
Why Dogecoin Co-Creator Thinks Bitcoin Maxis Are 'Insecure Losers'

Why Dogecoin Co-Creator Thinks Bitcoin Maxis Are 'Insecure Losers'

爲什麼狗狗幣的共同創造者認爲比特幣 Maxis 是 “不安全的輸家”
Benzinga ·  2023/08/14 12:38

Billy Markus, co-founder of Dogecoin (CRYPTO: DOGE), on Saturday took a jab at Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) maximalists referring to them as "the literal worst at marketing."

比利·馬庫斯,的聯合創始人 狗狗幣 (CRYPTO: DOGE),週六大放異彩 比特幣 (CRYPTO: BTC)極簡主義者稱他們爲 “營銷方面名副其實最差的人”。

What Happened: Markus was responding to a Twitter video post featuring Bitcoin maximalist Robert Breedlove interviewing Jason Lowery, who praised Bitcoin as the "future of warfare," "future of security," and "future of people securing their data." Lowery also made casual critiques of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, referring to them as the new "god kings."

發生了什麼: Markus 回應了一篇以比特幣極簡主義者爲主題的推特視頻帖子 羅伯特·佈雷德洛夫 採訪 傑森·洛瑞,他稱讚比特幣是 “戰爭的未來”、“安全的未來” 和 “人們保護數據的未來”。Lowery 還隨便批評了 埃隆馬斯克 馬克·扎克伯格,稱他們爲新的 “神王”。

Markus mocked Bitcoin maximalists for their attempts to convert new people into the Bitcoin community. He claimed that their approach essentially boils down to saying, "Come join our clearly mentally ill group of insecure losers!"

Markus 嘲笑比特幣極簡主義者試圖將新人轉化爲比特幣社區。他聲稱,他們的做法本質上可以歸結爲說:“來加入我們這羣明顯患有精神病的不安全感的失敗者吧!”

man bitcoiners are the literal worst at marketing
"come join our clearly mentally ill group of insecure losers!"

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) August 12, 2023


— 中本Shibetoshi (@BillyM2k) 2023 年 8 月 12 日

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查看更多: 詹姆斯·邦德的《Octopussy》中的浮動宮殿住宿

Why It Matters: Bitcoin maximalists are individuals within the cryptocurrency community who firmly believe in the superiority and dominance of Bitcoin over other digital assets. They often advocate for the exclusive adoption of Bitcoin, dismissing alternative cryptocurrencies as inferior or unnecessary.

爲什麼重要: 比特幣極簡主義者是加密貨幣社區中的個人,他們堅信比特幣優於其他數字資產的優勢和主導地位。他們經常主張獨家採用比特幣,將替代加密貨幣視爲劣質或不必要。

Dogecoin was launched in December 2013 by software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer. Inspired by the popular "Doge" Internet meme featuring a Shiba Inu dog, they created DOGE as a fun and light-hearted cryptocurrency project. It was initially intended to provide a more accessible and user-friendly alternative to Bitcoin.

狗狗幣由軟件工程師比利·馬庫斯和傑克遜·帕爾默於2013年12月推出。受以柴犬爲主題的流行的 “Doge” 互聯網模因的啓發,他們創作了 DOGE 作爲一個有趣而輕鬆的加密貨幣項目。它最初旨在爲比特幣提供一種更易於訪問和用戶友好的替代方案。

Price Action: As of writing, DOGE was trading at $0.074 down 2.24%, in the last 24 hours, according to Benzinga Pro.

價格走勢: 根據Benzinga Pro的數據,截至撰寫本文時,DOGE的交易價格爲0.074美元,在過去24小時內下跌2.24%。

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繼續閱讀:在交易走勢乏善可陳的情況下,比特幣、以太坊和狗狗幣下跌:分析師稱加密貨幣是 “歷史擴張” 的定時炸彈

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