
Mongoose Mining Provides Company Update

Mongoose Mining Provides Company Update

newsfile ·  2023/07/20 05:05

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 19, 2023) - Mongoose Mining Ltd. (CSE: MNG) (the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on its Iron Oxide Copper Gold Cobalt (IOCG) exploration projects in Nova Scotia.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年7月19日)-Mongoose礦業有限公司(CSE:MNG)(“本公司”)很高興向您介紹其在新斯科舍省的氧化鐵銅金鈷(IOCG)勘探專案的最新情況。

The Company is focused on advanced exploration and development along the Cobequid-Chedabucto Fault Zone (CCFZ), which is a large crustal fault system defining the southern boundary of the Cobequid Highlands in central Nova Scotia.


The IOCG mineral deposit model hosts a diverse suite of elements, some of which occur in Canada's Critical Minerals Strategy List including the elements Cu, Au, REE, F, P, Mo, Ag, Ba, Co and Ni. The principal geologic features are hydrothermal ore styles, strong structural controls, and abundant metasomatic Fe oxides. Recent drilling results demonstrate many of the characteristics for a potential IOCG system. Exploration for these elements is intended to boost the supply of critical minerals to grow domestic and global value chains for the green and digital economies.


The exploration team plans to concentrate on two priority targets in Nova Scotia:


  1. Mt. Thom, where the Company recently discovered a gravity anomaly virtually untested by historic drilling. The anomaly is associated with a previously discovered copper-cobalt zone; and
  2. Bass River, where a four-kilometre-long cobalt bearing trend has been recognized.
  1. Mt.Mt.該公司最近在Thom發現了一個重力異常,幾乎沒有經過歷史鑽探的測試。該異常與以前發現的銅鈷帶有關;以及
  2. Bass河,在那裡已經發現了四公里長的含鈷趨勢。

Both areas have been submitted to the Nova Scotia mineral assistance grant program and are awaiting potential approvals. The program over the last several years has assisted by funding exploration on the Bass River program, which the company is very appreciative.

這兩個地區都已提交給新斯科舍省礦產援助贈款計劃,並正在等待潛在的批准。在過去的幾年裡,該專案通過資助Bass River專案的勘探而得到了幫助,該公司對此表示非常感謝。

Recent Work:


Mt. Thom IOCG Project: A 542-point gravity survey by CSR Geosurveys of Porter's Lake, Nova Scotia was completed in the fall of 2022 over the Mt. Thom copper-cobalt prospect. Interpretation of the data shows a significant 1.1 Mgal gravity anomaly 250 metres east of and adjacent to the known copper-cobalt mineralization. The Mt. Thom prospect was discovered by Imperial Oil in 1971. The IOCG-style model and cobalt mineralization was later recognized by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources. With significant values of copper, cobalt and gold mentioned in historical reports, Mt. Thom remains a priority utilizing current geological knowledge. Mineralized outcrop at Mt. Thom and sporadic core sampling have recently produced assays of up to 0.863% cobalt within copper bearing zones grading 1.5% copper. (See press release - International Cobalt Corp. May 22, 2018)

Mt.Mt.THOM IOCG專案:CSR Geosurveys對新斯科舍省波特湖進行的542點重力測量於2022年秋季在這座山上完成。銅鈷找礦遠景。對數據的解釋顯示,在已知的銅鈷礦化以東250米處和鄰近的地方,有一個顯著的1.1鎂鋁重力異常。這座山。帝國石油公司於1971年發現了Thom Probe。IOCG式的模型和鈷礦化後來得到新斯科舍省自然資源部的認可。由於歷史報告中提到了銅、鈷和金的重要價值,山上。Thom仍然是利用現有地質知識的優先事項。山體的礦化露頭。Thom和零星的岩心採樣最近在銅品位為1.5%的含銅區內進行了高達0.863%的鈷含量分析。(見新聞稿-國際鈷公司2018年5月22日)

A December 2022 drill program was intended for the Mt Thom area, however permitting had not been attained. All permits and landholder permission are now completed. Mt Thom remains a high priority target for the company.

2022年12月計劃在託姆山地區進行演習,但一直沒有獲得許可。所有許可證和土地持有人許可現已完成。Mt Thom仍然是該公司的高度優先目標。

Bass River: Untested areas of this priority region will be further explored by airborne magnetics and ground truthing to evaluate target locations for pending drill campaigns.


Pine Lake, East Folly Mountain, and Pine Lake South area: A 792 metre drill program comprising 4 holes was completed in December 2022. Seventeen samples were assayed and a single sample from the program graded 3650 zinc. This area has been down graded for the time being, however, several old iron mines and geophysical targets remain untested in these areas.


Sheba Gold Property: In New Brunswick, the Company contracted Prospectair of Gatineau, QC to conduct an airborne MAGTDEM survey at the Company's Sheba Gold Property. The project has significant historic gold mineralization, and the survey is expected to provide insight into the structural controls to better direct future exploration. The Company plans to conduct follow-up ground field work on interesting geophysical targets.

Sheba Gold Property:在……裡面新不倫瑞克,公司與QC Gatineau的Prospectair簽訂了合同,在公司的Sheba金礦進行航空MAGTDEM勘測。該專案具有重要的歷史金礦成礦作用,預計此次調查將提供對構造控制的洞察,以更好地指導未來的勘探。該公司計劃對感興趣的地球物理目標進行後續地面實地工作。

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Terry Coughlan, P.Geo., the Company's Chief Executive Officer and a Qualified Person within the context of Canadian Securities Administrators' National Instrument 43-101; Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"). The Company's exploration work was performed by Mark Graves P.Geo., an arm's length geological consultant to the Company who also approved the technical content of this release.

本新聞稿中包含的科學和技術資訊已由公司首席執行官Terry Coughlan,P.Geo,加拿大證券管理人國家儀器43-101;礦產專案披露標準(“NI 43-101”)的資質人員審閱和批准。公司的勘探工作是由Mark Graves P.Geo執行的,他是公司的一名保持距離的地質顧問,他也批准了本新聞稿的技術內容。

About Mongoose Mining Ltd.


Mongoose Mining Ltd. is a Canadian exploration company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and evaluation of mineral properties in Canada. The Company is the holder of exploration licences to explore claims located near Londonderry and Bass River, Nova Scotia, (the "Cobequid Highlands Property"). The Cobequid Highlands Property is recognized to indicate potential for IOCG mineralization.

Mongoose礦業有限公司是一家加拿大勘探公司,從事加拿大礦產的收購、勘探和評估。該公司持有勘探許可證,勘探位於新斯科舍省倫敦德里和巴斯河附近的主張(“Cobequid Highland財產”)。科貝奎德高地地產被認為具有IOCG成礦潛力。

For more information:


Terry Coughlan, CEO (902) 499-2211


Forward-Looking Statements and Cautionary Language


All statements in this press release, other than statements of historical fact, are "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws including, without limitation statements related to future planned exploration work and the timing and results thereof. Mongoose provides forward-looking statements for the purpose of conveying information about current expectations and plans relating to the future and readers are cautioned that such statements may not be appropriate for other purposes. By its nature, this information is subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that may be general or specific and which give rise to the possibility that expectations, forecasts, predictions, projections, or conclusions will not prove to be accurate, that assumptions may not be correct, and that objectives, strategic goals and priorities will not be achieved. These risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to exploration findings, results, plans and recommendations, ability to raise adequate financing, and market and economic risks associated with market and economic circumstances, as well as those risks and uncertainties identified and reported in Mongoose's public filings under its SEDAR profile at . Although Mongoose has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events, or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Mongoose disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise unless required by law.


Neither the CSE nor its Regulation Services Providers (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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