population in Antarctica and places the highest priority on sustainability." Kori Krill Oil's fishery has earned an "A" rating for seven consecutive years.
Kori Krill Oil首席執行官Nancy Chan表示:“Kori Krill Oil承認其對環境和保護南極洲磷蝦種群的責任,並將可持續發展放在最優先的位置。Kori Krill Oil的漁業連續七年獲得A級評級。
Health 11 News (H11N) recognizes Kori Krill Oil for its superior omega-3 DHA and EPA phospholipids content, as well as the broad consumer confidence in the brand.
健康11新聞(H11N)認可Kori Krill Oil以其優越的omega-3 DHA和EPA磷脂含量,以及消費者對該品牌的廣泛信心。

Fish oil supplements lose important DHA and EPA phospholipids in processing. In contrast, Kori Krill Oil retains omega-3 fatty acids and phospholipids at optimal potency during processing.

魚油補充劑失去重要的DHA和EPA磷脂在處理中。相比之下,Kori Krill油在加工過程中保留了omega-3脂肪酸和磷脂的最佳效力。

Supporting Heart and Brain Health


Omega-3 fatty acids in Kori Krill Oil may lower the risks of coronary heart disease by reducing LDL ('bad') cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL ('good') cholesterol and normalizing heart rhythm and blood pressure.

Kori Krill油中的omega-3脂肪酸可以降低低密度脂蛋白(壞的)膽固醇和甘油三酯,同時提高高密度脂蛋白(好的)膽固醇,使心率和血壓正常化,從而降低患冠心病的風險。

Omega-3 EPAs can enhance brain function, and DHAs are important to brain development. A randomized controlled trial found Kori Krill Oil improved cognitive function.

Omega-3 EPA可以增強大腦功能,DHA對大腦發育很重要。一項隨機對照試驗發現,Kori Krill油改善了認知功能。

Ensuring Immune Health and Joint Comfort


Kori Krill Oil's omega-3 DHA and EPA phospholipids help regulate inflammation and support cellular repair and internal defense systems while preventing autoimmune self-destructive activity.

Kori Krill Oil的omega-3 DHA和EPA磷脂有助於調節炎症,支持細胞修復和內部防禦系統,同時防止自身免疫自毀活動。

Omega-3s can protect joints over the long term; in a clinical trial, Kori Krill Oil significantly improved joint comfort (-28.9 %), stiffness (-20.3 %), and function (-22.8 %).

Omega-3可以長期保護關節;在一項臨床試驗中,Kori Krill Oil顯著改善了關節舒適性(-28.9%)、僵硬(-20.3%)和功能(-22.8%)。

Supporting Eye Health and Preventing Hearing Loss


Omega-3 DHA is concentrated in the retina, assisting tear production to lubricate and flush the eyes, preventing irritations and infections.

Omega-3 DHA集中在視網膜中,幫助淚液產生,潤滑和沖洗眼睛,防止刺激和感染。

Higher levels of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA "were 8% to 20% less likely to cause age-related hearing issues compared to those with lower DHA levels," Medical News Today reports.

更高級別的歐米茄-3脂肪酸 DHA與DHA水準較低的人相比,與年齡相關的聽力問題的可能性要低8%到20%。今日醫學新聞報告。

A Commitment to Sustainability


CEO Nancy Chan says, "Kori Krill Oil acknowledges its responsibility to the environment and the protection of the krill population in Antarctica and places the highest priority on sustainability." Kori Krill Oil's fishery has earned an "A" rating for seven consecutive years.

首席執行官南希·陳他說,“Kori磷蝦油承認其對環境和保護環境的責任磷蝦來華人口南極洲並將最高優先級放在可持續性Kori Krill Oil的漁業連續七年獲得A級評級。

A Strong and Growing Market For Krill Oil


The global krill oil market was valued at USD 235.8 million in 2020; an 11.4% CAGR projects USD 474.0 million by 2028 (Polaris Market Research).
Kori Krill Oil may be ordered at Kori online and at Amazon, CVS, H-E-B, Kroger, Rite-Aid, Sam's Club, Swanson, Target, VitaCost, Walgreens, and Walmart. [See Full Press Release.]

Kori Krill油可在以下地址訂購高麗在線和在亞馬遜,CVS,H-E-B克羅格助禮儀式山姆的俱樂部, 斯旺森目標Vitacost沃爾格林,以及沃爾瑪。[請參閱全文新聞稿。]

Health 11 News (H11N) is a digital publication.


Media Contact:
Jason Hilton
[email protected]


SOURCE Health 11 News; Kori Krill Oil

來源:健康11新聞;Kori Krill Oil

