
长实(01113)新盘亲海駅II遭疯抢 前四日狂收逾1.5万票登顶今年票王

Changshi (01113) The four days before the new Qinhai Station II was robbed, raging over 15,000 votes and reached the top of the list this year

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 8, 2023 20:39

The Zhitong Finance App learned that recently, Yau Tong Qinhai Station II, a new property owned by Changshi Group (01113), was robbed. According to market sources, this round has accumulated over 15,000 votes over the past four days. Currently, it has surpassed Phase 1B of Tuen Mun NOVO LAND, a subsidiary of Xindi (00016), which closed more than 12,800 tickets in August last year, making it the most number of new listings received in the past year. Moreover, in the next few days, the market will have an opportunity to challenge Shatin Fotan Xing Kai Embankment, developed by Zhongzhou Real Estate, to close more than 25,000 votes in October 2021, thus maintaining the record for the first round of the new market for nearly 2 years.

It is worth noting that Chin Hai Station II sold 626 units in the first round this Saturday. Also, since Tseung Kwan O, which cooperated with Nan Fung and MTR (00066) in April 2015, the first round of sales of the new edition was the largest in over 8 years. In terms of current ticket collection, it has exceeded the amount by nearly 23 times, with an average of every 24 people competing for one batch per 24 people.

Changshi Sales Manager Chan Wing-ci revealed that the 626 units sold this Saturday will include 58 open-plan, 230 one-bedroom, 228 two-bedroom and 110 three-bedroom units. The practical area ranges from 210 to 723 square feet, with a total price value of about HK$4.67 billion; the discounted price is HK$2.9 million to HK$11.3.46 million, with an average discounted price of HK$14,868. The discounted price is between HK$13085 and HK$16,544. The average price per foot is about HK$18,200.

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