
Green River Gold Reports Assay Results and Again Intersects Nickel, Magnesium, Cobalt, and Chromium Beginning at the Bedrock Surface for the 45th Consecutive Hole

Green River Gold Reports Assay Results and Again Intersects Nickel, Magnesium, Cobalt, and Chromium Beginning at the Bedrock Surface for the 45th Consecutive Hole

Green River Gold 報告了分析結果,並再次從基岩表面開始與鎳、鎂、鈷和鉻相交,連續第 45 個洞
newsfile ·  2023/07/20 18:00

Edmonton, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - July 20, 2023) - Green River Gold Corp. (CSE: CCR) (OTC Pink: CCRRF) (the "Company" or "Green River") is pleased to announce that the Company is currently drilling its 46th hole on the Quesnel Nickel Project and that the XRF results indicate mineralization similar to the previous 45 drill holes, once again beginning at the bedrock surface. The drilling results are from the Company's 100%-owned Quesnel Nickel Project, located 40 kilometers east by road from the Company's shop and operations center in Quesnel, British Columbia, in the prolific Cariboo Mining District in South Central British Columbia, Canada. Since late in the calendar year 2021, the Company has drilled 45 holes at various locations spanning almost 10 kilometers of the total 14-kilometer length of the Deep Purple magnetic anomaly. All of the holes show XRF results indicating nickel, magnesium, cobalt, and chromium beginning at the surface of the bedrock and continuing to depth. Assays have been done on some of the holes and the assays have confirmed the presence of mineralization from surface.

艾伯塔省埃德蒙頓--(Newsfile Corp. — 2023 年 7 月 20 日)— Green River Gold Corp.(CSE:CCR)(場外粉紅:CCRF)(”公司“或”綠河“) 很高興地宣佈,該公司目前正在鑽探其46個第四 Quesnel Nickel Project的鑽孔,XRF結果表明,礦化作用與之前的45個鑽孔相似,再次從基岩表面開始。鑽探結果來自該公司100%擁有的Quesnel Nickel Project,該項目位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省中南部多產的Cariboo礦區,距離該公司位於不列顛哥倫比亞省奎內爾的商店和運營中心向東40公里。自2021年底以來,該公司已在不同地點鑽了45個洞,橫跨深紫磁異常總長度爲14千米的近10公里。所有孔都顯示了XRF結果,表明鎳、鎂、鈷和鉻從基岩表面開始,一直延伸到深度。已經對一些洞進行了化驗,化驗證實了地表存在礦化。

Kyle Townsend, the Mine Manager for Green River Gold Corp., says, "We continue to demonstrate the size and consistency of the nickel showing at the Quesnel Nickel Project, with our 45th consecutive drill hole intersecting mineralization from the bedrock surface. These results confirm the presence of nickel, magnesium, cobalt, and chromium over approximately 10 kilometers, further highlighting the significant potential of this project."

Green River Gold Corp. 的礦業經理凱爾·湯森德說:“我們繼續展示在Quesnel Nickel Project上展示的鎳的規模和一致性,我們的45個第四 連續的鑽孔與基岩表面的礦化相交。這些結果證實了大約10公里內存在鎳、鎂、鈷和鉻,進一步凸顯了該項目的巨大潛力。”

The Company is pleased to report the assay results from WK-23-01, the first drill hole completed in the 2023 drilling season. A portion of these results, relating to a distinct, strong serpentine alteration zone, were reported on earlier (see Press Release dated June 12, 2023) The assay results have now been received for the entire length of the hole which was drilled to a total depth of 120.9 meters (see Table 1). The assay results for the entire hole once again echoed the previously reported XRF results for hole WK-23-01 with regard to the nickel, cobalt, chromium and magnesium concentrations. The concentrations were consistent with the 42 holes drilled in late 2021 and over the course of 2022. Table 2 shows the assay results for the center section of the semi-massive sulphide zone. The drillers encountered 12.8 meters of glacial till, or gravel, before reaching bedrock in WK-23-01. Glacial till is typical in the Cariboo region. Many earlier drill holes were drilled from outcrops that encountered no glacial till.

公司很高興地報告 WK-23-01 的化驗結果,這是 2023 年鑽探季節完成的第一個鑽孔。早些時候(見2023年6月12日的新聞稿)報告了其中一部分結果,涉及一個明顯而堅固的蛇紋石蝕變帶。現在已經收到了鑽到總深度爲120.9米的洞的整個長度的化驗結果(見表1)。整個洞的化驗結果再次呼應了先前報告的 WK-23-01 洞在鎳、鈷、鉻和鎂濃度方面的XRF結果。濃度與2021年底和2022年期間鑽探的42個洞一致。表2顯示了半塊狀硫化物區中心部分的化驗結果。在 WK-23-01 中到達基岩之前,鑽探人員遇到了 12.8 米長的冰川耕地或礫石。在卡里布地區,冰川耕地是典型的。許多早期的鑽孔都是從露頭鑽出來的,這些露頭直到沒有遇到過冰川。

Table 1. Assay results for drill hole WK-23-01.

表 1。鑽孔 WK-23-01 的化驗結果。

Table 2. Sample result for the Semi-massive sulphides section.

表 2。半塊狀硫化物部分的樣本結果。

Drill hole WK-23-01 was collared approximately 900 meters southeast of Zone 1, situated between Zone 1 and Zone 2 (refer to Figure 2). During this drilling, a distinct alteration zone characterized by strong serpentinization was encountered from a depth of 47.4 meters to 50.8 meters. The serpentinized alteration zone is visually emphasized in red on the WK-23-01 cross-section (as depicted in Figure 1). Analysis of samples obtained from the MSA laboratory in Langley, BC reveals that WK-23-01 contains an average of 0.187% nickel, 0.009% cobalt, 0.0963% chromium, and 20.8% magnesium. Notably, the central section of the altered zone, spanning from 48.3 meters to 48.9 meters, exhibits substantial quantities of zinc (0.758%), lead (0.434%), silver (5.3 ppm), and significant gold (0.158 ppm). These assay results from the polymetallic vein indicate the presence of high-grade silver, lead, and zinc, along with elevated values of gold.

WK-23-01 鑽孔位於 1 區東南約 900 米處,位於 1 區和區域 2 之間(參見圖 2)。在這次鑽探中,在47.4米至50.8米的深度遇到了一個明顯的蝕變帶,其特徵是強烈的蛇紋石化。在 WK-23-01 橫截面上,蛇形變更區域以紅色突出顯示(如圖 1 所示)。對從不列顛哥倫比亞省蘭利的 MSA 實驗室獲得的樣本的分析表明,WK-23-01 平均含有 0.187% 的鎳、0.009% 的鈷、0.0963% 的鉻和 20.8% 的鎂。值得注意的是,改變區域的中心部分從48.3米到48.9米不等,含有大量的鋅(0.758%)、鉛(0.434%)、銀(5.3 ppm)和大量的金(0.158 ppm)。這些來自多金屬礦脈的測定結果表明,存在高品位的銀、鉛和鋅,以及金的價值升高。

Figure 1. Drillholes WK-23-01 and WK-23-03.

圖 1。鑽孔 WK-23-01 和 WK-23-03。

Drill hole WK-23-03 was drilled using a Winkie drill to establish the continuity of the mineralization further along the Deep Purple magnetic anomaly. The extracted drill core has been transported to the Company's facility in Quesnel. The core from surface to 74.37 meters, was scanned with an XRF Analyzer every 10 cm along the drill core and results averaged 0.166% nickel, 0.0138% cobalt, 0.160% chromium, and 19.32% magnesium.

WK-23-03 鑽孔是使用 Winkie 鑽頭鑽出的,目的是進一步確定深紫磁異常沿線礦化的連續性。提取的鑽芯已運往該公司位於Quesnel的工廠。使用XRF分析儀沿着鑽芯每10厘米掃描一次從地表到74.37米的岩心,結果平均爲0.166%的鎳、0.0138%的鈷、0.160%的鉻和19.32%的鎂。

The XRF results for all four elements are consistent with the assay and XRF results from the previous 44 holes drilled across the magnetic anomaly. The drill collar location of WK-23-03 is illustrated in Figure 3. The predominant lithology remains consistent with the previous 44 drillholes, characterized by serpentinized peridotite. However, the current core from WK-23-05 displays a higher occurrence of sulphides and talc.

所有四個元素的XRF結果與之前在磁異常處鑽出的44個孔的分析和XRF結果一致。WK-23-03 的鑽環位置如圖 3 所示。主要的巖性與之前的44個鑽孔保持一致,其特徵是蛇紋石橄欖岩。但是,來自 WK-23-05 的當前岩心顯示出硫化物和滑石粉的含量更高。

Figure 2. Zone 1 and 2 consisting of nickel-bearing ultramafic rocks.

圖 2。區域1和2由含鎳的超鎂鐵質巖組成。

The metallurgical test was performed by Base Metallurgical Laboratories Ltd., Kamloops, British Columbia in 2022. The results of the analysis revealed that the core sample contains 0.16% nickel and 0.44% sulfur. Additionally, based on weight percentages, the mineral composition is determined to be 50.7% talc, 27.1% dolomite, and 12.8% serpentine. The QEMSCAN BMA analysis was utilized to determine the mineral content and nickel distribution. The analysis indicates that the main sulfide minerals present are pyrite (23.8%), pyrrhotite (33.8%), pentlandite (39.0%), and chalcopyrite (1.90%). Furthermore, the nickel distribution reveals that 97.8% of the nickel composites are found in pentlandite, while 2.15% of the nickel composites are present in pyrrhotite. Pentlandite was observed as the primary nickel mineral. Typically, nickel in the form of pentlandite can be effectively recovered using gravity and/or flotation methods.

冶金測試由位於不列顛哥倫比亞省坎盧普斯的Base Metelical Laboratories Ltd. 於 2022 年進行。分析結果顯示,岩心樣品中含有 0.16% 的鎳和 0.44% 的硫。此外,根據重量百分比,確定礦物成分爲 50.7% 的滑石粉、27.1% 的白雲石和 12.8% 的蛇紋石。QEMSCAN BMA 分析用於確定礦物含量和鎳分佈。分析表明,存在的主要硫化物礦物是黃鐵礦(23.8%)、黃鐵礦(33.8%)、pentlandite(39.0%)和黃銅礦(1.90%)。此外,鎳的分佈表明,97.8%的鎳複合材料存在於pentlandite中,而2.15%的鎳複合材料存在於磁鐵礦中。據觀察,彭特蘭石是主要的鎳礦物。通常,使用重力和/或浮選方法可以有效地回收pentlandite形式的鎳。

The current phase of drilling is a continuation of the 2022 drill program in Zones 1 and 2, and will comprise approximately 600 meters in 8 Winkie diamond drill holes. The 2022 Quesnel Nickel program consisted of 42 diamond drill holes, all of which encountered significant nickel, magnesium, chromium, and cobalt commencing at the surface. The drill holes from 2022 were drilled along two large outcrops known as Zone 1 and Zone 2, which rise approximately 700 feet above the surrounding ground. The deepest hole in 2022 was drilled to a depth of 128 meters and ended in mineralization (See Press Release dated January 5, 2023).

當前階段的鑽探是2022年在1區和2區鑽探計劃的延續,將包括8個Winkie金剛石鑽孔中的約600米。2022年Quesnel Nickel計劃包括42個金剛石鑽孔,所有這些鑽孔都從地表開始都遇到了大量的鎳、鎂、鉻和鈷。2022年的鑽孔是在兩個名爲1區和2區的大型露頭上鑽的,這兩個露頭比周圍地面高出約700英尺。2022年最深的洞被鑽到128米的深度,最後以礦化結束(見2023年1月5日的新聞稿)。

Hole WK-23-05 is currently being drilled. The extracted drill core will be transported to the Company's facility in Quesnel and scanned by the XRF every 10 cm along the drill core.

目前正在鑽孔 WK-23-05 孔。提取的鑽芯將被運送到該公司位於Quesnel的工廠,並沿着鑽芯每10厘米用XRF進行一次掃描。

The second stage of this year's drill program (Figure 3) will also include 20 planned NQ diamond drill holes involving a 6,000-meter program to test at depths down to 300 meters and expand on the 14-kilometer strike length around and between Zone 1 and Zone 2. The 2023 program also includes plans for exploration groundwork on its newly expanded Fontaine Gold Project, which will include bedrock mapping, soil and rock sampling, and a geophysical program. Program details will be announced as they are finalized.

今年鑽探計劃的第二階段(圖3)還將包括20個計劃中的NQ鑽石鑽孔,涉及一個6,000米的項目,用於在低至300米的深度進行測試,並在1區和2區周圍和區域之間擴大14公里的走向長度。2023年的計劃還包括其新擴建的Fontaine Gold Project的勘探基礎計劃,該項目將包括基岩測繪、土壤和岩石採樣以及地球物理項目。計劃細節將在最終確定後公佈。

Figure 3. Drill Collar locations for 2023.

圖 3。2023 年的鑽孔項圈地點。

Figure 4. Ultramafic rocks in the Slide Mountain Terrane hosting nickel, magnesium and talc.

圖 4。Slide Mountain Terrane 中的超鎂鐵質岩石含有鎳、鎂和滑石粉。

Quality Assurance, Quality Control


An AQTK or 35.5 mm (1 3/8 in) diameter core barrel was used for the 2023 diamond drill program at the Quesnel Nickel and Talc Property. The drill stem dip and azimuth were orientated at each collar location by a qualified geologist prior to drilling. Core samples were generally selected between 0.6 and 1.5-meter intervals, depending on identified lithology and mineralization style. The core was cut in half with a diamond core saw, with half of the core placed in sample bags and the remaining half securely retained in core boxes at Green River's office in Quesnel. Standard samples and the repeat samples which returned from previous assaying and blanks (CDN-BL-10) were systematically inserted into each batch of samples at regular intervals. The standard samples include high-grade (CDN-ME-2001) and low-grade (CDN-PGMS-29) nickel samples purchased from CDN Resource Laboratories in Langley, British Columbia. The core samples placed in sealed bags were shipped directly to Met-Solve Laboratories Inc. (MSA) in Langley, British Columbia. The assay lab preparation procedure included crushing the entire sample to 80% passing 2 millimeters, riffle splitting 250 grams, and pulverizing the split to 95% passing 105 micrometers. Base metal analyses are determined using the four-acid digestion method with an ICP-OES finish. Gold analyses are determined using the fire assay method with an ICP-EM finish. Analytical results are verified with the application of industry-standard Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) Procedures. The MSA Labs has an ISO 17025 certificate.

Quesnel Nickel and Talc Property 的 2023 年鑽石鑽探計劃使用了 AQTK 或直徑爲 35.5 mm(1 3/8 英寸)的岩心桶。在鑽探之前,由合格的地質學家在每個鑽環位置對鑽桿傾角和方位角進行定向。岩心樣本的選擇間隔通常在0.6至1.5米之間,具體取決於已確定的巖性和礦化風格。用金剛石取芯鋸將岩心切成兩半,一半的岩心放在樣品袋中,其餘一半牢固地保存在格林裏弗位於奎內爾辦公室的岩心盒中。標準樣本和從先前的分析和空白(CDN-BL-10)中返回的重複樣本被系統地定期插入每批樣本中。標準樣品包括從不列顛哥倫比亞省蘭利的CDN資源實驗室購買的高品位(CDN-ME-2001)和低品位(CDN-PGMS-29)鎳樣品。放入密封袋中的核心樣本直接運往位於不列顛哥倫比亞省蘭利的Met-Solve Laboratories Inc.(MSA)。化驗實驗室的準備程序包括將整個樣本壓碎至80%,穿過2毫米,裏弗分裂250克,通過105微米將分裂粉碎到95%。基本金屬分析是使用四酸消解法進行的,表面處理爲 ICP-OES。金分析是使用火測定方法確定的,表面爲 ICP-EM。分析結果通過應用行業標準的質量保證和質量控制 (QA/QC) 程序進行驗證。MSA 實驗室擁有 ISO 17025 證書。

Qualified Person:


Stephen P. Kocsis (P.Geo) is the qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and he has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.

Stephen P. Kocsis(P.Geo)是National Instrument 43-101定義的合格人員,他已經審查並批准了本新聞稿中的技術信息。

About Green River Gold Corp.


Green River Gold Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on its wholly owned Fontaine Gold Project, Quesnel Nickel/Magnesium/Talc Project, and Kymar Silver Project which are located in renowned mining districts in British Columbia.

Green River Gold Corp. 是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,專注於其全資擁有的Fontaine黃金項目、Quesnel Nickel/Magnesium/Talc項目和Kymar Silver項目,這些項目位於不列顛哥倫比亞省著名的礦區。

The Fontaine Gold and Quesnel Nickel properties cover an area exceeding 200 square kilometers and straddle a 32-kilometer length of the Barkerville and Quesnel Terranes. They are contiguous to Osisko Development Corp.'s mineral claim group containing a proposed mine location at its Cariboo Gold Project.

Fontaine Gold和Quesnel Nickel的房產佔地超過200平方千米,橫跨巴克維爾和奎斯內爾地帶長達32公里。它們與奧西斯科開發公司毗鄰。”的礦產索賠組包含其Cariboo Gold項目的擬議礦址。

The Kymar Silver Project is located in southeast BC, approximately 28 kilometers west of the town of Invermere in the Golden Mining Division. The property is made up of two mineral tenures, totaling 1,625 hectares, along the southeast flank of Mount Catherine.

Kymar Silver Project位於不列顛哥倫比亞省東南部,位於黃金礦業分區因弗米爾鎮以西約28公里處。該物業由位於凱瑟琳山東南側的兩個礦產使用權組成,總面積爲1,625公頃。

For more information contact:


Green River Gold Corp.
Mr. Perry Little - President and Chief Executive Officer

Perry Little 先生-總裁兼首席執行官

Additional information about Green River Gold Corp. can be found by reviewing its profile on SEDAR at .

有關 Green River Gold Corp. 的更多信息,請查看其在 SEDAR 上的個人資料,網址爲

Forward-Looking Information: This release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Expressions such as "anticipates", "expects", "believes", "estimates", "could", "intends", "may", "plans", "predicts", "projects", "will", "would" and other similar expressions, or the negative of these terms, are generally indicative of forward-looking information. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information.

前瞻性信息:本新聞稿包含適用的加拿大證券立法所指的前瞻性信息。諸如 “預期”、“期望”、“相信”、“估計”、“可以”、“打算”、“可能”、“計劃”、“預測”、“項目”、“將” 和其他類似表述方式,或這些術語的否定詞,通常表示前瞻性信息。前瞻性信息涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果或事件與此類前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的結果或事件存在重大差異。

In addition, the forward-looking information contained in this release is based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information as it is inherently uncertain, and no assurance can be given that the expectations reflected in such information will prove to be correct. The forward-looking information in this release is made as of the date hereof and, except as required under applicable securities legislation, the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise such information to reflect new events or circumstances.


The securities of the Company have not been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. This release is issued for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, nor shall there be any sale of any securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.


The Canadian Securities Exchange (operated by CNSX Markets Inc.) has neither approved nor disapproved of the contents of this press release.

加拿大證券交易所(由CNSX Markets Inc.運營)既沒有批准也沒有拒絕本新聞稿的內容。

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