
楚天高速(600035)季报点评:利润增长27% 持续看好高速、智能制造协同发展

Chutian Expressway (600035) Quarterly report Review: profit growth of 27% continues to be optimistic about the coordinated development of high speed and intelligent manufacturing.

申萬宏源研究 ·  Apr 28, 2017 00:00  · Researches

Main points of investment:

Announcement / News: Chutian Expressway releases the first quarterly report of 2017. As Miki Intelligence consolidated its balance sheet in February, the revenue in the reporting period reached 524 million, an increase of 49.29% over the same period last year, with a gross profit margin of 52.44%, a decrease of about 20 points, an overall gross profit of 275 million, an increase of 5.79% over the same period last year, and a net profit of 173 million, an increase of 26.89% over the same period last year. The basic earnings per share is 0.11 yuan, and the weighted average ROE is 3.56%, an increase of 0.28% over the same period last year. The performance is in line with expectations.

High-speed and stable, Miki combined table income increased significantly. In terms of high-speed operation, the company now has three expressways of Hanyi, Dasui and Huangxian, with a total length of 419.22 km. Hanyi Road, the core asset of which is located in the core area of Hubei Province, has a stable income situation for a long time and contributes more than 85% of the income of the high-speed plate. In terms of intelligent manufacturing, Miki Smart in February, due to the off-season in the industry, we estimate that it will only contribute about 150 million of revenue and 20 million of gross profit. We expect Miki Intelligence to contribute about 1.6 billion in revenue and 130 million in profit for the whole year, further thickening the company's performance.

M & A fees and withdrawal from the fund bring one-off performance impact. The management fee for the current period has increased significantly by 26.38 million, an increase of 291% over the same period last year, and the new management fee includes two pieces: one is the new management fee after the Miki Intelligence statement, which is about 12 million according to the company's past financial situation; the second is the intermediary fee of the Miki merger table, which is about 14 million, which is an one-time expenditure, affecting profits of about 10 million. In addition, in February, the company withdrew from the industrial fund normally due to the expiration of the fund, with an investment income of 42.51 million. After excluding the impact of one-time income and expenses, we estimate that the company's main business net profit is about 141 million, an increase of 3.68% in real terms, which has something to do with the short consolidation time and the off-season.

We are optimistic about the coordinated development of the two main industries. We expect that the dual main industries of Chutian Expressway and intelligent manufacturing will cooperate in two dimensions: first, Miki is in a capital-intensive industry, and the stable cash flow of Chutian Expressway can help Miki expand production and further improve its performance. Second, Chutian Expressway introduces "intelligent transportation" management service with the help of Miki intelligence, which helps to realize intelligent monitoring, intelligent toll collection, intelligent traffic management and so on, so as to improve highway traffic efficiency and service quality. or build a national demonstration high-speed enterprise. At the same time, we believe that in view of Chutian's strong cash flow, there are still expectations of continuous mergers and acquisitions around the Miki industrial chain.

Maintain earnings forecasts and maintain "buy" ratings. We maintain our profit forecast and estimate that the EPS from 2017 to 2019 will be 0.32 yuan, 0.34 yuan and 0.35 yuan respectively, corresponding to the current share price PE of 18 times, 16 times and 16 times respectively. We still believe that the current market underestimates the technical level and market space of Miki Intelligence, and the valuation has not yet reflected the reasonable value of Miki Intelligence and the expectation of sustained in-depth development of the industrial chain in the future. in addition, the premium for the vanguard of state-owned enterprise reform is not very obvious, and the current stock price maintains a "buy" rating.

Risk hint: Miki intelligent performance is not up to expectations; policy impact on highway traffic may decline.

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