
Reliq Health Technologies, Inc. Announces First Contract in Mexico, to Add Over 10,000 New Patients to Its IUGO Care Platform

Reliq Health Technologies, Inc. Announces First Contract in Mexico, to Add Over 10,000 New Patients to Its IUGO Care Platform

Reliq Health Technologies, Inc. 宣佈在墨西哥簽訂第一份合同,爲其IUGO護理平臺增加10,000多名新患者
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/07/06 15:01

HAMILTON, Ontario, July 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Reliq Health Technologies Inc. (TSXV:RHT or OTC:RQHTF or WKN:A2AJTB) ("Reliq" or the "Company"), a rapidly growing global healthcare technology company that develops innovative Virtual Care solutions for the multi-billion dollar Healthcare market, is pleased to announce that it has signed its first contract in Mexico. The new client is a healthcare organization that is expected to add over 10,000 new patients to Reliq's iUGO Care platform by the end of June 2024, at an average revenue of $50 per patient per month.

安大略省漢密爾頓,2023年7月6日(環球通訊社)Reliq Health Technologies Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:RHT或場外交易代碼:RQHTF或WKN:A2AJTB)(“Reliq“或”公司“),一家快速發展的全球醫療技術公司,為數十億美元的醫療市場開發創新的虛擬醫療解決方案,該公司高興地宣佈,它已經在墨西哥簽署了第一份合同。新客戶是一家醫療保健組織,預計到2024年6月底,Reliq的iUGO醫療平臺將增加10,000多名新患者,每位患者平均每月收入50美元。

"We are very excited to be expanding our business into Mexico," said Dr. Lisa Crossley, CEO at Reliq Health Technologies, Inc. "Thanks to our success in the Southern US states and our multilingual platform and care management team, we have been able to attract our first client in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. A number of major multinational corporations have operations in San Luis Potosí, including BMW, General Motors and Cummins, and the city has a population of 2.8 Million. According to the World Health Organization, Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in Mexico, where there are also high rates of hypertension, chronic kidney disease and congestive heart failure. The impact of chronic disease on productivity has led many employers in Mexico to offer healthcare coverage focused on preventative care. The two largest providers of public health in Mexico, the Ministry of Health and the Mexican Social Security Institute, have also launched key initiatives aimed at improving the management of chronic disease, creating a significant opportunity for Reliq. The new client will be using our iUGO Care Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) solution, which has been proven to improve health outcomes, increase patient engagement and reduce healthcare costs, even in the most challenging patient populations and environments. We expect to see increasing demand for Reliq's iUGO Care solutions in Mexico going forward. This contract is expected to add over 10,000 patients to the iUGO Care platform by the end of June 2024, at an average of $50 per patient per month with an expected 75% gross margin. Onboarding with this client will begin next month."

Reliq Health Technologies,Inc.首席執行官麗莎·克羅斯利博士說:“我們非常高興能將我們的業務擴展到墨西哥。多虧了我們在美國南部各州的成功以及我們的多語言平臺和護理管理團隊,我們能夠在墨西哥聖路易斯波託西吸引到我們的第一個客戶。許多大型跨國公司在聖路易斯波託西́有業務,包括寶馬、通用汽車和康明斯,該市有280萬人口。根據世界衛生組織的數據,糖尿病是墨西哥的主要死亡原因之一,在墨西哥,高血壓、慢性腎臟疾病和充血性心力衰竭的發病率也很高。慢性病對生產率的影響導致墨西哥的許多僱主提供側重於預防性護理的醫療保險。墨西哥最大的兩個公共衛生提供者--衛生部和墨西哥社會保障研究所也發起了旨在改善慢性病管理的關鍵舉措,為Reliq創造了一個重要機會。新客戶將使用我們的iUGO Care遠端患者監控(RPM)解決方案,該解決方案已被證明可以改善健康結果、增加患者參與度並降低醫療成本,即使在最具挑戰性的患者群體和環境中也是如此。我們預計,未來墨西哥對Reliq的iUGO護理解決方案的需求將會增加。預計到2024年6月底,這份合同將為iUGO護理平臺增加10,000多名患者,平均每位患者每月50美元,預計毛利率為75%。該客戶的入職將於下個月開始。

Reliq Health

Reliq Health

Reliq Health Technologies is a rapidly growing global healthcare technology company that specializes in developing innovative Virtual Care solutions for the multi-billion dollar Healthcare market. Reliq's powerful iUGO Care platform supports care coordination and community-based virtual healthcare. iUGO Care allows complex patients to receive high quality care at home, improving health outcomes, enhancing quality of life for patients and families and reducing the cost of care delivery. iUGO Care provides real-time access to remote patient monitoring data, allowing for timely interventions by the care team to prevent costly hospital readmissions and ER visits. Reliq Health Technologies trades on the TSX Venture under the symbol RHT, on the OTC as RQHTF and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the WKN:A2AJTB.

Reliq Health Technologies是一家快速發展的全球醫療技術公司,專門為數十億美元的醫療市場開發創新的虛擬醫療解決方案。Reliq強大的iUGO護理平臺支持護理協調和基於社區的虛擬醫療保健。IUGO Care允許複雜的患者在家中接受高質量的護理,改善健康結果,提高患者和家人的生活品質,並降低護理提供成本。IUGO Care提供對遠端患者監測數據的實時訪問,使護理團隊能夠及時進行幹預,以防止昂貴的再次住院和急診室就診。Reliq Health Technologies在多倫多證券交易所創業板上的交易代碼為RHT,在場外交易市場上的交易代碼為RQHTF,在法蘭克福證券交易所的交易代碼為:A2AJTB。



"Dr. Lisa Crossley"


CEO and Director


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Reliq Health Technologies Inc.(The“The”公司)不打算也不承擔任何義務更新這些前瞻性表述,除非法律要求。這些前瞻性表述涉及風險和不確定因素,除其他外,涉及技術開發和營銷活動、公司在技術開發方面的歷史經驗、未擔保的風險。實際結果可能與這些前瞻性表述中明示或暗示的內容大不相同。

SOURCE: Reliq Health Technologies Inc.

消息來源:Reliq Health Technologies Inc.

