
SunHydrogen to Explore Scale-Up With COTEC, Leader in Industrial Electroplating

SunHydrogen to Explore Scale-Up With COTEC, Leader in Industrial Electroplating

GlobeNewswire ·  2023/07/11 18:00

SunHydrogen CEO Tim Young and COTEC CEO Ju-Won Choi formally signed the Memorandum of Understanding on July 5, 2023.


CORALVILLE, IA, July 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTC: HYSR), the developer of a breakthrough technology to produce renewable hydrogen using sunlight and water, today announced that it has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with COTEC to explore the development and optimization of industrial electroplating solutions for SunHydrogen's semiconductor deposition, a fundamental component of the Company's nanoparticle technology.

愛荷華州科拉爾維爾,2023 年 7 月 11 日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)— 利用陽光和水生產可再生氫氣的突破性技術的開發商SunHydrogen, Inc.(場外交易代碼:HYSR)今天宣佈,它已與COTEC簽訂了諒解備忘錄(MOU),以探索爲SunHydrogen半導體沉積開發和優化工業電鍍解決方案,SunHydrogen半導體沉積是該公司納米顆粒技術的基本組成部分。

Located in Changwon, South Korea, COTEC is a leader in industrial electroplating and electrochemical processes and is well-positioned to collaborate with SunHydrogen in this critical aspect of the Company's scale-up process. COTEC possesses extensive plating expertise across the aerospace, automotive, defense and nuclear industries, and has worked with high-level clients such as Boeing, Hanwha, Airbus and more.

COTEC位於韓國昌原市,是工業電鍍和電化學工藝領域的領導者,完全有能力在公司擴大規模的這一關鍵方面與SunHydrogen合作。 COTEC 在航空航天、汽車、國防和核工業擁有豐富的電鍍專業知識,曾與波音、韓華、空中客車等高級客戶合作。

Within one of SunHydrogen's hydrogen generators, billions of patented Photoelectrosynthetically Active Heterostructure (PAH) nanoparticles per square centimeter split apart water to generate hydrogen and oxygen. These PAH nanoparticles are composed of multiple layers of solar cells. The high-voltage, high-light absorbing properties of the solar cells enable the Company to make them ultrathin and with significantly fewer materials, lowering costs and raising efficiency. Together, SunHydrogen and COTEC will explore the development and implementation of electroplating solutions to translate the existing PAH architecture and process to manufacturing scale while maintaining low cost and high efficiency.

在SunHydrogen的一臺氫氣發生器中,每平方厘米有數十億個獲得專利的光電合成活性異質結構(PAH)納米顆粒將水分解成氫氣和氧氣。這些 PAH 納米顆粒由多層太陽能電池組成。太陽能電池的高壓、高光吸收特性使公司能夠使它們變得超薄,材料要少得多,從而降低成本並提高效率。SunHydrogen和COTEC將共同探索電鍍解決方案的開發和實施,以將現有的多環芳烴架構和工藝轉化爲製造規模,同時保持低成本和高效率。

"As SunHydrogen has built relationships with a growing group of industrial partners over the past several years, we've learned that our scale-up process is most effective when we take a diversified approach that allows for specialized expertise to be directed to the many individual components of our technology," said SunHydrogen's CEO Tim Young.


"This is evidenced by our recent announcement of the approval of $3.1 million in funding for Project NanoPEC, a 3-year initiative that will bring us together with six partners in Germany to accelerate our scale-up process," Mr. Young continued. "At lab scale, our team has consistently reached favorable photovoltage and photocurrent densities, but our current challenge is translating this success to larger scales. It is this challenge that we believe companies like COTEC – and our partners in Germany – can help us overcome."


Mr. Young, as well as SunHydrogen's Director of Technology Dr. Joun Lee, both made visits to COTEC's Changwon facility in 2023, and this week members of COTEC's team visited SunHydrogen's Iowa headquarters to sign the MOU and visit SunHydrogen's laboratory. Earlier in the year, COTEC demonstrated to SunHydrogen their ability to electrodeposit materials at nanoscale.

楊先生和SunHydrogen的技術董事 Joun Lee博士都在2023年訪問了COTEC的昌原工廠,本週,COTEC的團隊成員訪問了SunHydrogen在愛荷華州的總部,簽署了諒解備忘錄並參觀了SunHydrogen的實驗室。今年早些時候,COTEC向SunHydrogen展示了他們在納米尺度上電沉積材料的能力。

"We believe this opportunity holds significant potential for SunHydrogen and COTEC to collaborate on the development of industrial electroplating solutions," said COTEC's CEO and Chairman Ju-Won Choi. "This Memorandum of Understanding represents a shared commitment to accelerating the global adoption of green hydrogen as a clean and renewable energy source."

COTEC首席執行官兼董事長Ju-Won Choi說:“我們相信,這個機會爲SunHydrogen和COTEC合作開發工業電鍍解決方案提供了巨大的潛力。”“這份諒解備忘錄代表了加快全球採用綠色氫作爲清潔和可再生能源的共同承諾。”

About SunHydrogen, Inc.
SunHydrogen is developing breakthrough technologies to make, store and use green hydrogen in a market that Goldman Sachs estimates to be worth $12 trillion by 2050. Our patented SunHydrogen Panel technology, currently in development, uses sunlight and any source of water to produce low-cost green hydrogen. Similar to solar panels that produce electricity, our SunHydrogen Panels will produce green hydrogen. Our vision is to become a major technology supplier in the new hydrogen economy. By developing, acquiring and partnering with other critical technologies, we intend to enable a future of emission-free vehicles, ships, data centers, aircrafts and more. To learn more about SunHydrogen, please visit our website at .
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Matters discussed in this press release may contain forward-looking statements. When used in this press release, the words "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "may," "intend," "expect" and similar expressions identify such forward-looking statements. Actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those contemplated, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained herein. Forward-looking statements are based largely on the expectations of the Company and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties and other factors, known and unknown, including the risk factors described from time to time in the Company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements contained herein are applicable only as of the date on which they are made, and the Company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as may be required under applicable law.

關於 SunHydroged, Inc
據高盛估計,到2050年,SunHydromend的市場價值將達到12萬億美元,SunHydroden正在開發突破性技術,以製造、儲存和使用綠色氫氣。我們目前正在開發的SunHydrogen Panel專利技術利用陽光和任何水源來生產低成本的綠色氫氣。與發電的太陽能電池板類似,我們的SunHydrogen電池板將產生綠色氫氣。我們的願景是成爲新氫經濟的主要技術供應商。通過開發、收購其他關鍵技術並與之合作,我們打算實現無排放車輛、船舶、數據中心、飛機等的未來。要了解有關 SunHydrogen 的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站 。
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