
Stocks of the Hour: Morella Corporation, Pacific Edge, Critical Resources

Stocks of the Hour: Morella Corporation, Pacific Edge, Critical Resources

熱門股票:莫雷拉公司、Pacific Edge、關鍵資源
sharecafe ·  2023/07/06 10:03

Morella Corporation (ASX:1MC) has released results from drilling at the Mallina Project in WA, which is a joint venture between Morella and Sayona Mining (ASX:SYA). The mineralised strike has been extended up to 300m, and new zones of mineralisation have been identified. Morella Managing Director James Brown stated: "The future looks bright for this well-located, highly promising project with a commitment from Morella to accelerate additional drilling campaigns." Shares are trading 14.29 per cent higher at 0.8 cents.

Morella Corporation (ASX: 1MC) 公佈了西澳大利亞州馬利納項目的鑽探結果,該項目是莫雷拉和Sayona Mining (ASX: SYA) 的合資企業。礦化走向已延長至300米,並確定了新的礦化區域。Morella董事經理詹姆斯·布朗表示:“這個位置優越、前景光明的項目,前景一片光明,莫雷拉承諾加快更多的鑽探活動。”股價上漲14.29%,至0.8美分。

Pacific Edge (ASX:PEB), a cancer diagnostics company, has been the beneficiary of welcome news. Novitas and First Coast have decided to delay the implementation of a Local Coverage Determination. This determination would have seen US Medicare coverage case for Pacific's Cxbladder product, which is a urine-based test for bladder cancer. Shares in Pacific Edge are trading 129.89 per cent higher at 20 cents.

癌症診斷公司Pacific Edge (ASX: PEB) 一直是可喜消息的受益者。Novitas和First Coast已決定推遲實施地方保險決定。這一決定本來可以讓美國醫療保險爲太平洋公司的Cxballet產品提供保險,這是一種基於尿液的膀胱癌檢測。Pacific Edge的股價上漲了129.89%,至20美分。

Critical Resources (ASX:CRR) has intersected 74.4 metres of spodumene-bearing pegmatite at the company's Mavis Lake Lithium Project in Canada. Managing Director Alex Cheeseman said, "targeted drilling will continue over the coming months and we are truly excited as to the resource potential of this world class asset." Shares are trading 38.1 per cent higher at 5.8 cents.

Critical Resources (ASX: CRR) 在該公司的加拿大Mavis Lake鋰項目中與74.4米長的含鋰輝石的偉晶岩相交。董事經理亞歷克斯·切斯曼說:“未來幾個月將繼續進行有針對性的鑽探,我們對這項世界級資產的資源潛力感到非常興奮。”股價上漲38.1%,至5.8美分。


