
XAU Resources Inc. Announces Shareholders Meeting Results

XAU Resources Inc. Announces Shareholders Meeting Results

XAU Resources Inc. 公佈股東大會結果
newsfile ·  2023/07/27 21:58

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 27, 2023) - XAU Resources Inc. (TSXV: GIG) ("XAU Resources" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the shareholders approved all matters put forth for approval at the annual shareholders' meeting held on July 26, 2023 (the "Meeting"). The shareholders re-elected Gairat Gary Bay, Peter Hambro, Nataliya Hearn, Dan Hrushewsky and Danièle Spethmann to the board of directors (the "Board") and re-appointed RSM Canada LLP to be the auditors of the Company. The shareholders also approved the Company's stock option plan (the "Option Plan"), including certain amendments to comply with the new TSX Venture Exchange Policy 4.4. The Option Plan now requires disinterested shareholder approval to extend the term of options issued to insiders. For complete details about the Option Plan and further information about the Meeting, please see the Management Information Circular filed under the Company's profile on .

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年7月27日)-XAU Resources Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GIG)(“XAU資源“或”公司“)欣然宣佈,股東於2023年7月26日舉行的年度股東大會上批准了所有提出待批准的事項(”會議)。股東再次選舉蓋拉特·加裡·貝、彼得·漢布羅、娜塔莉亞·赫恩、丹·赫魯舍夫斯基和丹尼·̀·勒·斯佩斯曼為董事會成員(董事會成員)衝浪板“),並重新委任RSM Canada LLP為本公司的核數師。股東亦批准本公司的股票期權計劃(”選項計劃“),包括若干修訂,以符合新的多倫多證券交易所創業板交易所政策4.4。期權計劃現在需要股東的公正批准,以延長向內部人士發行的期權的期限。有關期權計劃的完整詳情及有關會議的進一步資料,請參閱於

About XAU Resources Inc.

關於XAU Resources Inc.

XAU Resources is a TSX Venture Exchange-listed company that has the 152.25 km2 Noseno land package in the Trans-Guyana gold belt. The property is in the same greenstone terrane that hosts the largest gold deposits in Guyana, the Aurora Mine and the Toroparu Project. Limited modern exploration has been undertaken on the property although the property has a 100-year history of small scale hard rock and placer mining. The property lies 210 km west of the capital, Georgetown and 75 km south of the regional supply centre at Port Kaituma (inland port).

XAU Resources是一家在多倫多證券交易所創業板上市的公司,擁有152.25公里2.Noseno土地包在跨圭亞那金礦帶。該礦藏位於同一綠巖地體中,擁有圭亞那最大的金礦、Aurora礦和Toroparu專案。儘管該礦藏擁有100年的小規模硬巖和砂礦開採歷史,但對其進行的現代勘探有限。該物業位於首都喬治城以西210公里處,凱圖馬港(內陸港)地區供應中心以南75公里處。

For further information contact:


Gary Bay
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 647-339-4301


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