
Stocks of the Hour: Metal Hawk, Ragnar Metals, ECS Botanics

Stocks of the Hour: Metal Hawk, Ragnar Metals, ECS Botanics

當下股票:Metal Hawk、Ragnar Metals、ECS Botanics
sharecafe ·  2023/06/26 09:30

Metal Hawk (ASX:MHK) has discovered thick, high-grade rare earths at the Fraser South project in WA. Managing Director Will Belbin commented: "With our very large tenement holding positioned directly over these fertile granites, there is ample opportunity to expand and discover new additional broad zones of mineralisation." Shares are trading 113 per cent higher at 19 cents.


Ragnar Metals (ASX:RAG) has released several announcements this morning. The company has acquired two rare earth and two lithium projects, and has sold its wholly owned subsidiary Ragnar Metals Sweden to BHP Metals for $9.8m. Shares are trading 35 per cent higher at 3 cents.

Ragnar Metals(澳大利亞證券交易所代碼:RAG)今天上午發佈了幾項公告。該公司收購了兩個稀土專案和兩個鋰專案,並以980萬美元將其全資子公司瑞典Ragnar Metals出售給必和必拓。該公司股價上漲35%,至3美分。

ECS Botanics (ASX:ECS) has secured two binding offtake agreements worth at least $11.9m to supply medicinal cannabis dried flower. ECS Managing Director, Nan-Maree Schoerie commented, "We view respected companies such as Entoura and Precision, who focus on improving patient access through affordable quality products and education, as ideal partners in supporting the growth of the medicinal cannabis industry in Australia." Shares are trading 25 per cent higher at 3 cents.

ECS Botanics(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:ECS)已獲得兩份具有約束力的承購協定,價值至少1190萬美元,以供應藥用大麻乾花。董事公司總經理南-梅裡·舍雷裡表示:“我們認為,像Enoura和Precision這樣備受尊敬的公司,致力於通過負擔得起的優質產品和教育改善患者獲得治療的機會,是支持澳大利亞醫用大麻產業發展的理想合作夥伴。”該公司股價上漲25%,至3美分。


