
ZoomerMedia Limited Announces Stock Option Grant

ZoomerMedia Limited Announces Stock Option Grant

ZoomerMedia Limited 宣佈授予股票期權
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/08/05 05:30

TORONTO, Aug. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ZoomerMedia Limited (TSXV:ZUM) (the "Company"), the leader in serving the interests of the 17.2 million "Zoomers" aged 45-plus, and the generations that follow in their footsteps, today announced a stock option grant to a director of the Board.

多倫多,2023年8月4日(環球社)--為1,720萬45歲以上的“縮略者”及其後代服務的領導者Zomer Media Limited(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ZUM)(“本公司”)今天宣佈,向董事會的董事成員授予股票期權。

ZoomerMedia's compensation philosophy is to foster entrepreneurship at all levels of the organization through, among other things, the granting of stock options. As such the Company announces it has granted 500,000 stock options to a director of the Board. The stock option grant is in accordance with TSX Policy 4.4, the rules of the TSX Venture Exchange and the Corporation's Stock Option Plan. The options are exercisable at $0.05 per share, one-third vesting on July 25, 2024, one-third on July 25, 2025 and one third on July 25, 2026. These options have a term of five years. This stock option grant is subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval.

Zomer Media的薪酬理念是通過授予股票期權等方式在組織的各個層面培養企業家精神。因此,該公司宣佈已向董事會成員董事授予500,000份股票期權。股票期權的授予符合多倫多證券交易所政策4.4、多倫多證券交易所創業板規則和公司的股票期權計劃。這些期權的行使價格為每股0.05美元,三分之一歸屬於2024年7月25日,三分之一歸屬於2025年7月25日,三分之一歸屬於2026年7月25日。這些期權的期限為五年。這項股票期權授予還有待多倫多證券交易所創業板交易所的批准。

About ZoomerMedia Limited


Founded by television and media icon Moses Znaimer in 2008, ZoomerMedia Limited is a multimedia company devoted to creating content, services and experiences for Canada's most powerful audiences: the 17.2 million people aged 45-plus aka "Zoomers", and the 13.7 million Millennials and Gen Zs, coincidentally also called "Zoomers", who follow in their footsteps.

由電視和媒體偶像創立莫耳西·澤奈默2008年,Zomer Media Limited是一家多媒體公司,致力於為加拿大最有影響力的受眾創造內容、服務和體驗,這些受眾包括1720萬年齡在45歲以上的“Zoomers”,以及1370萬千禧一代和Z世代,巧合的是,他們也被稱為“Zoomers”,他們追隨著他們的腳步。

ZoomerMedia operates 5 TV, 2 Radio, 3 Print and 17 Digital properties including the newly acquired youth-friendly local news and lifestyle digital publications blogTO and DailyHive; and the subject specific The Peak and covering Canada's business and Canada's arts scene respectively. ZoomerMedia produces original TV, Radio, Podcast and Print content, offers clients creative audio and video production services, and bespoke events on site at its 2.6-acre complex in Toronto's Liberty Village.

Zomer Media經營著5個TV、2個Radio、3個Print和17個Digital資產,包括新收購的適合年輕人的當地新聞和生活方式數位出版物Bloto和DailyHave;以及分別報道加拿大商業和加拿大藝術界的特定主題The Peak和。Zomer Media製作原創電視、廣播、播客和印刷內容,為客戶提供創造性的音頻和視頻製作服務,並在其位於多倫多自由村的2.6英畝綜合體現場定製活動。

For specific ZoomerMedia property names and focus, please see below.

有關Zomer Media屬性名稱和焦點的具體資訊,請參見下面的內容。

ZoomerMedia's Television properties include: VisionTV, available in 7.5 million households, is Canada's home for British comedy and drama series, plus uplifting movies, music, news, and multicultural and multilingual faith programming; ONETV: The Exercise & Entertainment Channel, combines original yoga, pilates, tai chi, and cardio dance and kettlebell fitness series with British serial soaps, dramas and American movies; JoyTV in Vancouver, Victoria, Surrey and the Fraser Valley, and FAITH TV in Winnipeg are devoted to broadcasting Christian, multi-faith, and local content.

Zomer Media的電視屬性包括:VisionTV擁有750萬家庭,是加拿大英國喜劇和電視劇的發源地,外加令人振奮的電影、音樂、新聞和多元文化和多語言信仰節目;OneTV:The Exercise&Entertainment Channel,將原創瑜伽、普拉提、太極和有氧舞蹈以及壺鈴健身系列與英國連續劇、電視劇和美國電影結合在一起;溫哥華、維多利亞、薩裡和弗雷澤山谷的JoyTV和溫尼伯的Faith TV致力於廣播基督教、多信仰和當地內容。

ZoomerMedia's Zoomer Digital Network (ZDN): Reaching 18.5 million monthly active users with over a billion annual pageviews and social media engagements, ZDN comprises: DailyHive, in Western Canada, Ontario, Quebec, and The Maritimes, is one of Canada's most followed news brands with over 10 million monthly active users, over 270 million annual page views, and 3.1 million followers across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (X), TikTok, and LinkedIn; blogTO,, Toronto's unrivalled local publisher across digital and social media platforms, bringing in 8 million monthly active users, and over 213 million page views annually; Zoomer Magazine's, Canada's leading provider of online content targeting the 45-plus; The Peak, serving 150,000 Canadian professionals and business leaders with the top global business, finance, and tech stories of the day packaged in smart, fast, and easily digestible formats; and Ludwig Van,, Canada's leading and fastest growing digital voice for the latest classical, opera, chamber and choral music headlines, reviews, comments and personality driven features and interviews.

Zomer Media的Zomer Digital Network(ZDN):ZDN擁有1850萬月度活躍用戶,年頁面瀏覽量和社交媒體參與量超過10億,包括:DailyHave,位於加拿大西部、安大略省、魁北克省和馬利泰斯的,是加拿大最受歡迎的新聞品牌之一,月度活躍用戶超過1000萬,年度頁面瀏覽量超過2.7億,Instagram、Facebook、Twitter(X)、TikTok和LinkedIn的追隨者超過310萬;BlokTO,,多倫多無與倫比的本地出版商,跨數位和社交媒體平臺,帶來800萬月度活躍用戶和2.13億頁面瀏覽量;Zomer Magazine的EverythingZoom.com是加拿大領先的在線內容提供商,目標人群為45歲以上的青少年;Peak Readthepeak.com為150,000名加拿大專業人士和商界領袖提供每日頂級的全球商業、金融和科技報道,內容打包成智慧、快速和易於理解的格式;以及Ludwig Van,,加拿大領先且增長最快的數位語音,提供最新的古典、歐朋公司、室內樂和合唱音樂標題、評論、評論和個性驅動的專題報道和採訪。

ZoomerMedia's Radio properties include: The New Classical FM, Canada's only commercial all classical music radio station broadcasting over three frequencies in a unique regional Ontario network: 96.3FM CFMZ-FM Toronto (GTA), 103.1FM CFMX-FM Cobourg (Eastern Ontario), and 102.9FM CFMO-FM Collingwood (Southern Georgian Bay); and Zoomer Radio, The Original Greatest Hits, the biggest broadcast footprint in Canada also reaching 28 American States, and broadcasting simultaneously both in AM and FM in Toronto (740AM CFZM-AM and 96.7FM CFZM-FM).

Zomer Media的廣播屬性包括:New Classical FM是加拿大唯一的商業全古典音樂廣播電臺,在一個獨特的安大略省地區網路中通過三個頻率廣播:96.3FM CFMZ-FM Toronto(GTA)、103.1FM CFMX-FM Cobourg(安大略省東部)和102.9FM CFMO-FM Colingwood(喬治亞灣南部);而Zomer Radio,原創的最偉大的熱門歌曲,也是加拿大廣播覆蓋面最大的,也覆蓋了28個美洲州,並在多倫多同時進行AM和FM廣播(740AM CFZM-AM和96.7FM CFZM-FM)。

ZoomerMedia's Print properties include: ZOOMER Magazine, the Company's flagship magazine and Canada's largest paid circulation magazine for the 45-plus market; On The Bay Magazine, the dominant regional lifestyle magazine published quarterly for the 20 towns and villages of Ontario's Southern Georgian Bay; and Tonic Magazine, a regional health and wellness magazine distributed across the City of Toronto.

Zomer Media的列印屬性包括:該公司的旗艦雜誌《Zomer Magazine》是公司的旗艦雜誌,也是加拿大麵向45多個市場的最大付費發行量雜誌;《On The Bay Magazine》是安大略省南喬治亞灣20個城鎮和村莊的主要地區性生活方式雜誌,每季度出版一次;以及《Tonic Magazine》(一本地區性健康與健康雜誌),在多倫多全市發行。

For further information, please contact:


Terence Chan
Chief Financial Officer
ZoomerMedia Limited
+1 416-607-7704
Leanne Wright
Vice President Communications
ZoomerMedia Limited
+1 416-886-6873
+1 416-607-7704
+1 416-886-6873

