
Musk's 'Alternative Phone' Plans Remain Mythical As Tesla's Chinese Rival Clears Final Hurdle For Smartphone Launch

Musk's 'Alternative Phone' Plans Remain Mythical As Tesla's Chinese Rival Clears Final Hurdle For Smartphone Launch

隨着特斯拉的中國競爭對手爲智能手機推出掃清最後障礙,馬斯克的 “替代手機” 計劃仍然是神話般的
Benzinga ·  2023/08/04 14:25

Nio Inc (NASDAQ:NIO), the Chinese electric vehicle maker considered a rival of Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA), has achieved a crucial milestone in its journey toward smartphone production. The company's nascent endeavor, speculated upon since last year, has now passed a significant regulatory hurdle.

Nio Inc (納斯達克股票代碼:NIO),這家中國電動汽車製造商被認爲是其競爭對手 特斯拉公司 納斯達克股票代碼:TSLA)在其智能手機生產之旅中取得了關鍵的里程碑。自去年以來,人們一直猜測該公司的新舉措現在已經克服了重大的監管障礙。

What Happened: Nio's inaugural smartphone, bearing the model number N2301, has successfully obtained an internet access license from China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, CnEVpost reported on Friday, citing a government filing.

發生了什麼: Nio 的首款智能手機,帶有型號 N2301CNEVPost週五援引政府文件報道,已成功獲得中國工業和信息化部的互聯網接入許可證。

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The license, granted on July 10, is effective for two years. Designed with Android functionality, the device reportedly boasts 5G capabilities and supports dual-SIM card usage. Manufactured in Xiangtan, Hunan province, the specifics regarding its original equipment manufacturer remain undisclosed.

該許可證於7月10日頒發,有效期爲兩年。設計用於 安卓 功能,據報道,該設備具有5G功能,並支持使用雙SIM卡。在湖南省湘潭市制造,其原始設備製造商的具體信息仍未公開。

The smartphone has already secured a radio approval certificate, according to the report, indicating its compatibility with a range of network formats, including 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G. Notably, the device also supports Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) technology, a distinctive feature for car key functionality.

報告稱,這款智能手機已經獲得了無線電批准證書,這表明它與包括2G、3G、4G和5G在內的一系列網絡格式兼容。值得注意的是,該設備還支持超寬帶 (UWB) 技術,這是汽車鑰匙功能的獨特功能。

Why It Matters: CEO William Li had hinted at Nio's interest in smartphone manufacturing during the research phase, signaling the company's exploration of potential synergies between the mobile device and its core automotive products.

爲什麼重要: 首席執行官 威廉李 在研究階段,蔚來暗示了蔚來對智能手機制造的興趣,這表明該公司正在探索移動設備與其核心汽車產品之間的潛在協同效應。

Exactly a year ago, the company set up Nio Mobile Technologies Co Ltd with a registered capital of $100 million, in a clear push toward making its smartphone vision a reality.

整整一年前,該公司成立了 蔚來移動技術有限公司 註冊資本爲1億美元,這顯然是在推動其智能手機願景變爲現實。

The upcoming release of Nio's debut smartphone, anticipated in the third quarter, coincides with the introduction of the new ES8 model showcased during Nio Day 2022.

蔚來即將發佈的首款智能手機預計將於第三季度發佈,恰逢2022年Nio Day期間展示的新款ES8機型的推出。

In contrast, while rumors of Tesla's own smartphone project have circulated for some time, concrete developments remain elusive. Elon Musk, Tesla's CEO, had briefly mentioned creating an "alternative phone" last year after acquiring Twitter (now called X), after the microblogging site's uncertain status on mainstream app stores.

相比之下,儘管關於特斯拉自己的智能手機項目的傳聞已經流傳了一段時間,但具體進展仍然難以捉摸。 埃隆馬斯克,特斯拉首席執行官曾簡短地提到,去年在收購後開發了一款 “替代手機” 推特 (現在稱爲X),此前該微博網站在主流應用商店中的地位不確定。

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繼續閱讀: 這個中國特斯拉競爭對手在2023年飆升120%,伯恩斯坦預計會有更多收益

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