
Kori Krill Oil Receives Visionary Leadership Award for Eco-Friendly Sourcing

Kori Krill Oil Receives Visionary Leadership Award for Eco-Friendly Sourcing

Kori Krill Oil 憑藉環保採購榮獲遠見領導獎
PR Newswire ·  2023/08/01 20:37

Emerging Enterprise News presents the Visionary Leadership Award to Kori Krill Oil in recognition of its initiative and leadership in utilizing the most eco-friendly operations to protect present and future Antarctic krill populations.

新興企業新聞頒發有遠見的領導力獎Kori Krill Oil,表彰其在利用最環保的行動保護目前和未來的南極磷蝦種群方面的倡議和領導能力。

NEW YORK, Aug. 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Kori Krill Oil's Antarctic krill fishery is now one of the world's most sustainably managed eco-friendly fisheries. [See full press release.]

紐約2023年8月1日美通社/--Kori Krill Oil的南極磷蝦漁業現在是世界上管理最可持續的生態友好型漁業之一。[見全文新聞稿。]

The global krill oil market was worth USD 235.8 million in 2020; a Consolidated Annual Growth Rate of 11.4% projects reaching USD 474.0 by 2028 (Polaris Market Research). Companies harvest Antarctic krill for their oil, a potent source of bioactive DHA and EPA omega-3 phospholipids.

全球磷蝦油市場價值不菲2.358億美元2020年,綜合年增長率為11.4%的專案達到474.0美元到2028年(北極星市場研究)。公司為他們的石油而收穫南極磷蝦,這是生物活性DHA和EPA的有效來源Omega-3 磷脂

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Emerging Enterprise News presents the Visionary Leadership Award to Kori Krill Oil in recognition of its initiative and leadership in utilizing the most eco-friendly operations to protect present and future Antarctic krill populations.
新興企業新聞向Kori Krill Oil頒發願景領袖獎,以表彰其在利用最環保的運營方式保護目前和未來的南極磷蝦種群方面的倡議和領導能力。
Kori Krill Oil partners with Aker BioMarine, a Norwegian biotech innovator and Antarctic krill-harvesting company. Thanks to this collaboration, the pristine ocean waters of Antarctica and their abundant krill bounty have become an example of worldwide emulation of environmental responsibility.
Kori Krill Oil與挪威生物技術創新者和南極磷蝦收穫公司Aker BioMarine合作。多虧了這一合作,南極洲原始的海水及其豐富的磷蝦資源已成為全世界效仿環境責任的典範。

Kori Krill Oil and Aker BioMarine: An Eco-Friendly Collaboration
Kori Krill Oil partners with Aker BioMarine, a Norwegian biotech innovator and Antarctic krill-harvesting company. Thanks to this collaboration, the pristine ocean waters of Antarctica and their abundant krill bounty have become an example of worldwide emulation of environmental responsibility:

Kori Krill Oil和Aker BioOcean:生態友好型合作
Kori Krill Oil與Aker BioMarine,一家挪威生物技術創新者和南極磷蝦收穫公司。多虧了這次合作,科羅拉多河的原始海水南極洲它們豐厚的磷蝦資源已經成為全世界效仿環境責任的典範:

"We work closely with our fishery partner, Aker BioMarine, to ensure the well-being of the krill biomass and contribute to a thriving Antarctic ecosystem; these are our core priorities." – Nancy Chan, Kori Krill Oil CEO.

我們與我們的漁業合作夥伴Aker BioOcean密切合作,以確保磷蝦生物量的福祉,並為繁榮的南極生態系統做出貢獻;這些是我們的核心優先事項。南希·陳,Kori Krill Oil首席執行官。

Eco-Friendly Certifications and Associations
Kori Krill Oil and Aker BioMarine are certified sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), the premier certifying organization known for its rigorous assessment and sustainable fishing and seafood traceability standards. For the past seven years, they have earned an "A" rating for a well-managed fishery by the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership.

Kori Krill Oil和Aker BioMarine通過了海洋管理委員會(MSC),以其嚴格的評估和可持續的漁業和海產品可追溯性標準而聞名的頂級認證組織。在過去的七年裡,他們獲得了管理良好的漁業的A級評級可持續漁業夥伴關係

The partnership also collaborates with the Association of Responsible Krill Harvesting Companies (ARK) to promote research for the sustainable harvest of Antarctic krill; the Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund (AWR) for environmental protection of the Antarctic ecosystem; and the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) to adopt conservation measures for all fisheries in Antarctica.


Eco-Friendly Vertical Integration and Sustainable Packaging
Kori Krill Oil's advanced sustainability policy delivers quality supplements from catch through extraction, filtration, packaging, and delivery while protecting the ecosystem. All boxes, containers, caps, and labels are 100% recyclable.

Kori Krill Oil先進的可持續發展政策在保護生態系統的同時,提供從捕獲到提取、過濾、包裝和交付的優質補充劑。所有的盒子、容器、蓋子和標籤都是100%可回收的。

Kori Krill Oil can be ordered at Kori online and at Amazon, CVS, H-E-B, Kroger, Rite-Aid, Sam's Club, Swanson, Target, VitaCost, Walgreens, and Walmart. [See full press release.]

Kori Krill油可在以下地址訂購高麗在線和在亞馬遜CVSH-E-B克羅格助禮儀式山姆的俱樂部, 斯旺森目標Vitacost沃爾格林,以及沃爾瑪。[見全文新聞稿。]



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Media Contact:


Janet Hinsley
[email protected]


SOURCE Emerging Enterprise News; Kori Krill Oil

來源:新興企業新聞;Kori Krill Oil

