
GAIL, LanzaTech Enter Strategic Partnership to Explore Biorecycling Carbon Waste Into Fuels and Chemicals

GAIL, LanzaTech Enter Strategic Partnership to Explore Biorecycling Carbon Waste Into Fuels and Chemicals

GAIL 和 LanzaTech 建立戰略合作伙伴關係,探索將碳廢物生物回收爲燃料和化學品
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/07/19 20:00

CHICAGO, July 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GAIL (India) Limited, India's largest natural gas company and LanzaTech Global, Inc., (Nasdaq: LNZA)—an innovative carbon capture and utilization ("CCU") company that converts waste carbon into products that people use in their daily lives—have entered a partnership to explore innovative technology solutions that advance GAIL's Net Zero 2040 goals and have the potential to support wider decarbonization applications globally.

芝加哥,2023年7月19日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——印度最大的天然氣公司蓋爾(印度)有限公司和LanzaTech Global, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:LNZA)——一家將廢碳轉化爲人們日常生活中使用的產品的創新性碳捕集和利用(“CCU”)公司——已建立合作伙伴關係,探索能夠推進蓋爾2040年淨零目標並具有潛力的創新技術解決方案以支持全球更廣泛的脫碳應用。

GAIL and LanzaTech will explore setting up a pilot scale CO2 capture and conversion project that has the potential to be a role model for converting CO2 into useful materials instead of emitting it to the atmosphere. Combining LanzaTech's carbon capture and utilization technology with GAIL's renewable H2 and CO2 gas streams, the project will enable resource utilization where the building blocks of everyday consumer goods, from fuels to packaging and clothing, can be made from biorecycled material instead of virgin fossil fuel.

GAIL 和 LanzaTech 將探索設立試點規模的 CO2 捕獲和轉換項目,有可能成爲轉化二氧化碳的榜樣2 變成有用的材料,而不是將其排放到大氣中。將 LanzaTech 的碳捕集和利用技術與 GAIL 的可再生能源 H 相結合2 和 CO2 天然氣流,該項目將實現資源利用,從燃料到包裝和服裝,日常消費品的基石可以用生物回收材料而不是原始化石燃料製成。

"The possibilities coming out of this collaboration with LanzaTech are very promising and significant to improving our carbon footprint," said Sandeep Kumar Gupta, Chairman and Managing Director of GAIL. "Using LanzaTech's cutting-edge technology will enhance our environmental stewardship and open up new avenues for driving sustainability across our operations."


"Waste CO2 can be used to make the things we need," said Dr. Jennifer Holmgren, LanzaTech's CEO and Board Member of the US-India Strategic Partnership. "By combining LanzaTech's expertise in carbon recycling with GAIL's commitment to reducing emissions and implementing renewable projects, this project has the potential to turn CO2 from an environmental liability to a value added product. CO2 can be the raw material of the future, enabling fossil carbon to stay underground. We look forward to launching our collaboration with GAIL to make this vision a reality."

“Waste CO2 可以用來製造我們需要的東西。” LanzaTech首席執行官兼美印戰略伙伴關係董事會成員詹妮弗·霍爾姆格倫博士說。“通過將LanzaTech在碳回收方面的專業知識與GAIL對減少排放和實施可再生能源項目的承諾相結合,該項目有可能轉化爲二氧化碳2 從環境責任到增值產品。CO2 可以成爲未來的原材料,使化石碳能夠留在地下。我們期待着與蓋爾展開合作,將這一願景變爲現實。”

LanzaTech's biorecycling technology works like a brewery: proprietary bacteria consume carbon-rich pollution from industrial facilities and convert it into CarbonSmart chemicals to create rubber, plastics, synthetic fibers, and fuels. These materials form the building blocks for consumer products such as clothing, laundry detergent, and sustainable aviation fuel ("SAF"). LanzaTech's technology platform is designing a future where consumers can continue using indispensable products they use every day without depending on materials derived from virgin fossil fuels.

LanzaTech 的生物回收技術就像啤酒廠一樣:專有細菌會消耗工業設施產生的富含碳的污染,並將其轉化爲 CarbonSmart 化學品,以製造橡膠、塑料、合成纖維和燃料。這些材料構成了服裝、洗衣粉和可持續航空燃料(“SAF”)等消費品的基石。LanzaTech的技術平台正在設計一個未來,消費者可以繼續使用他們每天使用的必不可少的產品,而不必依賴來自原始化石燃料的材料。

Through this collaboration, GAIL and LanzaTech aim to set new benchmarks in carbon utilization, providing a compelling model for utilization of CO2 gas streams that would otherwise be emitted as greenhouse gases. The partnership between GAIL and LanzaTech Global Inc. is a milestone achievement in GAIL's broader energy transition to reach Net Zero and their pursuit of sustainable development.

通過此次合作,GAIL和LanzaTech旨在爲碳利用設定新的基準,爲二氧化碳的利用提供一個引人注目的模型2 否則會作爲溫室氣體排放的氣流。蓋爾與LanzaTech Global Inc.之間的合作伙伴關係是蓋爾實現淨零排放的更廣泛能源轉型以及他們追求可持續發展的里程碑式的成就。

About GAIL
Headquartered at New Delhi, India, GAIL is India's largest natural gas company with diversified interests across the natural gas value chain of trading, transmission, LPG production & transmission, LNG re-gasification, petrochemicals, city gas, E&P, etc. It owns and operates a network of around 15,400 km of natural gas pipelines spread across the length and breadth of country. It is also working concurrently on execution of multiple pipeline projects to further enhance the spread. GAIL commands around 70% market share in gas transmission and has a Gas trading share of over 50% in India. GAIL and its Subsidiaries / JVs also have a formidable market share in City Gas Distribution. In the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) market, GAIL has significantly large portfolio. GAIL is also expanding its presence in renewable energy like Solar, Wind and Biofuel.


About LanzaTech
Headquartered in Skokie, IL, LanzaTech Global, Inc. (Nasdaq: LNZA) captures waste carbon and transforms it into materials such as sustainable fuels, fabrics, packaging, and other products. Using a variety of waste feedstocks, LanzaTech's technology platform highlights a future where consumers are not dependent on virgin fossil feedstocks for everything in their daily lives. LanzaTech's goal is to challenge and change the way the world uses carbon, enabling a new circular carbon economy where carbon is reused rather than wasted, skies and oceans are kept clean, and pollution becomes a thing of the past. For more on LanzaTech visit .

關於 LanzaTech
LanzaTech Global, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:LNZA)總部位於伊利諾伊州斯科基,可捕獲廢碳並將其轉化爲可持續燃料、面料、包裝和其他產品等材料。LanzaTech的技術平台使用各種廢物原料,突顯了消費者在日常生活中不再依賴原始化石原料的未來。LanzaTech的目標是挑戰和改變世界使用碳的方式,實現一種新的循環碳經濟,在這種經濟中,碳被重複使用而不是浪費,保持天空和海洋的清潔,污染成爲過去。有關 LanzaTech 的更多信息,請訪問。

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes forward-looking statements regarding LanzaTech based on the beliefs and assumptions of its management. Although LanzaTech believes that its plans, intentions, and expectations reflected in or suggested by these forward-looking statements are reasonable, LanzaTech cannot assure you that it will achieve or realize these plans, intentions, or expectations. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. You should not put undue reliance on these statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. LanzaTech undertakes no obligations to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.




Media Contact - LanzaTech
Kit McDonnell, Director of Communications

Kit McDonnell,傳播總監

Investor Relations Contact - LanzaTech
Omar El-Sharkawy
VP, Corporate Development


Media Contact - GAIL (India) Ltd.
Jyoti Kumar
General Manager (Corporate Communication)

Jyoti Kumar

