
Press Release: Liberty Gold Reports Voting Results from Annual Meeting

Press Release: Liberty Gold Reports Voting Results from Annual Meeting

新聞稿:Liberty Gold報告年會投票結果
道琼斯 ·  2019/05/31 07:27

Press Release: Liberty Gold Reports Voting Results from Annual Meeting

新聞稿:Liberty Gold報告年會投票結果

Liberty Gold Reports Voting Results from Annual Meeting

Liberty Gold報告年會投票結果

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 30, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Liberty Gold Corp. (LGD - TSX) ("Liberty Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce voting results from the Company's Annual Meeting of Shareholders held on May 30, 2019 (the "Meeting"). A total of 122,186,124 common shares were voted, representing the votes attached to 58.95% of all outstanding common shares. Shareholders voted in favour of the election of all director nominees. The percentage of votes cast for each is as follows:

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省,2019年5月30日(Global Newswire)-Liberty Gold Corp.(LGD-TSX)(以下簡稱“Liberty Gold”或“公司”)欣然宣佈公司於2019年5月30日召開的年度股東大會(以下簡稱“股東大會”)的投票結果。共有122,186,124股普通股獲得投票,佔所有已發行普通股的58.95%。股東投票贊成選舉所有董事提名人。各人的得票率如下:

Total number of votes cast: Votes 'for':
Dr. Mark O'Dea 97,650,686 96.7%
Mr. Cal Everett 97,650,686 99.7%
Mr. Donald McInnes 97,650,686 94.4%
Mr. Robert Pease 97,650,686 99.8%
Mr. Sean Tetzlaff 97,650,686 96.7%

總票數:投贊成票:Mark O‘Dea博士97,650,686 96.7%卡爾·埃弗雷特先生97,650,686 99.7%唐納德·麥金尼斯先生97,650,686 94.4%裴氏先生97,650,686 99.8%Sean Tetzlaff先生97,650,686 96.7%

The reappointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants as auditor of the Company, was also approved by the shareholders.

普華永道會計師事務所(Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP)--特許專業會計師事務所--再次被任命為公司的審計師也得到了股東的批准。

Voting results are released in accordance with Toronto Stock Exchange requirements. Detailed voting results for the Meeting are available on SEDAR at



關於Liberty Gold

Liberty Gold is focused on exploring the Great Basin of the United States, home to large-scale gold projects that are ideal for open-pit mining. This region is one of the most prolific gold-producing regions in the world and stretches across Nevada and into Idaho and Utah. We know the Great Basin and are driven to discover and advance big gold deposits that can be mined profitably in open-pit scenarios. Our flagship projects are Goldstrike, Black Pine and Kinsley Mountain, all of which are past producing open-pit mines, where previous operators only scratched the surface.

Liberty Gold專注於探索美國的大盆地,那裏有大型黃金項目,非常適合露天開採。這一地區是世界上最多產黃金的地區之一,橫跨內華達州,一直延伸到愛達荷州和猶他州。我們瞭解大盆地,並被驅使發現和推進大型金礦,這些金礦可以在露天開採方案中有利可圖地開採。我們的旗艦項目是GoldStrike、黑松和金斯利山,所有這些都是過去生產露天礦的項目,以前的運營商只觸及了皮毛。

For more information, visit or contact:


Susie Bell, Manager, Investor Relations

投資者關係部經理蘇西·貝爾(Susie Bell)

Phone: 604-632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677



(END) Dow Jones Newswires


May 30, 2019 19:27 ET (23:27 GMT)


