

華泰聯合證券 ·  Jun 19, 2010 00:00  · Researches

We conducted field research on Huashen Group last week. The additional distribution plan just announced by the company was the focus we wanted to know during this trip, and we also communicated with the company about the latest developments in the monoclonal antibody drug lycatine. The curative effect is fundamental, and lycatine is poised to develop. As the only monoclonal antibody drug currently used exclusively for liver cancer treatment in the world, lycatine has been on the market for three years, and the treatment terminal has a certain scale. However, liver cancer patients in China have a new increase of more than 300,000 per year. Production capacity and market are not an issue. The key to determining the amount of lycatine released is its efficacy. The release of the phase 4 clinical trial report will be an extremely important time!? Not satisfied with the current situation, continue to work hard to break through the bottleneck. The company believes that the way in which licatin was used in the past was indeed one of the factors limiting the uptake of lycatine. The study on the clinical efficacy of the small dose of ricatin proposed by the company shows that the company is not satisfied with the current situation, and that it is ambitious to break through the bottleneck of lycatine use and quickly occupy the liver cancer treatment market. Good products are the foundation, the blue ocean strategy of the biological industry. The biotech company's two reserve products, Avril and oxidized low-density lipoprotein quantitative assay kits, are national class 1 new drugs and national in vitro diagnostic reagents, respectively. It is expected that production will begin next year if the increase is smooth, providing a new strong impetus for the rapid development of the biological industry. Guided by enterprising spirit, the Chinese medicine industry continues to improve. The growth trend of 37 Tongshu products is good, and the market response has exceeded the company's expectations. It is hoped that this year it will become a variety with sales exceeding 100 million yen. Koyuanshu continues to grow. The new product Wulong granules treat allergic rhinitis, extending the market advantage in the field of rhinitis treatment. Chipu granules treat endometriosis, and its positioning is quite unique. Veterinary income is unstable, and steel structures may be divested in the future. The main product for veterinary use, the “anti-counterfeiting” vaccine, is still actively seeking entry into the national animal disease compulsory immunization program, and the income situation is unstable. The company does not rule out the possibility of divesting the steel structure business from the listed company in the future and concentrating on developing the pharmaceutical industry, but it must be on the basis that the pharmaceutical industry has developed on a certain scale. Kill two birds with one stone. The new GMP meets the relocation of the new factory area. The implementation of the new GMP standards coincided with the company's planned expansion of production and relocation to the new plant. The company did not require additional investment and could be implemented in one step. The quality of the company's products is excellent, and development is determined to be positive. Currently, the conservative judgment of 1,200 licatin sticks this year is maintained, the valuation of 12.99 yuan per share is maintained, and the “buy” rating has been reiterated.

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