
Highmark Interactive Inc. Announces Strategic Partnership Signing

Highmark Interactive Inc. Announces Strategic Partnership Signing

Highmark 互動公司宣佈簽署戰略合作伙伴關係
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/08/10 21:18

TORONTO, Aug. 10, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Highmark Interactive Inc. (TSXV:HMRK) ("Highmark'' or the "Company"), a provider of remote patient monitoring and other healthtech solutions, today announced that it has signed a strategic partnership with Nsight Health, Inc. Inc. (Nsight) , a national leader in preventive care through remote monitoring solutions. As part of the agreement, Nsight will utilize Highmark's FDA approved software to administer remote patient care for its patients while managing the entire administration process. Highmark's EQ Balance has been cleared by the US FDA as Class 2 Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) is reimbursed by US Medicare/Medicaid and other third party insurance companies when utilized by patients to monitor and track balance. Nsight enables Highmark to focus on its core competency of software while leveraging Nsight's best practices for billing, operations and execution. Dr. Sanjeev Sharma notes, "By focusing on Highmark's core competency of software innovation, we were able to partner with one of the best-in-class complete TPM providers, including an exceptionally strong services division. This partnership enables Highmark to bring innovative, unique products to Nsight Health while leverage Night's deployment strength, thus creating a powerful synergistic partnership. We are able to leverage its software and show a path for a national Remote Monitoring partner with the exciting capabilities it can provide. We look forward to a successful launch in the weeks ahead." Michael Ciullo, CEO of Nsight stated, "Partnering with Highmark will allow us to expand to new verticals, provide additional support to existing patients, and help to further reduce hospitalizations. Patient falls are a financial drain on the healthcare system via costly procedures and lengthy rehabilitation. By proactively assessing patient balance with Highmark's FDA approved SaMD, our team of care coordinators and specialists can intervene early to help providers adjust care plans to reduce these tragic occurrences." The Company is expected to start integration and demo in August, while ramping up volumes shortly thereafter.

多倫多,2023年8月10日(Global Newswire)--提供遠端患者監護和其他HealthTech解決方案的Highmark Interactive Inc.(TSXV:HMRK)(“Highmark”或“公司”)今天宣佈,它已與通過遠端監護解決方案提供預防保健的全國領先企業NSight Health,Inc.(NSight)簽署了戰略合作夥伴關係。作為協定的一部分,NSight將利用Highmark的FDA批准的軟體來管理其患者的遠端患者護理,同時管理整個管理過程。Highmark的EQ餘額已被美國FDA清算,因為當患者使用2類醫療設備軟體(SaMD)監控和跟蹤餘額時,美國聯盟醫療保險/醫療補助和其他第三方保險公司將對其進行報銷。NSight使Highmark能夠專注於其軟體的核心能力,同時利用NSight在帳單、運營和執行方面的最佳實踐。Sanjeev Sharma博士指出:“通過專注於Highmark在軟體創新方面的核心能力,我們能夠與同類最好的完整TPM提供商之一建立合作夥伴關係,其中包括一個異常強大的服務部門。這一合作關係使Highmark能夠為Night Health帶來創新、獨特的產品,同時利用Night的部署實力,從而創建強大的協同合作夥伴關係。我們能夠利用其軟體,並通過其能夠提供的令人興奮的功能為國家遠端監控合作夥伴指明一條道路。我們期待著在未來幾周內成功推出。“NSight的首席執行官邁克爾·西洛說:”與Highmark的合作將使我們能夠擴展到新的垂直市場,為現有患者提供額外的支持,並有助於進一步減少住院人數。通過昂貴的程式和漫長的康復,患者跌倒是醫療系統的經濟負擔。通過主動評估患者與Highmark的FDA批准的SAMD的平衡,我們的護理協調員和專家團隊可以及早進行幹預,幫助提供者調整護理計劃,以減少這些悲慘事件的發生。

About Highmark Interactive

關於Highmark Interactive

Highmark Interactive was created to change the paradigm of testing and management for brain and mental health. Highmark's approach is focused on providing real-time data to health providers to support proactive, preventative interventions and targeted care planning to improve health outcomes.

Highmark Interactive是為了改變大腦和心理健康的測試和管理模式而創建的。Highmark的方法側重於向衛生服務提供者提供即時數據,以支持積極主動的預防性幹預和有針對性的護理規劃,以改善衛生結果。

In addition to a growing network of virtual, in-person and hybrid clinics. Highmark Interactive offers the world's first gamified, FDA cleared patient-led assessments as well as digital clinician-led assessments of neurofunction and balance. Together. The technology is used in more than 350 health organizations globally. By unlocking insights, Highmark's platform enables precision medicine and creates a more contemporary model for delivering better outcomes in medical

除了不斷增長的虛擬、面對面和混合型診所網路。Highmark Interactive提供了世界上第一個遊戲化的、FDA批准的患者主導的評估,以及數位臨床醫生領導的神經功能和平衡評估。在一起。這項技術在全球350多個衛生組織中使用。通過釋放洞察力,Highmark的平臺實現了精準醫療,並創建了更現代的模式,以提供更好的醫療結果

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About Nsight Health


With a focus on population health management and the mission to positively impact the lives of millions, Nsight Health is the leading remote care company in the United States providing Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), Chronic Care Management (CCM), Principal Care Management (PCM), Annual Wellness Visits (AWV) and Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) to patients on behalf of thousands of physicians across multiple specialties and multi-state health systems.

Night Health專注於人口健康管理,致力於積極影響數百萬人的生活,是美國領先的遠端醫療公司,代表多個專科和多州醫療系統的數千名醫生為患者提供遠端患者監控(RPM)、慢性醫療管理(CCM)、主要醫療管理(PCM)、年度健康訪問(AWV)和行為健康集成(BHI)。

For further information:


Highmark Interactive Inc.

Highmark Interactive Inc.

Sanjeev Sharma, President & CEO.

桑吉夫·夏爾馬,總裁,首席執行官。 or 1-855-969-5079 Investor Relations



SOURCE: Highmark Interactive Inc

資料來源:Highmark Interactive Inc.

