

長城證券 ·  Jun 8, 2010 00:00  · Researches

The final element of uncertainty is removed. Today, Hongda Economic Editor announced that important matters relating to the issuance of shares to purchase Shenzhen Weilde's assets have been approved by the Securities Regulatory Commission. The plan for this asset restructuring matter was conditionally approved by the Securities Regulatory Commission on February 25, 2010. The approval from the CSRC removed the final uncertain factor, that is, the uncertainty about the timing of the integration of HTC and Shenzhen Wilde. It is expected that the two companies will successfully complete the integration in the second half of the year, and HTC Economic Editor will enter a period of rapid growth. China's B-Super League industry is in a period of rapid growth. In 2008, the market size of China's Super Color Super and Black and White Super was 1,241 billion yuan and 1,799 billion yuan respectively, with Super Color accounting for about 41% of the B-Super Equipment market. The growth rate of the black and white super industry is expected to be around 18% in the next few years, and the growth rate of the color super industry is around 20%. The industry as a whole is in a period of rapid growth. The driving force behind the industry's growth is the demand for renewal in the field of family planning, the popularization of primary medical and health institutions, and the widespread application of B-ultrasound equipment in animal husbandry and other industries. Shenzhen Weilde is in a period of rapid growth. In 2009 and before, Shenzhen Welder's products were all black and white at lower prices. In 2009, Shenzhen Weilde achieved revenue of 82 million, net profit of 24 million, and a net profit margin of close to 30%, reflecting strong profitability. Beginning in the first quarter of this year, the company began selling Super League. The sales price of a single Super League is around 200,000, and the gross margin is comparable to that of Black and White Super. The Super League will greatly increase the company's profitability, and Wilder's compound net profit growth rate is expected to reach more than 50% over the next three years. Furthermore, we have noticed that Shenzhen Welder will move to a newly built production base in October of this year, and the company will invest about 60 million yuan in the new production base. We judge that there may be a need for refinancing after injecting Shenzhen Weilde's assets into Hongda Economic Editor. In the future, we will stick to the dual main business of warp knitting, textile, and medical equipment. After completing the integration of Shenzhen Weilde, Hongda Jingdian will stick to the development of the textile and medical device industries. In the textile sector, the company will continue to develop high-margin products by adjusting the product structure, further strengthening it, and will no longer seek scale expansion; in the medical device field, it will use Shenzhen Weilde as a platform to further expand and strengthen. It is expected that in the future, the company will achieve rapid growth driven by the dual main industries of warp knitting, textile, and medical devices. Currently, the stock price is marginal at a safe margin. After the additional issuance is completed, the total share capital of Hongda Economic Editor will be 150 million shares. We expect Hongda's main textile business to contribute 0.18 yuan, 0.21 yuan, and 0.24 yuan in EPS from 2010 to 2012, respectively; Shenzhen Wilde's contribution EPS from 2010 to 2012 was 0.30 yuan, 0.46 yuan, and 0.64 yuan respectively; the company's 10.33 million shares in Haining Picheng have an equivalent value of about 2.5 yuan per share. We reaffirm our “highly recommended” investment rating for Hongda Economic Editor. Risk warning. Shenzhen Welder's new product promotion fell short of expectations.

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