7月4日報道,根據香港聯交所7月4日披露的文件,Sharp Talent Holdings Limited於6月26日以每股均價0.057港元增持$CHI HO DEV (08423.HK)$58萬股普通股股份,價值約3.31萬港元。增持後,Sharp Talent Holdings Limited最新持股數目爲5.61億股股份,好倉比例由70.04%升至70.11%。
補充資料:As Mr Leung Ka Ho, Raymond became a member of a concert party group by entering into an acting in concert agreement on 11 November 2016. Mr Leung Ka Ho, Raymond is the sole shareholder and controller of Sharp Talent Holdings Limited. Accordingly, Sharp Talent Holdings Limited is deemed to be interested in the shares of Chi Ho Development Holdings Limited held by other members of the concert party group under the SFO.甚麼是權益披露?