
Porphyry-Style Copper-Gold Mineralization Is Intersected at ArcWest's Oxide Peak Copper-Gold Project, Toodoggone District, B.C.

Porphyry-Style Copper-Gold Mineralization Is Intersected at ArcWest's Oxide Peak Copper-Gold Project, Toodoggone District, B.C.

位於不列顛哥倫比亞省圖多貢區的 ArcWest 的 Oxide Peak Copper-Gold 項目與斑岩式的銅金礦化相交
newsfile ·  2023/07/25 20:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 25, 2023) - ArcWest Exploration Inc. (TSXV: AWX) ("ArcWest") is pleased to announce that partner funded exploration drilling has intersected porphyry-style copper-gold-molybdenum ("Cu-Au-Mo") mineralization on its Oxide Peak project, situated in British Columbia's Toodoggone District, northern B.C. The project is being advanced by partner TDG Gold as part of an Earn-In Agreement (see ArcWest news release December 23, 2019). The Toodoggone region hosts extensive Early Jurassic porphyry Cu-Au and epithermal gold-silver (Au-Ag) mineralization including several past producing Au-Ag mines (Baker, Lawyers, Shasta) and the Kemess Au-Cu porphyry deposits (Centerra Gold). The southern half of the Oxide Peak project adjoins Benchmark Metals, which recently completed a Preliminary Economic Assessment of the Lawyers gold-silver deposit (Benchmark Metals News Release August 16, 2022). Historical production in the district exceeds 3.2 million ounces of gold and 360,000 tonnes of copper.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年7月25日)-ArcWest Explore Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:AWX)(以下簡稱“ArcWest”)高興地宣佈,合作夥伴資助的勘探鑽探已在其位於不列顛哥倫比亞省北部圖奧戈戈區的氧化峰專案上與斑岩式銅金鉬(“銅-金-鉬”)礦化相交。該專案由合作夥伴TDG Gold推進,作為收入協定的一部分(見ArcWest新聞稿,2019年12月23日)。Toodoggo地區擁有廣泛的早侏羅世斑岩銅-金和淺成熱液金銀(Au-Ag)礦化,包括幾個過去生產的Au-Ag礦(Baker、Lawers、Shasta)和Kemess Au-Cu斑岩礦床(Centerra金)。氧化峰專案的南半部毗鄰Benchmark Metals,後者最近完成了對Lawers金銀礦床的初步經濟評估(Benchmark Metals News,2022年8月16日發佈)。該地區的歷史產量超過320萬盎司黃金和36萬噸銅。



  • Partner funded exploration at Oxide Peak in 2022 included 1021.5 meters of drilling from two drill holes collared at -45 and -60 inclination from the same drill site, located 500 meters southwest of and 240 meters elevation above outcropping chalcopyrite mineralization in Oxide Creek.
  • 2022年合作夥伴資助的氧化峰勘探包括從同一鑽探地點以-45和-60傾角接箍的兩個鑽孔進行1021.5米的鑽探,該鑽探地點位於Oxid Creek露頭黃銅礦礦化西南500米和海拔240米以上。
  • Drilling intersected broad intervals of intensely quartz-sericite-pyrite (QSP) altered volcanic rocks cut by multistage quartz, sulfide and gypsum veins and stockworks. Core sampling returning assay values up to 0.33 grams per tonne (g/t) Au and 0.23% Cu over 13 meters (see Table 2).
  • 鑽探涉及被多期石英、硫化物和石膏礦脈和絲網切割的強烈石英-絹雲母-黃鐵礦(QSP)蝕變火山岩的大段。核心採樣返回化驗值最高可達每噸0.33克(克/噸)金和0.23%銅(13米)(見表2)。
  • The more steeply inclined drill hole OP22-002 begins to transition to K-feldspar-magnetite-chlorite (possible relict potassic) alteration at around 414-432 meters downhole depth. This suggests potential for increasing Cu-Au-Mo grades with depth, as the system transitions from QSP to potassic alteration.
  • 傾角較大的OP22-002孔在井下深度414-432米左右開始向鉀長石-磁鐵礦-綠泥石(可能是殘留鉀質)蝕變過渡。這表明,隨著系統從QSP向鉀質蝕變過渡,隨著深度的增加,銅-金-鉬品位有可能增加。

TDG is operator for exploration at Oxide Peak and is responsible for the design and implementation of exploration programs on the property.


Tyler Ruks, President and CEO of ArcWest commented, "ArcWest thanks our partner TDG Gold for advancing the Oxide Peak project. The 2022 drill program was the first ever drill test of the Oxide Peak porphyry Cu-Au system. Drilling indicates that Oxide Peak is underlain by intensely QSP altered volcanic rocks with local zones of strongly anomalous Cu-Mo-Au mineralization. Potential relict potassic alteration was intersected at approximately 400 m depth in hole 2, suggesting potential for increasing Cu-Au-Mo grades with depth as the system transitions from QSP to potassic alteration. At approximately 500 m northeast of and 240 m below the 2022 drilling, an outcropping zone of chalcopyrite mineralized, chlorite-epidote-pyrite/QSP altered monzodiorite hosted hydrothermal-magmatic breccias with relict potassic alteration remains untested by drilling. TDG's 2022 drill program further bolsters our thesis that the Oxide Peak target area is host to a large and highly underexplored porphyry Cu-Au system that is deserving of additional work."

ArcWest首席執行官兼首席執行官泰勒·魯克斯、總裁表示:“ArcWest感謝我們的合作夥伴TDG Gold推進了氧化峰專案。2022年的鑽探計劃是對氧化峰斑岩銅-金系統的首次鑽探試驗。鑽探表明,氧化峰被強烈的QSP蝕變火山岩覆蓋,局部為強烈異常的銅鉬金礦化帶。潛在的殘留鉀質蝕變在2號孔深約400米處相交,表明隨著系統從QSP向鉀質蝕變過渡,銅-金-鉬品位有可能隨深度增加。在2022年鑽探的東北方向約500米和下方240米處,黃銅礦礦化露頭帶、綠泥石-綠簾石-黃鐵礦/QSP蝕變二長閃長巖賦存於熱液-巖漿角礫巖中,具有殘留的鉀質蝕變,但仍未經鑽探測試。TDG的2022年鑽探計劃進一步支持了我們的論點,即氧化峰目標區域是一個大型且高度勘探不足的斑岩銅-金系統的所在地,值得進行額外的工作。“

Table 1: Oxide Peak 2022 drill hole locations


DDH UTME_NAD83 UTMN_NAD83 Elevation Azimuth Dip Length meters
OP22-001 611546 6372427 1710 255 -45 480
OP22-002 611546 6372427 1710 255 -60 541.5
DDH UTME_NAD83 UTMN_NAD83 高程 方位角 浸漬 長度計
OP22-001 611546 6372427 1710 二五五 -45 四百八十
OP22-002 611546 6372427 1710 二五五 -60 541.5

Table 2: Oxide Peak 2022 drill results (from TDG Gold Corp. news release dated June 1, 2023).

表2:2022年氧化峰鑽探結果(來自TDG Gold Corp.日期為2023年6月1日的新聞稿)。

Hole ID From To Length Au Cu Mo

(m) (m) (m) (g/t) (ppm) (ppm)
OP22-001 19.0 116.0 97.0 0.063 233 9
incl 90.0 104.0 14.0 0.100 637 14
and 135.0 169.4 34.4 0.021 453 13
incl 139.0 164.0 25.0 0.024 534 14
and 231.0 242.8 11.8 0.037 359 25
and 283.3 295.6 12.3 0.012 191 4
and 415.0 463.5 48.5 0.013 333 19
incl 416.0 428.0 12.0 0.035 608 9
OP22-002 34.5 49.5 15.0 0.034 292 6
and 61.5 100.5 39.0 0.073 244 15
and 109.5 139.5 30.0 0.030 211 7
and 222.3 294.3 72.1 0.083 819 12
incl 236.0 249.0 13.0 0.328 2324 10
incl 264.0 276.0 12.0 0.032 565 11
incl 285.0 294.3 9.3 0.036 841 15
and 328.0 352.6 24.6 0.019 399 28
incl 337.0 347.5 10.5 0.030 529 18
and 357.9 361.5 3.6 0.011 281 36
and 390.8 423.0 32.2 0.020 658 37
incl 414.0 423.0 9.1 0.035 1648 37
and 440.7 444.6 3.8 0.014 1035 43
and 476.9 511.5 34.6 0.013 465 12
incl 490.0 500.9 10.9 0.022 846 21
and 529.0 532.0 3.0 0.024 211 4
孔ID 從… 長度 Au CU

(M) (M) (M) (克/噸) (百萬分之三) (百萬分之三)
OP22-001 19.0 116.0 97.0 0.063 二百三十三 9.
包括 90.0 104.0 14.0 0.100 六三七 14.
135.0 169.4 34.4 0.021 453 13個
包括 139.0 164.0 25.0 0.024 534 14.
231.0 242.8 11.8 0.037 359 25個
283.3 295.6 12.3 0.012 一百九十一 4.
415.0 463.5 48.5 0.013 三百三十三 19個
包括 416.0 428.0 12.0 0.035 608 9.
OP22-002 34.5 49.5 15.0 0.034 二百九十二 6.
61.5 100.5 39.0 0.073 二百四十四 15個
109.5 139.5 30.0 0.030 211 7.
222.3 294.3 72.1 0.083 819 12
包括 236.0 249.0 13.0 0.328 2324 10
包括 264.0 276.0 12.0 0.032 五百六十五 11.
包括 285.0 294.3 9.3 0.036 841 15個
328.0 352.6 24.6 0.019 三九九 28
包括 337.0 347.5 10.5 0.030 529 18
357.9 361.5 3.6 0.011 281 36
390.8 423.0 32.2 0.020 658 37
包括 414.0 423.0 9.1 0.035 1648 37
440.7 444.6 3.8 0.014 1035 43
476.9 511.5 34.6 0.013 四百六十五 12
包括 490.0 500.9 10.9 0.022 八百四十六 21歲
529.0 532.0 3.0 0.024 211 4.

Previous exploration at Oxide Peak in 2020 outlined a 1.5 by 0.6 kilometer chargeability high partly co-extensive with a multi-element (gold, copper, molybdenum, lead, zinc, silver, arsenic, bismuth, tellurium) soil anomaly within an extensive zone of quartz-sericite-pyrite (QSP) and advanced argillic alteration surrounded by sericite-chlorite and propylitic alteration. Gold-arsenic-tellurium is anomalous at higher elevations, with copper-molybdenum generally lower, reflecting a vertical transition from epithermal to porphyry environments. At lower elevations along the northern periphery of the soil anomaly, copper values over 0.1% occur in multiple grab samples (outcrops) over 200 meters in Oxide Creek. Chalcopyrite mineralization is associated with multistage quartz-sulfide veining and relict K-feldspar-biotite-magnetite alteration hosted in variably brecciated, porphyritic monzodioritic intrusions. The initial drill test consisted of two drill holes from the same drill site, located 500 meters southwest of the Oxide Creek zone of porphyry-style copper mineralization. Outcropping porphyry Cu mineralization in Oxide Creek remains untested by drilling.


The 2022 Oxide Peak drill program intersected a sequence of highly altered volcanic rocks, cut by multiple plagioclase-biotite(-quartz) porphyry postmineral dykes. The volcanics are described as mainly rhyolite at shallow depths (including flow-banded rhyolite) and "undifferentiated" volcanics at deeper levels, with small intervals of dacite and ash tuff. In some cases, texturally destructive alteration has made it difficult to characterize the lithology.


Alteration of the volcanic rocks consists of variable silicification and sericite alteration at shallow depths to intense QSP alteration at depth. Intense QSP alteration is dominant in the volcanics from 283 meters to the end of the hole in OP22-001 and between 224 and 423 meters in OP22-022, and includes the intervals containing the strongest Cu-Au-Mo mineralization. The most strongly altered and mineralized zones contain multistage quartz, quartz-sulfide, and sulfide veining, with broad zones of intense gypsum stockwork logged below 434 meters in OP22-001, and below 320 meters in OP22-002. Strong K-feldspar, chlorite (possibly after biotite) and magnetite alteration was logged in OP22-002 below 414 meters downhole, variably overprinted by QSP alteration.


The style of alteration and veining, and association with Cu-Au-Mo mineralization at Oxide Peak is consistent with porphyry copper systems found elsewhere in the Toodoggone district. The dominance of QSP alteration associated with Cu-Au-Mo in these drill holes demonstrates that the potassic core was not tested by the 2022 drill program, and further drill testing along strike and at depth is required to adequately evaluate the system. Further, it is not clear that the causative intrusion generating the porphyry system was intersected, since the porphyry intrusions logged all appear to be post-mineral. At approximately 500 m northeast of and 240 m below the 2022 drilling, an outcropping zone of chalcopyrite mineralized, chlorite-epidote-pyrite/QSP altered monzodiorite hosted hydrothermal-magmatic breccias with relict potassic alteration remains untested by drilling.


Other early stage targets on the Oxide Peak project include the Falcon porphyry copper-gold target as well as several grassroots high grade gold-copper targets with gold values in grab samples up to 46.1 grams per tonne (see Oxide Peak presentation on ArcWest's web site for details).

Oxide Peak專案的其他早期目標包括獵鷹斑岩銅金目標以及幾個草根高品位金銅目標,抓取樣本中的金價高達每噸46.1克(詳情請參閱ArcWest網站上的Oxide Peak演示)。

Quality Assurance and Quality Control


Assay results from the 2022 drill program at Oxide Peak are from TDG Gold's news release dated June 1, 2023. A summary report, including drill logs, has been provided to ArcWest for review. ArcWest has reviewed neither the core, nor the final assays, and descriptions and interpretations of drill core as well as drilling and sampling methods provided in this news release are based solely on core logs and other documentation in Dorion (2022).

2022年氧化峰鑽探計劃的分析結果來自TDG Gold於2023年6月1日發佈的新聞稿。已向ArcWest提供了一份摘要報告,包括鑽探日誌,供其審查。ArcWest既沒有審查巖芯,也沒有審查最終的分析,本新聞稿中提供的對鑽芯以及鑽探和取樣方法的描述和解釋僅基於Dorion(2022)的巖芯日誌和其他檔案。

Drilling was completed between September 8th and October 13th, 2022 by Konaleen Drilling Ltd. Drill core was transported from the drill rig to TDG's Baker Camp core logging facility where recovery, recovery quality designation (RQD) and geological data including lithology, texture, alteration, mineralization, and structure were logged. Core samples were taken at average 1.8 meter intervals according to industry standard procedures. Sample bags were sealed with security numbered zip-ties and set aside for bagging in sealed polyfiber (rice) bags. These rice bags were taken by a TDG contractor to Bandstra Transportation systems (Prince George) and delivered to the laboratory preparation facility.


TDG verified the core sample results using a QA/QC program that involved inserting Certified Reference Materials ("CRM"), blank material ('Blanks') and field duplicates, as detailed in Dorion (2022). ArcWest has not verified these procedures, but believes that they are industry standard, and that the drilling results have been verified by a Qualified Person, as defined by NI 43-101, and are acceptable from a QA/QC perspective.

TDG使用QA/QC程式驗證了核心樣品結果,該程式包括插入認證標準物質(“CRM”)、空白材料(‘空白’)和現場複製品,詳見Dorion(2022)。ArcWest沒有驗證這些程式,但認為它們是行業標準,鑽探結果已由符合NI 43-101定義的合格人員驗證,從品質保證/質量控制的角度來看是可以接受的。

For the 2022 Oxide Peak drill core, TDG used SGS Canada's laboratory ("SGS") in Burnaby, British Columbia. SGS's quality system is accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025 which includes ISO 9001:2015. Drill core samples were prepped using standard procedures, and analyzed using the following SGS analytical methods:

對於2022年Oxide Peak鑽芯,TDG使用了位於不列顛哥倫比亞省本納比的SGS加拿大實驗室(SGS)。SGS的質量體系已通過ISO/IEC 17025認證,其中包括ISO9001:2015。使用標準程式製備鑽芯樣品,並使用以下SGS分析方法進行分析:

  • Au: 50g, fire assay, ICP-OES finish (GE_FAI50V5)
  • 34 elements: two acid, aqua regia digestion, ICP-OES package (GE_ICP21B20)
  • 34 elements: two acid, aqua regia digestion, ICP-MS package (GE_IMS21B20)
  • 29 elements: sodium peroxide fusion, ICP-OES package (GE_ICP90A50)
  • 29 elements: sodium peroxide fusion, combined ICP-OES and ICP-MS package (GE_IMS90A50)
  • Sulfur (S): IR combustion (GE_CSA06V)
  • Au:50g,火試金,電感耦合等離子體發射光譜分析(GE_FAI50V5)
  • 34種元素:雙酸、王水消化、電感耦合等離子體發射光譜儀(Ge_ICP21B20)
  • 34種元素:雙酸、王水消解、電感耦合等離子體質譜(GE_IMS21B20)
  • 29種元素:過氧化鈉熔融,電感耦合等離子體發射光譜儀(GE_ICP90A50)
  • 29種元素:過氧化鈉熔融、電感耦合等離子體發射光譜和電感耦合等離子體質譜組合元件(GE_IMS90A50)
  • 硫(S):紅外燃燒(Ge_CSA06V)



Dorion, S. (2022). 2022 Annual Report on the Oxide Peak Property Located in the Omineca Mining District, British Columbia.


About ArcWest Exploration Inc.

關於ArcWest Explore Inc.

ArcWest Exploration is a project generator focused on porphyry copper-gold exploration opportunities throughout western North America. The company is in possession of seven 100% owned copper-gold projects throughout BC's premier porphyry copper-gold districts. These include ArcWest's Todd Creek and Oweegee Dome projects, which are two of the largest and most prospective land positions for copper-gold exploration in BC's prolific Golden Triangle. Oweegee Dome neighbours Seabridge Gold's supergiant KSM-Iron Cap-Snowfield porphyry copper-gold deposit and Todd Creek adjoins Newcrest Mining's Brucejack mine property. In March of 2022, Newcrest completed the acquisition of Pretium Resources and its high grade Brucejack gold-silver mine in a transaction valued at $3.5 billion. On May 14th, 2023, Newmont announced that it had entered into an agreement to acquire Newcrest in a $19 billion transaction, resulting in the creation of the world's largest gold miner. Several ArcWest projects are currently being advanced through earn-in and joint venture agreements; this includes an agreement with Freeport-McMoRan Mineral Properties Canada Inc. to advance ArcWest's 100% owned Todd Creek copper-gold project. The project generator model allows ArcWest to advance multiple exploration projects simultaneously; enhancing its chances of discovery while minimizing shareholder dilution. The company is managed by an experienced technical team with a track record of discovery and a reputation for attracting well-funded parties, including Freeport-McMoRan, Robert Friedland group companies, ITOCHU, Antofagasta and Teck.

ArcWest Explore是一家專注於北美西部斑岩銅金礦勘探機會的專案開發商。該公司在不列顛哥倫比亞省首屈一指的斑岩銅金礦地區擁有七個100%擁有的銅金專案。這些專案包括ArcWest的Todd Creek和Oweegee Dome專案,這兩個專案是不列顛哥倫比亞省多產的金三角地區最大、最有前景的銅金勘探地塊。Oweegee Dome毗鄰Seabbridge Gold的超大型KSM-Iron Cap-Snowfield斑岩銅金礦床,Todd Creek毗鄰Newcrest Mining的Brucejack礦場。2022年3月,Newcrest完成了對Pretium Resources及其高品位Brucejack金銀礦的收購,交易價值35億美元。5月14日這是2023年,紐蒙特公司宣佈,它已達成協定,以190億美元收購Newcrest,從而創建了世界上最大的金礦公司。ArcWest的幾個專案目前正在通過增持和合資協定進行推進;其中包括與自由港-麥克莫蘭礦業地產加拿大公司達成的一項協定,以推進ArcWest 100%擁有的Todd Creek銅金礦專案。專案生成器模式允許ArcWest同時推進多個勘探專案;在增加發現機會的同時,將股東稀釋降至最低。該公司由一支經驗豐富的技術團隊管理,他們在發現方面有著良好的記錄,並以吸引資金雄厚的各方而聞名,其中包括自由港-麥克莫蘭公司、羅伯特·弗裡德蘭集團公司、ITOCHU、安託法加斯塔和泰克。

Qualified Person


ArcWest's disclosure of a technical or scientific nature in this news release has been reviewed and approved by John Bradford, PGeo, Technical Advisor, who serves as a Qualified Person under the definition of National Instrument 43-101.

ArcWest在本新聞稿中披露的技術或科學性質已得到PGeo技術顧問John Bradford的審查和批准,他是National Instrument 43-101定義下的合格人員。

For further information please contact: Tyler Ruks, President and CEO at +1 (604) 638 3695.


Investors are cautioned that ArcWest Exploration Inc. has not verified the data from the Kemess, Baker-Shasta and Lawyers deposits. Further, the presence and style of mineralization on these properties is not necessarily indicative of similar mineralization on the ArcWest Exploration Inc. property. Historical assays from exploration programs on its properties have not been verified by ArcWest but have been cited from sources believed to be reliable.

投資者需要注意的是,ArcWest Explore Inc.尚未核實Kemess、Baker-Shasta和Lawers的存款數據。此外,這些地產上礦化的存在和風格並不一定表明ArcWest Explore Inc.地產上的類似礦化。ArcWest尚未證實勘探專案對其資產的歷史分析,但引用了據信可靠的消息來源。

This news release contains statements about ArcWest's expectations and are forward-looking in nature. As a result, they are subject to certain risks and uncertainties. Although ArcWest believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them as actual results may differ materially from the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof, and ArcWest undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, except as required by law.


To view the source version of this press release, please visit


