

Haofeng Technology (300419): Outbound mergers and acquisitions bring new profit growth points

華鑫證券 ·  Feb 3, 2016 00:00  · Researches

A leading provider of marketing informatization solutions. The company is a leading marketing informatization solution provider in China, mainly providing marketing informatization solutions with independent intellectual property rights to industries and fields such as banking, insurance, manufacturing, commercial distribution and services, government and public utilities.

Marketing concepts have changed, and marketing informatization has been widely applied. At present, marketing informatization has evolved into intelligent marketing. Its typical characteristic is that it uses a large amount of information technology to quickly implement customer information and historical transaction records accumulated by enterprises over many years through databases and marketing models, thereby achieving the enterprise goals of drastically reducing costs such as advertising, store rent, time and labor, and increasing revenue and profits with less effort. The company independently develops core technology at the advanced level of the industry, and has many typical customers and successful cases in domestic and foreign markets.

A private offering raised funds to buy Luan Century. Luan Century is committed to providing channel promotion and corresponding technical services to domestic television stations, including multimedia system services, channel viewing services and other services. Currently, it mainly operates for high-end hotels and cable operators at home and abroad. It has successfully carried out channel promotion business in more than 3,000 high-end hotels at home and abroad, obtained a total of tens of thousands of hotel channel resources, and obtained promotion licenses from 28 provincial television stations or channels across the country. After the merger and acquisition, the two sides will further strengthen the sharing of business resources, which will significantly increase the core competitiveness of listed companies.

Profit forecast and valuation: We expect the diluted EPS for 2015-2017 to be 1.43, 2.25, and 2.73 yuan respectively, of which 2016 and 2017 will include Luan Century in the consolidated report. We gave the company a 2016 PE 60-63 times, and the corresponding price was 135-141.75, giving it a careful recommendation rating.

Risk warning: market competition risk, product and technology development risk, risk of loss of core technical personnel, risk of profit decline

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