
平潭发展(000592)点评:医疗园区建设稳步推进 旅游医疗模式值得期待

Development of Pingtan (000592) comments: steadily promoting the construction of medical park, tourism medical model is worth looking forward to

興業證券 ·  Jun 12, 2015 00:00  · Researches

Main points of investment


Four hospitals have obtained the business license of enterprise legal person in Pingtan County, which is one of the Pingtan Strait Medical Park construction project (Phase I). They are rehabilitation hospital (registered capital 15530W, same below), ear, nose and throat hospital (10100W), oral hospital (8920W) and beauty hospital (9970W), all of which are wholly owned by the company.


The cooperation object of the medical park project is Taiwan background and has international leading medical technology. The company has been in contact with Taiwan's medical institutions for many years, and before that, it cooperated with Taiwan's medical institutions to participate in the investment, construction and operation of Yanfu Memorial Hospital and Mawei Sanjiangkou Hospital, and has the ability to graft Taiwan's high-quality professional medical resources and medical teams. The medical park project plans to join with international specialist medical cooperation institutions dominated by Taiwan's boutique specialist medical team, and Taiwan's medical technology is in a leading position in Asia. Through the establishment of cross-strait cooperative hospitals to graft Taiwan's high-quality medical resources, it has become a bridge and link for mainland residents to enjoy Taiwan's high-quality medical services, and the company's specialist medical projects have a broad market demand in China.

Pingtan Island has the advantage of developing health and medical tourism. In terms of location: Pingtan Island is the nearest area from the mainland to Taiwan, which is conducive to attracting Taiwan's excellent medical personnel to practice in Pingtan; in terms of policy, the "overall Development Plan of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone" points out that we should improve the diversified medical system, encourage private capital and foreign capital to set up medical institutions, and support cross-strait cooperation in the establishment of medical facilities. At the same time, Pingtan Island plans to build an international tourism island in the future, and health and medical tourism will be one of the future features of Pingtan Island.

There are obvious advantages in financial services in the free trade zone. In June 2013, the company invested and participated in the establishment of Pingtan Zhonghui Micro loan Co., Ltd., with a stake of 28% and a capital of 120 million yuan. on the one hand, financial business has become a new performance growth point of the company, on the other hand, under the background of loose financial support policies in the free trade zone and convenient overseas low-cost financing, the company's financial business is expected to develop rapidly, providing a convenient and low-cost financing channel for the company's future project expansion.

Profit forecast and investment rating: at present, the Pingtan government is applying for a free port, and the free port will bring more policy benefits and relaxation. the liberalization of the relevant policies by the free port will bring infinite imagination to the long-term discovery of the whole Pingtan Island; the company is the only listing platform in Pingtan Island, with scarcity. The chairman, with many years of political experience and wide contacts, has signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with the Pingtan Management Committee, and is expected to become a comprehensive developer of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone. The medical park project has obtained a business license, and the health medical tourism strategy has been promoted rapidly. It is optimistic about the company's long-term development space and maintains the "overweight" rating.

Risk hint: the overall development of Pingtan experimental area is not as expected, and the progress of the company's project is not as expected.

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